Darwin Day in Irkutsk, the Molchanov-Sibirsky Library
Molchanov-Sibirsky public library Lermontov 253, IRKUTSK, Russian Federationpopular lectures by D.Sherbakov (LIN,ISU), Y.Konstabtinov (IPBP,ISU) & I Knizhin (ISU)
popular lectures by D.Sherbakov (LIN,ISU), Y.Konstabtinov (IPBP,ISU) & I Knizhin (ISU)
To honour Darwin, The Norwegian Humanist Society will be hosting a seminar on Critical thought. There will be served a free breakfast, and we hope for a rewarding debate on the subject of religion and critical though.
Party and Celebration of Rational Thought and the most Powerful Scientific Idea in Biology
General discussion and good coffee. The Black Drop Coffeehouse is not sponsoring this event.
An exhibition of crafts by primary to university school students from Porto.
Gli studenti di 4^ e 5^ Primaria dell' Istituto Comprensivo di Ivrea 2 realizzano dei lavori dedicati alle scoperte e alla conoscenza del mondo scientifico. I materiali saranno pubblicati sul sito della scuola.
Charles Darwin nasceu a 12 de Fevereiro de 1809, uma data que é assinalada mundialmente através de várias atividades sobre a sua vida e obra maior - a teoria da evolução por seleção natural. Um dos momentos decisivos da sua vida foi a viagem a bordo do navio Beagle e a estadia nas ilhas Galápagos, … Continued
The SSA @ UCI student organization is celebrating Darwin Day with cake and t-shirts and lots of other fun stuff! Come and check out our table on UCI's campus.
Hosted by the J.F. Crow Institute for the Study of Evolution at the University of Wisconsin - Madison.
The University of Texas at Tyler and Tyler Junior College are pleased to announce the 2015 Darwin Day celebration for Tyler, Texas. Events will be held on February 7th, 12, and 13th 2015. Similar events are held worldwide on or near the birthday of evolutionary biologist Charles Darwin, and seek to recognize the benefits of … Continued
Events Include PnV Club presents a. Wildlife Photography Exhibition b. Paintings of a lifetime ( Prof. T. R. Rao’s works ) 2) Arts Club presents Doodle and cartoon 3) Pictionary Challenge 4) IMQC presents The Voyage of the Beagle (Quiz) 5) Public Lecture 6) Student Talks 7) Essay Writing 8) Documentary Screening 9) Great Backyard … Continued
Open science and history lectures: World leading experts and researchers will tell you about Gregor Mendel, new thoughts on Mendel vs. Darwin, the secret of life - and more.
This year's Darwin Day celebration features three main events: a keynote address, evolutionary themed video screenings, and a teacher development workshop. The keynote speaker for this year's Darwin Day is Dr. Massimo Pigliucci, K.D. Irani Professor of Philosophy at the City College of New York. In addition to his distinguished research career in evolutionary biology, … Continued
A group discussion on the impact and challenges of Darwinism on the social values and ideologies. Graduate students and faculty participate in the discussion.
Here at Pitt we are setting up a table and interactive display at a main thoroughfare on campus. A stand-up display of a cartoon ape with the face cut out will be available for people to take photos with. We're hoping to add some whimsy to the day and get some social media PR for … Continued
In occasione dell'anniversario della morte del grande scienziato Charles Darwin anche la Riserva Naturale Regionale Oasi WWF "Calanchi di Atri" lo celebra attraverso attività scientifiche dedicate a grandi e piccini. Si inizia la mattina del 12 febbraio alle ore 11.00, con l'istallazione dei nidi per cince presso il giardino della Villa Comunale con le scuole … Continued
In occasione dell'anniversario della morte del grande scienziato Charles Darwin anche la Riserva Naturale Regionale Oasi WWF "Calanchi di Atri" lo celebra attraverso attività scientifiche dedicate a grandi e piccini. Si inizia la mattina del 12 febbraio alle ore 11.00, con l'istallazione dei nidi per cince presso il giardino della Villa Comunale con le scuole … Continued
Estudiantes realizaran demostraciones sobre el trabajo y vida de Charles Darwin.
Celebrating the International Darwin Day, Biology students and the Botanical Garden’ s staff of the Central University of Las Villas will present a video about the evolution process and some of the Darwin’ s books simultaneously. Around the midday, actions will occur in the Central Library, in the specialized classroom of the Botanical Garden, in … Continued
Hands-on activity about natural selection and how it impacts species conservation.
Endless Tales Most Beautiful - A Crash Course in Science Storytelling, a free lunchtime public lecture presented by author, blogger and amateur paleontologist Brian Switek. Come for the talk, stay for the refreshments afterwards!
Lecture by Iñaki Ruiz-Trillo (ICREA, Institut de Biologia Evolutiva, CSIC-UPF, Barcelona)
Join scientists, students, teachers, and science enthusiasts at the Arizona State Capitol for Darwin's Birthday! We'll gather outside the Arizona House of Representatives between 12:45pm-1:15, then join the gallery of the legislature for the opening of the day's session at 1:30pm. Members of the Arizona House of Representatives will recognize Charles Darwin's birthday, and introduce Darwin Day … Continued
A seminar focused on sexual selection, by CIBIO-INBIO researcher Nuno Monteiro.
A arquitetura é uma atividade humana milenar, construída com base em conceitos que se mantêm inalterados por décadas ou mesmo séculos. No entanto, os investigadores contemporâneos deste campo do saber têm encontrado em Darwin inspirações inéditas. A programação das formas permite a criação de um código mutável com o qual se podem gerar uma infinidade … Continued
Third Annual Darwin Day Celebration In honor of Charles Darwin’s birthday, the Department of Biology at UAB will be hosting its 3rd annual Darwin Day. This event aims to celebrate scientific research with an emphasis on (but not limited to) evolutionary biology. Darwin Day will be held on Thursday & Friday, February 12 & 13. … Continued
One day international symposium
This celebration will include a presentation about Charles Darwin and Galapagos tortoises. The presentation will be followed by a birthday party including cake and party games with Darwin & Galapagos themes
In celebration of Darwin's contributions, our multi-disciplinary group has hosted outside speakers and workshops to increase understand and awareness of the theory of evolution. This year, we are happy to host Dr. Evelyn Fox Keller who will present a seminar on "From Gene Action to Reactive Genomes: Implications for Evolution" on 2/12 at 3:30 in … Continued
Relaxed conservations with CIBIO-InBIO researchers, in which one can get to know more about the work of those who strive to understand evolution.
Members are participating as judges in the local school district science fair followed by celebrating Darwin Day with a potluck. Darwin Day Service Event — February 12, 2015 Humanists of North Central Florida are volunteering to judge student projects in the Big Springs Regional Science Fair National Guard Armory in Ocala. Project areas include natural and social sciences, medicine and … Continued
It's time to give of yourself! Donate blood, and then replenish yourself by going out to dinner with fellow donors and freethinkers. Schedule your appointment at the Carriage Place Donor Center anytime from 4:00pm - 6:00pm. We move from the donor center to our dinner location about 6:45pm. If you cannot donate, come and cheer … Continued
Darwin day celebration at The American college, Maudrai, Tamilnadu
Bake and decorate a cake in an evolution or ecology theme to celebrate Charles Darwin’s birthday, and impress scientists from the past and present. FREE and open to all competitors and spectators. Prizes and bragging rights will be awarded. Bring a plate and fork. See our Flickr page for inspirations from past contests. This year … Continued
The Delaware Atheist Meetup has graciously been presented with a proclamation from the Governor of Delaware, the Honorable Jack Markell, which proclaims February 12th, 2015, to be "Charles Darwin Day" in the State of Delaware for all of his achievements in the field of science. All are invited to join us at the Courtyard Marriott … Continued
Why do we create and appreciate art? What are the ultimate evolutionary roots of aesthetics and creativity in humans? On Darwin's 206th Birthday, come join us at SUNY New Paltz to better understand the nature of the artistic primate. FEATURING a keynote address by: Author of "Feeling Beauty," Gabrielle Starr (Dean of Arts and Sciences … Continued
Green Bay Wisconsin Darwin Day Dinner
Dr. Jim Baichtal, lead geologist for the Tongass National Forest in Alaska, has conducted a variety of biological field research from ancient invertebrate assemblages in karst forests to large-scale landscape shaping by glaciation. An engaging and educational speaker, Dr. Baichtal will be taking us through the evolution of coastlines as we know them and how … Continued
The Museum of Natural and Cultural History presents the first in the 2014 series of Darwin Conversations. Salmon have been in Oregon longer than people have, but today salmon populations are threatened by human activity. Join the conversation. How will climate change affect wild salmon populations, and what can you do to help these iconic … Continued
Teatroinscatola proporrà il 12 febbraio 2015 una "24 h Darwin" che si articolerà tra letture per ragazzi, proiezioni di video e documentari ad ingresso gratuito Per ragazzi, ma non solo, alle ore 17.30 segnaliamo "Sulla rotta di Darwin" di Fulco Pratesi Gallucci Editore letto da Anna Paola Vellaccio con la proiezione dei disegni dai taccuini … Continued
A discussion evening about the opportunities and challenges, associated with modern DNA research.
We will hold a small celebration of and discussion about the two great men born on the same day. The idea is just to talk about the accomplishments of both. (Also, it would be good to bring together people in this small town who may not know others who are interested in such things. … Continued
För att förstå hur evolutionen fungerar, men också för att kunna argumentera tryggt runt den snabbt framväxande DNA-tekniken, krävs grundläggande kunskaper om hur DNA fungerar. Carina Ulvklo har doktorsexamen i molekylär genetik och brinner för att förklara intressanta saker som kan verka krångliga. Med hjälp av bilder och liknelser skapar hon aha-upplevelser som ger lyssnarna … Continued
Military Atheists & Secular Humanists of Fort Campbell will be hosting a Darwin Day celebration at the Fort Campbell Family Resource Center, 1501 William C. Lee Rd. Our guest speaker will be anthropologist Michael Kohut. If you are not a military member or DoD ID card holder, you will need to request a pass at … Continued
Members of Military Atheists & Secular Humanists (MASH) Ft. Bragg are getting together for a Secular Supper at On the Border Mexican Grill & Cantina, 115 Glensford Dr, Fayetteville, NC at 6 pm Feb 12th. Join us and celebrate Darwin!
You’re invited! Join us for a face-to-face lively discussion about intriguing topics with an actual scientist! Ask questions, share opinions, and express ideas with other science lover’s in this relaxed and friendly social environment. No science background is necessary, just bring an open mind! Have a slice of cake and play games such as “pin … Continued
Reception for Congressional Staffers
Presentation of book “Homo Sapiens. An Unauthorized Biography" By Claudio Tuniz and Patrizia Tiberi Vipraio
Two presentations by WVU Professors Richard Smosna (Geology) and Andy Pintus (Philosophy) as attendees dine on their own food , drink by Atomic Grill at 123 Pleasant St.
Please join us on Darwin Day on February 12th for our 2nd anniversary celebration highlighting our years accomplishments, and, vision for the future.
Potluck Dinner. Bring a dish to share...and any symbol of evolution or creationism (costume, drawing, photo, sculpture, bumper sticker, etc.), the more creative the better! We will have a contest to settle the "controversy." If you will be on the island please join us.
Come join us for a social evening to celebrate Charles Darwin’s birthday. There will be a fun Multiple Choice Quiz on Evolution. Prizes will be announced at 9:00 pm. The event is FREE!
Gli appuntamenti proposti dalla Fondazione MCR in collaborazione con il CIMeC (Center for Mind/Brain Sciences dell'Università di Trento) per festeggiare il giorno della nascita di Charles Darwin: - Giovedì 12 febbraio ore 18.00 Giorgio Vallortigara e Nicla Panciera presentano il loro libro 'Cervelli che contano' (ed. Adelphi), sulla storia evolutiva del senso del numero e … Continued
ESF will highlight research in evolutionary biology to celebrate the legacy of biological evolution’s co-discoverers: Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Darwin. Students taking Evolution (EFB 311) have created mini-posters highlighting some of the most compelling research in evolutionary biology from 2014 and 2015. The posters will be on display in Moon Library on the ESF … Continued
Celebrate Darwin Day with the Baltimore Coalition of Reason When: Thursday, February 12, 7:30 pm (potluck dinner at 6:30 pm) Where: Baltimore Ethical Society, 306 W. Franklin St. This event is free and open to the public. Join us for a lecture by Prof. Jason Rosenhouse titled “Among the Creationists.” Rosenhouse will speak about some … Continued
Celebra el Dia Internacional de Darwin! Celebra la valentia intel·lectual, la curiositat permanent i el compromís amb la veritat! Quin paper té el procés d’evolució en l’obesitat i en la diabetis tipus 2? I el foc en la nutrició? Convé seguir la Paleodieta? Aquestes i altres qüestions el proper dijous 12 de febrer a les … Continued
Café Scientifique Bologna celebra il Darwin Day 2015 con il professor Donato Grasso (Università di Parma), con il quale scopriremo l'evoluzione attraverso le lenti dell'ecologia e dell'etologia! L’infinita varietà del vivente è il frutto dell’evoluzione della vita sulla Terra, una storia lunga 3.5 miliardi di anni, un tempo sufficientemente lungo per produrre un’enorme biodiversità, la … Continued
Saskatoon’s Darwin Day Celebration is two weeks away. See the details below or for up to date information see the meetup site. Thursday, February 12, 2015 6:30 PM to 8:45 PM Rusty Macdonald Branch Library – Auditorium 225 Primrose Drive, Saskatoon, SK February 12th is the birthday of Charles Darwin, and “Darwin Day” is a … Continued
Please join us on Darwin Day on February 12th for our 2nd anniversary celebration highlighting our years accomplishments, and, vision for the future. Doors open at 6:30pm, talk begins at 7pm, and there will be Q&A during and after the the talk. We will also have an expert led discussion by Lou Taylor, Ph.D., Vertebrate … Continued
Charles Darwin's Birthday and a Book Exchange. We're meeting two weeks earlier than usual in order to celebrate the birthday of the man who changed our perception of life and how we got here. Come and spend the evening eating Mexican and discussing Darwin. We've persuaded our own Jan Floyd to present some material to … Continued
In commemoration of Charles Darwin's birthday and his contributions to science, celebrated by the Central Colorado Humanists (CCH) at this time each year, CCH will present a 50-minute video entitled “Ghost in your Genes” at 6:30 PM on Thursday, February 12 at the Salida Community Center, followed by discussion and light refreshments...including birthday cake and … Continued
Humanists of Utah will host our Eighth Annual Darwin Day on Thursday, February 12. Paul Ricketts from the University of Utah Physics and Astronomy Department will be our featured speaker. His topic will be The Lives of Stars. The event will start an hour earlier than usual at 6:30 with a reception. The lecture will … Continued
Join the Humanists & Freethinkers of New Bern for a social event with finger food at a private home. In honor of Charles Darwin, Paul Bogardus and Ellen Sutliff invite you to enjoy some social time with fellow humanists. We’ll have hors d’oeuvres and finger food enough for a meal and, of course, some cake … Continued
7 pm Thursday 12th February 2015 Thomas Davis Lecture Theatre, Arts Building, Trinity College, Dublin. All are welcome to attend this free public lecture.
Darwin twierdził, że w zmieniającym się środowisku przetrwają najlepiej przystosowani do zmian. Przykłady działania ewolucji wskazują, że zachowania etyczne, w szczególnym przypadku altruistyczne, nie muszą być koniecznym warunkiem zachowania gatunku. Natomiast jednym z fundamentów kultury ludzkiej jest etyka, gdzie za początek namysłu etycznego należałoby przyjąć filozofię sokratejską. Klasyfikacja czynów etycznych zmienia się według niektórych, według … Continued
Thomas Adams will lecture on "Paleontology in Texas: What we can learn about crocodile evolution and biodiversity" on Thursday, February 12 at 7:30pm in the Innovation Cube (Center for the Sciences and Innovation, Room 282). Refreshments, including, of course, birthday cake, will be served. There will also be a display from February 9-13 in Coates … Continued
Steve Jones is a professor of genetics, science writer and broadcaster, and a Distinguished Supporter of the British Humanist Association. He gave the first BHA Holyoake Lecture in Manchester in 2009. The evening will commence with a performance by the Greater Manchester Humanist Choir. Steve will speak for about an hour and this will be … Continued
Come raise a glass and honor one of humankind's greatest insights... or, simply, enjoy a beer with some friendly people and share tales of your favorite "Darwin Award" recipients and their efforts to improve our species.
Join us as we celebrate Charles Darwin's birthday at a restaurant in Hamden! Please visit www.meetup.com/cthumanist for details and to RSVP.
A discussion and question/answer session regarding evolution, to celebrate Darwin's great contributions to science.
Join us for a birthday bash for Charles Darwin, the father of the Theory of Evolution. Bring your favorite story/ quote about Darwin to share. The bash is in the Bobcat Room of Eli's On Whitney. There is plenty of free parking across the street in front of the restaurant (driveway entrance on School Street), … Continued
The British Humanist Association presents the Darwin Day Lecture 2015, chaired by Richard Dawkins. This year's speaker will be Dr Eugenie Scott, whose talk is entitled 'What would Darwin say to today's creationists?' any elements of the modern American creationist movement would be familiar to Darwin, especially the argument from design, which of course was … Continued
The LSSU Secular Student Alliance will be hosting a birthday party for Charles Darwin in the Superior room of the Cisler Center, complete with cake, cupcakes, punch, and other treats. While the refreshments are being served, history professor James Moody will give a presentation on Darwin and his contributions to science.
For the third year now, we will be going to Veggie Perrins for our Darwin day meal. I will need numbers to book so please only ‘join’ if you are certain you can come, if you do need to put ‘maybe’ please confirm as soon as you can. On Thursdays, Veggie Perrins put on a … Continued
New perspectives on the Neanderthals by Dr. Bence Viola of the Max-Planck-Institute Published in 1859, Darwin's "Origin of Species" started the largest paradigm change in the history of biology. Darwin understood the importance of his theory for the origin of humanity, closing one of the last paragraphs of his book with the sentence "Light will … Continued
Discover the organisms that co-evolved with the human body that benefit as well as parasitise us!
In honor of Darwin Day, the Critical Thinkers, Humanists, and Unbelievers at Lawrence University (CTHULU) will be presenting Dan Barker, co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, who will be discussing meaning and morality in the context of evolution. "Meaning and morality can only be fully explained in terms of evolution. A purpose-filled life comes … Continued
Join us on Darwin's birthday, Feb. 12, for a screening of "Inherit the Wind," Stanley Kramer's classic film about the notorious 1925 Scope's trial, and discussion following with @Veronica Drantz. Based on a true story, the film dramatized the trial of a Tennessee teacher accused of teaching evolution who was defended by Clarence Darrow, with … Continued
Join us on Darwin's birthday, Feb. 12, for a screening of "Inherit the Wind," Stanley Kramer's classic film about the notorious 1925 Scope's trial, and discussion following with @Veronica Drantz. Based on a true story, the film dramatized the trial of a Tennessee teacher accused of teaching evolution who was defended by Clarence Darrow, with … Continued
Join End of the Line Humanists for our 2nd annual Darwin Day celebration on Darwin’s birthday, Thursday, Feb. 12th, 7 p.m. at Barclay’s American Grill, 1120 Pleasant St. in Oak Park, IL (in the Barclay Room). Loads of wonderful evolution-themed activities: presentation by James Walter: “Humans: The Cooking Species”; games with prizes: Creationist Bingo, Hominid Hijinks … Continued
Join us for the International Darwin Day celebration! We'll be having dinner, followed by drinks and the usual freethinker grab bag of conversations afterwards. Throughout the night we'll also be asking trivia question with some very cool Darwin inspired prizes up for grabs, for those in the know. So come help us bring attention to … Continued
Join fans of science and reason for a fun time of visiting, coffee, beer, and reflections on Charles Darwin. Sing a song or recite a poem!
Humanisterna Umeå uppmärksammar Darwindagen genom att samlas på Pub Rött och där fira vetenskapens stora landvinningar i allmänhet och evolutionsteorin i synnerhet. Dagen till ära blir det ett darwinistiskt ”Evolutions- och kreationist-quiz” med lyxigt bokpris.
Science writer and amateur paleontologist Brian Switek will give the keynote lecture for this year's Darwin Week celebration. Mr. Switek has written for publications such as National Geographic, Wired, The Guardian, and i09. He also has a popular science blog on National Geographic’s blog network and two best selling books. His most recent book, My … Continued
"Darwin 's fossils : Evolutionary Tales from Deep Time" Public lecture presented by Brian Switek Auditorium, Lesar Law Building, 1365 Douglas Dr, Carbondale, Illinois 62901 Science writer and amateur paleontologist Brian Switek will give the keynote lecture for this year's Darwin Week celebration. Mr. Switek has written for publications such as National Geographic, Wired, The … Continued
$20 -- or pay what you can. Seats can be reserved (within reason) at event website (meetup): HGP is proud to host... ROY ZIMMERMAN: THE FAUCET’S ON FIRE! What can one person do about climate change, torture, racism, gun violence, fracking, Congressional ineptitude, ignorance, war and greed? Write funny songs, says Roy Zimmerman. “The Faucet’s … Continued
Darwin's Fossils: Evolutionary Tales from Deep Time, presented by Brian Switek, author of "My Beloved Brontosaurus" and "Written In Stone". Reception and book signing to follow!
Every year we host a special session at the Planetarium of Pamplona devoted to evolution and science on the International Darwin Day. On Feb 12th, we will have a projection of the documentary "Nanocam: a trip to biodiversity" and a speech by biologist Dr. Carlos Chordá: "Life and variety".
Celebrate with beverages, biology, and cake at this appropriately-named pub. Our program in the enclosed patio will include short guest talks separated by Q&A and audience quiz. Brush up on your evolution & Darwin facts! The speaker schedule includes nationally prominent evolutionary biologist Prof. Dan Graur.
A new Humanist group will be formed in Westport, Co. Mayo, Ireland to coincide with Darwin Day 2015
Presented by Visible Friends and Skeptics In The Pub Hosted by Steve Gerben • Drink specials from Yards Giveaways • Videos • Raffles • Games • No cover • 21+ For more info: VisibleFriends.net 22 s. 3rd St • NationalMechanics.com
The work of a bunch of astrophysicists from the Sahara desert to an atoll in the Pacific Ocean and the mountains in Slovakia, to test a new telescope that will fly on space probes by ESA to study the Sun’s light. An event for the Darwin Day 2015.
Cake, movies, and television episodes hosted by the Secular Student Alliance of the University of New Mexico
This event will be in portuguese, entitled "Combatendo a anti-Ciência com Educação
This event will be in portuguese, entitled "Combatendo a anti-Ciência com Educação. Lançamento oficial do evosite em português e apresentação de vídeos premiados do Dr Paulo Miranda Nascimento (Pirula) seguido de debate com o autor.
Fighting anti-Science with Education. Launch of the UC at Berkeley Evosite in Portuguese. Presentation of Pirulla's award winning movies followed by debate with the author.
Alexndria Freethinkers' celebration of International Darwin Day. Dr. Charles Stumpf, an associate professor of biology at LSUA, will give a PowerPoint presentation on evolution followed by a short Q&A. We will also watch the PBS documentary 'Your Inner Fish,' have dinosaur building for the kids, as well as free food and drink.
Join us for Happy Heathen Hour for eats, drinks, banter - and a BIRTHDAY PARTY for CHARLES DARWIN! Come celebrate the life of the author of The Origin of Species! Relax, chat, laugh, feel at home with other freethinkers. The more the merrier! Happy Heathen Hour is sponsored by the Triangle Freethought Society, and we … Continued
February 12 is Darwin Day - an international celebration of science, intellectual curiosity, and the courage to speak the truth. These are values that align perfectly with our mission at YogaQuest, a geek yoga studio in Minneapolis. We are observing this day with a special multimedia presentation of yoga, science and music. If you've attended … Continued
Spend Valentine’s Day learning about Charles Darwin and what his theories of natural selection have done for the world of science, research and education. Meet some of the scientists who are continuing his work, and learn how Darwin's theories are being applied in cutting-edge research. In addition to hands-on science-education stations, there will be crafts … Continued
You can't spell FestEVOLVE without love! This year, celebrate evolution at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum on Valentine's day. Meet researchers that study hybrid zones, scientists interested in evolution, participate in hands-on activities like DNA extractions, create biodiversity Valentine's Day cards, and more! Drop in between 11am-3pm to learn about natural selection, mating systems, DNA, the … Continued
We Select You Naturally! Join us on Valentine's Day to celebrate the life and work of Charles Darwin. Come celebrate with us! Join us for • Evolution Raffle • Phylum Feud • Taste of Camp Quest • Joseph Lorenzo keynote talk • A reading of the children's book Grandmother Fish • Snacks and cake (we … Continued
We celebrate Charles Darwin's birthday with lectures by profs. Ketil Eiane and Jarle Tryti Nordeide at "Stormen"
February 12th is International Darwin Day. This year it will also be Charles Darwin’s 206th birthday. On This month we will be joining with the International Darwin Day organization in celebrating Darwin and his history changing accomplishments.
Involving 50 Lewiston Middle Schoolers and 15 Bates College undergraduates, our Darwin Day seeks to celebrate evolution through hands-on activities. Our event will encompass seven activities, ranging from bioillustrations to stories about a recent course held in the Galapagos.
NYU School of Dentistry Professor Timothy Bromage, Ph.D., demonstrates how the evolution of teeth plays an important role in shaping human life. The adaptation shared by all light-sensitive organisms is the to and fro of their biology in phase with daily astronomical rhythms (e..g., oscillations of metabolism, physiology, behavior), manifesting as circadian rhythms. Dental hard … Continued
No Dia dos Namorados, vem aprender porque alguns indivíduos têm uma aparência tão vistosa. Será para conseguir “namorar”? E porque o Carnaval está quase a chegar, no final levas para casa uma pequena surpresa! Esta atividade está inserida na iniciativa 'Um dia sobre a evolução'. 5 aos 7 anos
Watch Inherit The Wind. Starring Oscar winners Spencer Tracy and Fredric March, and Oscar nominated Gene Kelly. A gripping classic based on a real-life case in 1925, two great lawyers argue the case for and against a science teacher accused of the crime of teaching evolution. Q&A at the end of the movie.
Darwin Day 2015 At the MicroMegaMondo of the Esapolis Museum Un evento speciale ed imperdibile per famiglie ed appassionati Domenica 15 Febbraio ad ESAPOLIS In via dei Colli 28 a Padova Museo ESAPOLIS della Provincia di Padova Padova, Via dei Colli 28 Il 15 Febbraio, partecipando al Darwin Day 2015, celebrato in tutto il mondo … Continued
Organised by the Humanist Society (Singapore) We will be spending Darwin Day 2015 at the Singapore Botanical Gardens! The Gardens, currently an applicant for UNESCO World Heritage Site status, is a world of greenery and elegance. ACTIVITIES The Society will be conducting a family-friendly competition, called the "Darwin Photo Challenge", near the Eco-Lake, about 5 … Continued
Humanist Families of Greater Tampa is hosting this family friendly event. Come join us to celebrate Darwin’s Birthday at Dinosaur World. Bring a picnic and come prepared to dance in the Blue Footed Booby Dance competition. This is a fun park and has made many upgrades since our last visit. We will have picnic tables … Continued
As part of the world-wide celebration of Evolution Weekend and the birthday of Charles Darwin, anthropologist Mike Kohut will speak at the Sunday service at Greater Nashville Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 374 Hicks Road (Bellevue) in Nashville on February 15. The service is at 11, discussion at 9:45, lunch at 12:15. Mike Kohut is a doctoral … Continued
The Humanist Community in Silicon Valley invites you to join us for our Sunday Forum. We are thrilled to have International Darwin Day's own Evan Clark join us to talk about the future of Darwin Day. Join us for a lively discussion! Lunch to follow.
Darwin Day lecture by biologist, author and blogger PZ Myers on "Bad Biology: How Adaptationist Thinking Corrupts Science." Followed by a Darwin Day birthday cake celebration.
Reno Darwin Day will feature presentations and exhibits by local educators, researchers, students and science enthusiasts on a wide range of subjects including the life and works of Charles Darwin; biological evolution; the contributions and benefits of scientific discovery to humanity; science education; psychology and current affairs related to science and technology. Come join us … Continued
A potluck dinner, trivia, games, and lots of fun with science and inquiry in celebration of the birth of Charles Darwin 206 years ago.
A discussion on meaning in light of evolution & naturalism, drawing on the thoughts of past and present UU Humanists. All are welcome.
Sunday Assembly Bloomington will be celebrating Darwin's discoveries at our February assembly!
The Ethical Humanist Society of the Triangle will celebrate Darwin Day with a talk by Nichelle Reed, a PhD student at Duke University in evolutionary anthropology. She will talk about what evolutionary anthropology is, and how Darwin’s theories influence that field.
Please join us for this Annual Meeting of the ASF Voting Members. To be a voting member you must have paid your 2015 annual dues of $20. For those who have not yet paid, you can pay at the door. We'll have interesting news on upcoming plans, committee reports, and the election of the 2015 … Continued
OMAHA will be hosting a special showing of the NOVA program "Darwin's Darkest Hour" in celebration of Darwin Day. This the two-hour drama was produced for the 200th anniversary of Darwin's birth and the 150th anniversary of his seminal work On the Origin of the Species. In 1858 Charles Darwin received a letter from naturalist … Continued
Darwin Day is one of our very own secular community holidays. We'll get together to party and celebrate this important recognition of Science and Reason on Sunday afternoon, the 15th! At 3:15 pm, just after the Hub Talk by Dharmesh Shah co-sponsored by GBH and HCH (see bostonhumanists.org), we'll enjoy food, drinks, special party games, … Continued
Darwin Day Lecture by biologist, author and blogger PZ Myers on "Bad Biology: How Adaptationist Thinking Corrupts Science."
The Atlanta Science Tavern is pleased to host their Third Annual Darwin Day Dinner, Sunday, February 15 at Ashiana Indian Restaurant in the Global Mall in Norcross. This year's theme continues the Darwin Day Dinner tradition of "evolutionary biology, then and now," offering a look at evolutionary biology both from a historical perspective and from … Continued
Burundi Humanist Charity is happy to celebrate for the first time "DARWIN DAY" 2015 The location where the event will be hold is in Kanyosha, and the organizer is "Blaise Ntakarutimana" the President and Legal Representative of this secular and humanist association. As an emerging group, it will be an opportunity to talk about the … Continued
Lecture & Birthday Celebration: Topic: “The Evolution of Goodness” February 16th. 6-7:30 pm, Moffet Elementary School Cafeteria 11050 Larch Avenue, Lennox, CA 90304 (Just N of 105, Between Hawthorne & Prairie) Free Parking Traducción al español RSVP: Information & reservations: Science Dep’t: marklewisfriedman@gmail.com or call 310.216.3277 Professor & Distinguished University Scholar in the Department of … Continued
A Darwin Day talk for Glasgow Skeptics. Many elements of the modern American creationist movement would be familiar to Darwin, especially the argument from design, which of course was very well known (and well-regarded) by educated people of his time. Young-Earth creationism, on the other hand, would be puzzling to him; Bishop Ussher’s 4004 BC … Continued
Planetarium program dedicated to International Darwin Day
The Museum of Natural and Cultural History presents the second in the 2014 series of Darwin Conversations. Mustangs have few natural predators, and they are protected under federal law. Today, thousands of wild horses are kept in holding facilities across the West. Join the conversation. How should Oregon’s wild mustangs be managed? Panelists Rob Sharp … Continued
Biology and Evolution Displays 10 to 3 PM in Science Building atrium. Guest Speaker: Dr. David Carrier, U of Utah, "The Anatomical Basis of Aggression in Homins" at noon in SB 134. Darwin birthday cake at 2PM in SB atrium.
It's the second edition of International Darwin Day at the University of Warsaw. This year we also invite all people interested in natural sciences, evolution or Darwin. The scientists from the Faculty of Biology have prepared six lectures on the origin of species. This year we'll be having evolutionary workshop for kindergarten and primary school … Continued
Quest’anno anche la Stazione di Monitoraggio della Fauna promuove una giornata all’insegna dell’evoluzione e degli adattamenti animali e vegetali della biodiversità che popola i Variconi. Questa spettacolare Zona Umida è l’ultima della Campania, pertanto è protetta da numerosi vincoli Regionali, Statali ed Europei. SIC, ZPS e Ramsar, quest’area è fondamentale per la vita di numerosissime … Continued
"Understanding Warfare: An Evolutionary Approach," Michael L. Wilson, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology and Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of Minnesota. Join us at our February chapter meeting to recognize and honor the legacy of Charles Darwin. Our guest speaker Michael Wilson is an Evolutionary Anthropologist who studies the behavior and ecology of … Continued
Hosted by Tulane Anthropology and NOSHA
You are invited to see a Nobel Prize winner speak, and meet him, on Darwin Day! See Dr. William Moerner, Stanford professor and winner of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics, lecture on: “Fun With Single Molecules - Tiny Nanoscale Points of Light Inside Cells”. You see, he is the first person to see a … Continued
Professor Alan Mann will discuss "The Scars of Evolution” Evolution results in function, not perfection. A good example is the evolution of human upright posture. We have evolved from four legged ancestors with the ability to move using our rear limbs only, leaving our front limbs free to carry and use objects. But our bipedality … Continued
We'll be screening the A&E Biography: Charles Darwin - Evolution's Voice, followed by discussion. Bring a snack to share if you like.
Nature, wisdom and happiness after Darwin. After Darwin the man acquires the awareness of being part of a bio-cosmic evolution without end and has to contend with this its natural condition. Hence the need and the opportunity to lead responsibly its existence. Meeting with prof. Orlando Franceschelli Philosopher whose thought has developed in several publications … Continued
On Sunday, February 22nd CFI Canada - Toronto belatedly (due to freezing weather) celebrated DARWIN DAY ! We honoured Charles Darwin’s 206th birthday and “this view of life” at our National Headquarters. Birthday cake and pizza was served as members and supporters watched the series "The Genius of Charles Darwin" presented by Richard Dawkins. We … Continued
Donald Lovett, Ph.D., Professor of Biology at The College of New Jersey, will give a presentation on The History of Anti-Evolution Movements in the United States. Free and open to the public. A Q&A session will follow the talk. Refreshments provided. Please bring a nonperishable, unexpired food item to donate to the Franklin Twp Food … Continued
«Η ΕΞΕΛΙΞΗ ΤΟΥ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΥ ΤΑ ΤΕΛΕΥΤΑΙΑ 8 ΕΚΑΤΟΜΜΥΡΙΑ ΧΡΟΝΙΑ» (ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ) Free discussion - will be held by prof. Iris Charalambidou (University of Nicosia, Cyprus)
As in our past Darwin's birthday celebrations, our presenter is the always interesting and knowledgeable Dr. Charles E. Jones, of the Department of Geology and Planetary Science at the University of Pittsburgh. The abstract for his talk is as follows: He will introduce us to a variety of terrestrial vertebrates that lived and died in … Continued
SIU Darwin Week 'Science in the family: Darwin at home' Presented by Richard Thomas
SIU Darwin Week Science Café: ‘Science in the family: Darwin at home’ Presented by Richard Thomas
Darwin Day celebration Organized by the University of Parma (Department of Life Sciences) and dedicated to Ethology on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the famous XIV International Ethological Conference held in Parma (Italy) in 1975 which was attended by many famous ethologists including Konrad Lorenz immediately after the award of the Nobel Prize.
A series of popular lectures and scientific workshops for the youngest researchers + publication of a colorful history of evolutionary thought.
In Brazil, the events related to the Darwin Day have been made since 2004, according to Phd. Maria Isabel Landim, Teacher of Zoology Museum of the University of São Paulo. In Ribeirão Preto, the first edition was held in 2013, March 5, in the auditorium Lucien Lison School of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Ribeirão … Continued
Celebrate reason and Evolution
We are considered one of the best restaurants in Colorado Springs because of the quality they offered. Gunther Toody’s is a family restaurant that offers all sorts of American cuisine in a fun and safe environment for families.
We'll get together to celebrate upcoming Darwin Day 2016 (February 12) with this, our first GBH lecture of the new year, at the Humanist Hub in Cambridge (there will be NO free parking this time, sorry to say; see below for parking discount info.) Our gathering will take place Saturday, January 30, from 12:30 - … Continued
San Francisco Atheists January meeting In early honor of the upcoming International Darwin Day, please join us for a photographic tour of the Galapagos Islands. Visited by Charles Darwin in 1835, the Galapagos are home to unique species that helped inspire Darwin's theory of evolution. Boobies, marine iguanas, giant tortoises, and many other colorful endemic … Continued
We will be gathering on our campus to celebrate Charles Darwin and his contribution to science and reason! We will be giving out cupcakes, party hats, and educational materials. Through discussion and fun, we are hoping to bring awareness to more reason and science based ideas and draw attention to the need for more secularism … Continued
Stephanie Keep is the Editor of Reports of the National Center for Science Education; NCSE Strategic Outreach Coordinator. Stephanie will speak to us about "evolution misconceptions that keep the waters muddied, so to speak, making it that much easier for denial and doubt to take hold. I also touch on the state of evolution acceptance … Continued
The Nebraska Citizens for Science Forum presents excerpts of talk called "The Third Darwinian Revolution by Clay Farris Naff, science and religion correspondent for The Humanist magazine, followed by a showing of a beautiful BBC documentary on the struggles Darwin faced in bringing his great theory to the Victorian public.
The public is invited to the 16th annual celebration of Darwin Week in Charleston! Ten events in ten days. See website for details.
The third annual celebration of evolutionary science for children and youth in Charleston! All events free, but registration required for most. See website for details.
This year’s Darwin Day celebration features three main events: a keynote address, evolutionary themed video screenings, and a teacher development workshop. There will also be events for kids at the Discovery Science Place and the Center for Earth & Space Science Exploration. Keynote lecture: "Applications of the Tree of Life," by Dr. David Hillis, the … Continued
Ticket purchase is required: tickets to this stellar event are now available from the site, Brown Paper Ticket:s Go here for your ticket: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/2272665/ref/1128069 We are excited to present two famed experts iwho will discuss how we act as we do. It's Evolution, after all. Join us for two lecture discussions, followed by light refreshments … Continued
Darwin on the Palouse, a free event to celebrate humanity, science and rational thought, is held annually in Moscow Idaho and Pullman Washington.
Our day begins with a wonderful talk from Dr. John Teehan, the chair of a department of Hofstra University. He is an avid Darwin fan and has often spoken at our event before. The day continues with lunch for pay, and demonstrations provided by the Ethical Humanist Society of Long Island, the AHA Chapter affiliates … Continued
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Tarpon Springs, Florida, celebrates Charles Darwin on the first Sunday in February. Attention is also given to biodiversity and environmental protection concerns in the 21st century. This is a Unitarian Universalist Sunday service for all age groups.
Among the greatest distortions and misunderstandings about evolution are the creationist attacks on the fossil record, and whether it provides evidence for evolution. In this talk, geologist and paleontologist Donald Prothero will review some of the amazing discoveries that have been made recently showing remarkable "transitional fossils" that documents the evolution of one group of … Continued
Join our Darwin's Birthday Celebration! This month we are featuring Dr. Warren D. Allmon speaking on the topic "Science and the 2016 Elections (and other Oxymorons)". The event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served at 1:00 and the program will begin at about 1:10pm. There will be Q&A discussion … Continued
week-long event of daily lectures and videos related to evolution
Barbara Natterson-Horowitz, Professor of Medicine and Evolutionary Biology at UCLA is a cardiovascular consultant to the Los Angeles zoo. She facilitates discussions between physicians, veterinarians & others in health professions. Her articles have appeared in the New York Times, Scientific American, New Scientist, and Discover magazine. Long before the 1st Homo sapiens appeared on earth, … Continued
Did you know that SUNY New Paltz hosts one of the longest-standing Darwin Day celebrations each year - celebrating Darwin's influence on modern thought? Come join us this Monday for a FREE lecture (by renowned evolutionary biologist, Tom Nolen) and FREE reception (including Darwinian fun and games!). FB event page here (please let Nicole Wedberg … Continued
Movie night for Secular Huamnist Society of New York. 'Creation'. 2009 film explores the human story behind how Darwin saw the world and changed it forever. At Stone Creek Lounge, 140 E 27th St, NY
A presentation on the evolution of microbes and their affect on human health and medicine.
On board Yacht La Pinta, while exploring The Galapagos Islands, we are celebrating Darwin Week with a series of talks and lectures related to Charles Darwin's works. On Feb 8 we analyzed the critical thinking on Charles Darwin after writing a list of pros & cons as to why marry Emma Wedgewood, his first cousin. … Continued
Join us as we explore the evolutionary relationships among all life on Earth, and learn how we research and display the “Tree of Life.” A full schedule of events can be found at www.priweb.org/darwindays.
A poco più di 200 anni dalla nascita di Charles Darwin, nonostante le sue teorie abbiano modificato radicalmente il modo di osservare e studiare il mondo naturale, le fila dei “nemici” di Darwin, ossia coloro che non vedono l’ora di sminuire o addirittura cancellare il suo contributo al progresso scientifico moderno, non smettono di ingrossarsi. … Continued
Travis Blomgren was a nationally recognized high school athlete, a First Team Quarterback, Defensive Back & Punter for the Suburban One league in Bucks County Pennsylvania, the Philadelphia Area Player of the Year, Maxwell Club winner, All-American, Big 33 All-Star game participant, and Division I Scholarship Athlete . Timing: Mon - Sat 5:00am - 9:00pm
The Secular Student Alliance at ATSU will be hosting a lunch lecture by Dr. Paul Buttars, D.O. on the topic of Evolutionary Medicine.
A documentary film on the Dover Pennsylvania trail concerning the inclusion of intelligent design theory into public school biology classes.
Every once in a while, scientific knowledge surges forward, thanks to a brilliant individual like Galileo, Newton, or Darwin. Dan Riskin, evolutionary biologist, author, and co-host of Discovery's Daily Planet, explores what sets these thinkers apart from their peers, and asks: In a modern world of specialists, can one person ever have such a wide … Continued
A documentary film on the Dover Pennsylvania trail concerning the inclusion of intelligent design theory into public school biology classes.
Darwin Day Celebration at Florida State University
Posters, displays,videos, Darwin birthday cake, throughout day in Science Building Atrium. Noon talk in Science Building Auditorium: Dr. Lisa M. Abegglen, Ph.D. from Huntsman Cancer Institute, University of Utah "Evolution’s Solution to Cancer Risk: Guardians of the Elephant Genome”
We are celebrating the first ever Darwin day of India. We are a science coaching and promotion institute based out of surat. Our Darwin day celebrations will include a lecture by Mr. Nitesh Pandey who is founder of Open Science Forum and is also a active researcher in the field of Evolutionary Medicine. Nitesh will … Continued
This is the first ever Darwin Day organized by any Science teaching institute in India. The program includes a lecture by Mr. Nitesh Pandey who will be addressing to the students of 11th and 12th Science. Nitesh Pandey is the founder of Open Science Forum and is also an active researcher in the field of … Continued
El dia 10 de febrer celebrarem el dia da Darwin a les classes de GES2 de l'Escola d'Adults Can Serra
Linn County (Iowa) Board of Supervisors Chair Ben Rogers gives Humanists of Linn County President Roxanne Gissler the International Darwin Day Proclamation.
Welcome to Berrios Orthodontics, Northridge Orthodontist for Braces. Orthotropics is particularly valuable to kids, as the young growing face is very malleable and even slight pressure from the lips or tongue over long periods can result in significant deformations. This is the type of growth that causes good-looking youngsters to become unattractive teenagers. Dr. Berrios … Continued
Toni Gabaldón is evolutionary biologist at ICREA-CRG Evolutionary Genomics program. He is an expert in phylogenetic analysis and the origin of eukaryotic complexity.
Dr. Julia Sankey, CSU Stanislaus paleontologist, will present her work on the 9-foot long tusked salmonids and other astonishing fossils she and her students have been working on, found in local foothill reservoir shores. Richard Anderson's "Chuckcakes" (cupcakes made with devils food cake mix, of course) will be served after the presentation.
This lecture is part of the "Celebration of Arts and Sciences Seminar Series" at Ashland Community and Technical College and will be delivered by Biology Instructor, Dr. Logan Minter. The lecture will be held on the College Drive Campus in the LRC Teleconference Room and will begin at 4:00 pm. All students, staff, and community … Continued
A lecture by Dr. Eugenie Scott, National Center for Science Education, Innovation Cube (CSI 282), Trinity University, 7:30 pm, February 10, 2016. Please join us for Charles Darwin's birthday cake in the Innovation Lounge (CSI 256) at 7:00 pm. Also view our display at Coates Library, Third Floor, February 8-12.
The suggestion that culture changes in broadly Darwinian ways goes back to Darwin himself, who suggested that his explanation of species change might also apply to language change. However the idea of studying culture in Darwinian terms fell out of favour for most of the 20th-century, after some early anthropologists misused Darwin's ideas, for instance … Continued
Amb motiu de la publicació del núm. 411 de Saó sobre polítiques ambientals valencianes, diàleg amb l'expert en sostenibilitat i ecòleg Andreu Escrivà. Modera: Reis Juan, periodista
In honor of Darwin Day, CTHULU will be presenting well-known atheist activist Aron Ra, who will be dismantling ill-informed criticisms of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. Aron Ra is the Texas state director of American Atheists, host of the Ra-Men Podcast, a public speaker, science educator, video producer, blogger, and vlogger. "Darwin's critics have historically … Continued
A presentation of the diets of paleolithic humans and its relevance to modern dietary patterns and health.
Have you ever wondered whether it's possible to communicate having to shape a completely new language? Students taking part in an iterated learning experiment showing the linguistic code evolution will have a chance to see the creation of a bridge between aliens and cavemen just in 2 hours! The event is organised under the auspices … Continued
Three nights talk events hosted by Masataka Watanabe who is a leading Darwin researcher in Japan and some exhibition.
A one day symposium.
Last February 11th, Biology students, teachers and researchers, alongside children and teachers of a rural primary school celebrated the International Darwin Day using pleasure, adventures and role-plays. They visited a patch of endemic flora recently discovered near the children's school. During the visit, the Biology students and teachers were talking about threatness and social importance … Continued
No dia 12 de fevereiro a comunidade científica comemora o nascimento de Charles Darwin! E para comemorar esse dia, nada melhor do que nos juntarmos para discutir ciência! Por isso, nós do Lagen Ufpa organizamos o primeiro Darwin Day do Icb Ufpa ! Esperamos contar com a presença de todos. Aguardem atualizações sobre a programação. … Continued
Students, Staff, Faculty, and our Community read, "The Origin of Species" nonstop for 22 hours, to celebrate the birthday and contributions of Sir Charles Darwin.
In celebration of Darwin’s enduring contributions, our multi-disciplinary group has hosted outside speakers and workshops to increase understand and awareness of the theory of evolution. This year, we are happy to host Dr. Gillian Barker, Assistant Professor at the Rotman Institute of Philosophy, University of Western Ontario, Canada. She will give several lectures including: “Human … Continued
Last chance to see the Evolving Idaho! exhibit before it goes extinct! Open house hosted by the ISU scientists who helped develop the Evolving Idaho! exhibit at the Idaho Museum of Natural History. Celebrate International Darwin Day by exploring evolution in Idaho's organisms.
Dos charlas magistrales y un Foro entre cuatro panelistas Charlas: - "Las formas de las flores: Darwin y los modelos genéticos contemporáneos" Invitado: Natalia Pabón-Mora, MSc. y Ph.D de la Universidad de Nueva York. Trabaja con biología del desarrollo de plantas. Grupo EVO-DEVO en plantas. Profesora Instituto de Biología Universidad de Antioquia. - "La evolución … Continued
Come join us at 6:00 as we finish the Charles Darwin story we started in January. At 6:30, Dr. Mark Reimers, a professor of neuroscience at Michigan State University, will give a presentation on evolution via Skype. Dr. Reimers will answer questions following his presentation.
Happy Hour with Francesco Petretti, the famous naturalist, with the Conference about "Wild Italy" and the visit in the Science Museum exhibition.
Anche quest'anno Café Scientifique Bologna celebra il #DarwinDay! Nel caffé scientifico dell'11 febbraio avremo con noi Marco Ferrari, biologo e giornalista, autore del libro l'Evoluzione è ovunque (Codice, 2015) La teoria darwiniana dell’evoluzione – una delle intuizioni più rivoluzionarie nella storia dell’uomo – anche se per molti rimane chiusa nei laboratori e negli articoli scientifici, … Continued
A birthday party complete with cake and games will follow a brief presentation by "Charles Darwin".
Virginia Tech Museum of Geosciences Public Lecture presented by Dr. Esteban Gazel. Dr. Gazel studies volcanic activity and associated magma plumes. This talk will focus on how volcanoes from the Galapagos plume closed the isthmus in Central America, made a new continental mass, triggered glaciations, and affected the evolution of life (even human evolution) on … Continued
Celebrate Darwin Day 2016: Paleontology. Come learn about what fossils can tell us about our evolutionary journey. We are delighted to host Dr. Neil Shubin, who discovered one of the world's most important transitional fossils, Tiktaalik.
Listen to singers, poets, and others celebrating Charles Darwin's contributions to science and have your picture taken with a life-size cut-out.
End of the Line Humanists' 3rd annual Darwin Day celebration. Join us for our premier social event of the year. Short evolution-themed presentations and D Day activities. Appetizers and pop, games and prizes, birthday cake!
Speaker: Brad Ericson, Ph.D -- professor of Biology at University of Nebraska at Kearney
Microbiologist Ignacio López Goñi addresses a talk on viruses, pandemics and the importance of scientific study and evolution. "Science at the Pub" is a monthly event organised by the Club de Amigos de la Ciencia de Navarra, devoted to scientific knowledge in an informal site.
Si corre, nada o vuela, a la cazuela. Esta podría haber sido la máxima de Charles Darwin, posiblemente el científico más importante de la historia de la humanidad, que recorrió todo el mundo descubriendo su exótica fauna... y comiéndosela. Seguiremos los pasos de Charles, que degustó animales como ñandú, puma, búho o armadillo.
Guest lecture and cake size XL. Title of lecture by Prof. Glenn-Peter Sætre, UiO: "Genetics and the origin of species - or why inheritance is usually Mendelian".
The Department of Biological Sciences, the Center for the Advancement of STEM Education (CASE), and the Class of ’42 lecture series are excited to announce the preliminary schedule for our inaugural Darwin Day celebration. Our event will take place on Friday, February 12th, 2016, in Dana Mohler-Faria Science and Mathematics Buildon's Atrium, Auditorium, and 2nd … Continued
A collaborative effort between the Secular Student Alliance at Nicholls State University, Biology Society, and Tri Beta to celebrate the birthday of Darwin
Darwin Day Speaker Tammy Wells - Thursday, February 11th 6:30pm Student posters and door prizes - Friday, February 12th 11am to 3pm Darwin Birthday Cake - Friday, February 12th Noon Nature walk with master gardener - Friday, February 12th 12:15pm
Conferences about the major theories of Darwin: Natural Selection and Sexual Selection.
in Iran, we can't have a public festival for Darwin. but have a site and publishing issue for celebrate this day and Darwin.
The Darwin Correspondence Project have launched a new website with loads of new content to celebrate Darwin Day 2016! http://www.darwinproject.ac.uk/
To mark Darwin Day the UK writers organisation 26 has released a poem inspired by Darwin's home in Kent, UK. This is a piece by Philip Parker inspired by Darwin's Sandwalk and part of the 26 Postcodes project (a postcode is a UK zip code) reflecting on 26 places. See: http://26postcodes.org.uk/listing/philip-parker-br6-7jt/ and explore #26postcodes
Charles Darwin's birthday will be celebrated in Romania as well! Various activities will take place at The Brasov Zoo in order to promote this event of utmost importance. For three days, between 9 am. and 17 pm. at the "Darwin Weekend At The Braşov Zoo ", visitors can attend workshops, exhibitions and conferences open to … Continued
No dia, evento será realizado via internet, devido ao feriado de Carnaval. Haverá continuação das comemorações no dia 15/02/2016, na escola. On the day, event will be held via internet , because of the Carnival holiday . There will be continuation of the celebrations on 02/15/2016 at school.
In celebration of Darwin’s enduring contributions, our multi-disciplinary group has hosted outside speakers and workshops to increase understand and awareness of the theory of evolution. This year, we are happy to host Dr. Gillian Barker, Assistant Professor at the Rotman Institute of Philosophy, University of Western Ontario, Canada. She will give several lectures including: “Human … Continued
Mrs. Maclean's Introductory Freshman Biology classes at Godinez Fundamental High School will be incorporating lessons in evolution to coincide with a cake and ice cream party to celebrate the giant at the center of all biology.
In weekendul 12-14 februarie echipa ASUR va invita la ”Zilele Evolutiei”. In fiecare zi va fi abordat un alt apect al evolutiei, in cadrul unor intalniri cu public, gazduite de Libraria Humanitas de la Cismigiu.
Feb. 12th meeting of Foundations of Biology class; we'll cover phylogenies and how to interpret them, read a little bit of the Origin of Species, and have a highly evolved snack!
Address: The role of suicide, insanity and sandstone in the naming of Darwin (Australia), by Tom Pauling AO QC
a live question and answer tweet-up for the public being held on twitter starting at 10 am EST / 3pm GMT, Friday, 12 February. Questions about evolution and about Darwin himself will be answered by two evolutionary biologists and a Darwin expert!
Oficina temática com Joice Constantini, MZUSP no espaço interativo
Open lectures
Dodici febbraio, tempo di Darwin Day, l’appuntamento annuale che cade nel compleanno di Charles Darwin, il naturalista britannico nato il 12 febbraio 1809 che con la teoria dell’evoluzione ha cambiato la lettura degli eventi del mondo naturale. La missione di International Darwin Day è di ispirare le persone in tutto il mondo a riflettere e … Continued
Conmemorando el 207 aniversario del natalicio de Charles R. Darwin y dentro de los eventos mundiales que se realizarán, los profesores de la División de Cs Biológicas y ambientales del Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias de la Universidad de Guadalajara hemos organizado un evento en donde recordaremos y conmemoraremos la vida del padre … Continued
Come celebrate Darwin's birthday.
Lecture, Show & Tell, guided tours at the botanical and Zoological gardens at Tel Aviv University
Seminar presentation in honor of Darwin's Birthday. Speaker: Prof. Gil Rosenthal Title: Mate choice and its consequences: genomic and behavioral insights from natural hybrid zones
Join us to explore how the wondrous force of Natural Selection has shaped the patterns of diversity among vertebrates, invertebrates, and plant communities. Mark your calendar for this talk on Darwin Day, the anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin in 1809. Free. Preregistration required.
Join in for a free lunch and hear 2 speakers present sessions to honor Darwin , Science and Reason
Have you ever considered how it would be like to have a chat with King Alfred the Great? Would it be possible at all? The English language is a great example on how languages evolve. If you have ever tried to read old English poetry, you definitely know that this is not a piece of … Continued
Contação de histórias e oficina com Marcelo Sato, IBUSP no auditório
Jogo Interativo com Bruno G Augusta, IBUSP
CIRSDe – Centro Interdisciplinare di Ricerche e Studi delle Donne e di Genere Torino, 12 febbraio 2016 – dalle ore 14.00 alle ore 18.00 Sala Lauree BLU del Campus universitario Luigi Einaudi Lungo Dora Siena, 100 – Torino Darwin Day In collaborazione con Istituto Musicale Città di Rivoli Giorgio Balmas stagione Rivolimusica 2015 2016 Dipartimento … Continued
Palestra com a Docente Profa Dra Maria Isabel Landim Auditório
Wir gehen mit der Familie ins Zoologische Museum Hamburg - an wlechem Ort könnten wir Darwins Geburtstag besser feiern?
In occasione dei festeggiamenti che ogni anno vengono organizzati a livello mondiale per ricordare la data di nascita di Charles Darwin (12 febbraio 1809), l’Ente Parco del Beigua ed il Museo Civico di Storia Naturale “G. Doria” di Genova, in collaborazione con il DISTAV – Università degli Studi di Genova e con ADM – Associazione … Continued
Este ano iremos celebrar Darwin e o seu legado com crianças do pré-escolar, numa divertida e colorida viagem pelo globo, pelas diferenças e semelhanças entre animais e por um livro que mudou a nossa forma de olhar para os seres vivos. Porque é muito bom aprender a brincar! . Darwin and the origin of species: … Continued
1. Invited lecture "Darwin and Evolution in Russian Poetry" by Ivan Poltoratsky 2. Poem "Charlesdarwinman" by Pavel Nikulin 3. Happening "Charles Darwin superstar" by students of National Research University of Novosibirsk
James Costa of WCU will speak on "The Development of Darwin's Evolutionary Thinking" at 5:30 p.m. James Costa of WCU will speak on "The Development of Darwin's Evolutionary Thinking" at 5:30 p.m. There will be pizza at 5:00 p.m., and you are invited to bring artifacts for the "Form and Function" game, engage with evolution … Continued
Venerdì 12 Febbraio l'Associazione Polyxena organizza "Scritto nelle ossa - La scienza racconta il passato di Castiglione", presso la sala convegni del Castello di Conversano (secondo piano del Polo Museale) alle ore 16:00. L'evento, aperto a tutti, presenterà i risultati scaturiti dalle indagini scientifiche, antropologiche e paleo-patologiche compiute finora dal Laboratorio di Antropologia dell'Università di … Continued
Spokane Secular Society Riverfront Park
Alla ricerca del filo verde che lega la patrona di Palermo Rosalia Sinibaldi, il bucaniere secentesco William Dampier e certe "adorabili teorie", in bilico tra scienza e religione.
Il progetto "Arte Viva" si propone di coinvolgere artisti, associazioni locali, esperti, professionisti e tutti gli interessati, per promuovere e far conoscere l'importanza dell'ambiente naturale, ed in particolare di diffondere il messaggio della salvaguardia della biodiversità, della tutela delle erbe spontanee e della lotta alla manipolazione genetica dei semi. In pratica, l'evento si svolgerà come … Continued
По этому случаю мы, рациональное антикафе "Кочерга" и сообщество LessWrong.ru, совместно с Катей Зверевой из Общества Скептиков и Александром Панчиным из фонда "Эволюция" подготовили для вас лекторий (начало в 19:15) и пре-пати с играми (начало в 17:00). 17:00 Играем в "Эволюцию", настольную игру про разнообразие видов и естественный отбор. 18:00 Турнир по Дилемме Заключённого, проблеме … Continued
Professor Michael Benton, FRS will speak on "Darwin, and why he is so often misunderstood". This lecture, which is open to the public, will be held at the Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution.
Lecture begins at 5:30pm, Reception to follow at 6:30pm. Please RSVP at the link below. The Evolution of Goodness, Justice and Empathy We humans often display acts of kindness and generosity. As it turns out, nonhumans are also good to one another, sacrificing to help those around them. But why? Why do both humans and … Continued
Dr. Kiki Sanford is a neurophysiologist by training and currently runs the This Week in Science radio program. Join Biology Investigation & Outreach to hear Dr. Kiki speak about genetics, evolution, and the future in celebration of Darwin's 207th birthday! 5:30pm Science Communication Panel 6:00pm Keynote Address with Dr. Kiki 7:00pm Q&A Session Location: Smith … Continued
Darwin Day 2016 a Rovereto 12.02.2016 - 14.02.2016 Tre diversi eventi per festeggiare insieme il giorno di nascita di Charles Darwin _______________________________ Il mondo con gli occhi di Darwin venerdì 12 febbraio ore 18 presso il bar Loco's (Rovereto, Tn) Lino Ometto e Omar Rota-Stabelli, ricercatori della Fondazione Edmund Mach, presentano la conferenza "L'evoluzione dell'aperitivo. … Continued
Dai Fringuelli di Darwin agli anfibi e rettili della Campania, un viaggio nel tempo tra natura e scienza. Una collaborazione tra WWF Sannio e ARDEA.
Celebrate Charles Darwin's birthday and enjoy a local beer at Redding's second annual Drafts for Darwin!
Human-Etisk Forbund i Oslo inviterer til foredrag med Erik Tunstad for å markere Darwin-dagen 12. februar. Har du noen gang tenkt over hva en skog egentlig er? Uten evolusjon ville en skog bare vært en tilfeldig samling trær som nådde oss midt på leggen. Livet slik vi kjenner det – fuglene som synger, blomstene på … Continued
Humanist in Green Bay Wisconsin will meet in the Packer Room at the Denny’s Restaurant at 2894 South Oneida Street, Green Bay, WI 54304 at 5:30 PM on February 12, 2015, Darwin Day, Darwin Day is important to Humanists as a celebration of the power of logic and truth in human progress. Charles Darwin and … Continued
A Forum on Darwin’s Life and Contributions Art Exhibit: 6 to 7pm 12 February 2016 Rudder Tower 302 Artist: Calder Kamin (calderkamin.com) Forum: We will hear from four prominent TAMU Professors that have devoted their life’s work to the study of evolution (three will present 15-minute talks and one will moderate a panel discussion and … Continued
Evening party where we eat, socialize and play the game called Spin the Beagle.
Santa Cruz's Skeptics Without A Cause (SWAC) are celebrating Darwin's birthday! We are meeting in the lounge area at Rosie's, drinks and food are available at the bar.
Stalls and exhibitions from the Arts and Sciences and local schools-6-10pm, admission FREE. 7.30pm Darwin Day Lecture Dr Susanne Shultz "Religion, Cooperation and pro-Sociality - Are Religious People More Cooperative?
documentary exhibition about Charles Darwin and discussio about the topic.
Guest speaker: Emeritus Professor Stephen Boyden AM, internationally acknowledged pioneer of the study of 'biohistory' which considers the relationship between human culture and biological processes, focussing on the health of humans and ecosystems. His books are based on Darwinian evolution.
The First Mass Extinction of Complex life By Marc Laflamme Chemical and Physical Sciences, UTM The 540 Ma (million years ago) Cambrian Explosion represents the greatest expansion in early animal diversity on Earth. However, what is seldom realized is that this event was preceded by a diverse suite of large complex multicellular organisms: the Ediacara … Continued
Come join the Humanist Forum at Fiddler's Hearth to celebrate Darwin Day! You can find us in the back in the Beer Garden.
Join us to celebrate Darwin Day and the Hub's 4th birthday celebration! We will have a series of short talk/discussions starting at 6:30pm and then our keynote address will begin at 7:30pm by Professor Jeff Mitton. Stay for cake and meet Jeff after! Darwin made many contributions, but none had more impact on science and … Continued
CFI Regina is hosting a family friendly Darwin Day Celebration at the Saskatchewan Science Centre. Come join us for crafts, games, videos and participatory presentations all focused on Evolution! (There might even be a little magic!) Celebrate with us at this free event with cupcakes in honour of Charles Darwin's birthday. Please note: The exhibit … Continued
Darwin Day 2016! In commemoration of Charles Darwin's 207th birthday and his contributions to science, Central Colorado Humanists will host our annual birthday party! “What Darwin Never Knew”, a 120-minute video, will be presented at 6:30 PM on Friday, February 12 at the Salida Community Center. During a brief intermission, light refreshments will be served, and discussion will … Continued
Celebrate the Theory of Evolution on February 12th, the birthday of Charles Darwin! Join the Baltimore Coalition of Reason for a potluck dinner and to hear a talk by Fred Edwords! When: Friday, February 12, 6:30-9:30 pm (doors open 6:15 pm) Where: Baltimore Ethical Society, 306 W. Franklin St. Potluck signup: https://goo.gl/7CVtxk Facebook: https://fb.com/events/151789488533765/ Meetup: … Continued
About Jerry Coyne Jerry A. Coyne, Ph.D is a Professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Chicago and a member of both the Committee on Genetics and the Committee on Evolutionary Biology. Coyne received a B.S. in Biology from the College of William and Mary. He then earned a Ph.D. … Continued
Cyprus Humanists celebrate Darwin Day! Friday 12th February at 7pm @Univeristy of Nicosia.
3 day celebration. Talks, games, + all night fun. And GBBC.
Celebrate the 11th Annual Darwin Week at SIU with this public lecture. It's presented by Dr. Scott V. Edwards, Curator of Ornithology, with Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University. Reception immediately following.
Festeggiamo il Darwin Day parlando di scienza e delle scoperte fatte sul comportamento dei cebi dai cornetti in Brasile. Accompagnerá l´evento un aperitivo brasiliano, preparato con le ricette che vengono dalla tradizione locale delle regioni in cui i cebi convivono con l´uomo. Durante la serata ci sará la proiezione del documentario "Uomini e Scimmie nel … Continued
Vi i Human-Etisk Forbund ønsker å feire Darwins bidrag til å fremme kritisk tenkning. Dagen markeres for å fremme Darwins bidrag til evolusjonsbiologi, og framfor alt vitenskap i sin alminnelighet. Innholdet i kvelden er en variant innenfor konseptet HUMbar, med quiz og sosialt samvær med andre humanister og likesinnende. Arrangementet er åpent for alle. Be … Continued
Come celebrate Darwin Day with BRaIN(Biological Research and Innovation Network)! Its 207th birth anniversary of Charles Darwin, the leading mind behind evolutionary theory who took the world by storm and challenged long-held scientific and religious beliefs. We are organizing the 'Evolution Quiz' to celebrate Darwin's legacy. Come join us if you want to show off … Continued
Evening gathering on the Old Bridge in Heidelberg, hosted by local scientists. Cookies will be served and participants are asked to bring drinks of their preference.
“DARWIN E I GRILLI” di Gioia Fiorella Mariani, Era Nuova Edizioni --- G. F. Mariani, scenografa dal 1957 per la lirica, la prosa e il cinema, in Italia, Francia, Belgio, Stati Uniti, Canada, Australia e Giappone. Per maggiori informazioni sulla lettura di "Darwin e i Grilli": www.teatroinscatola.it
Celebrate Charles Darwin’s birthday with a FREE evolution education event for all K-12 teachers. At this event, you can: attend workshops, enter drawings for books and prizes, sign up for the monthly book club, network with other educators and scientists, take your picture with Darwin, and enjoy some birthday cake. This year’s Darwin Day celebration … Continued
University of Nebraska – Lincoln, School of Biological Sciences Graduate students invite you to participate in activities celebrating Darwin. These activities are being done as part of investigate: Second Saturday Science Lab at Morrill Hall. Come explore the museum to learn about evolution. While most activities are designed for children, adults are welcome to come … Continued
Join us at Point Walter, Perth, Western Australia for a morning of fun family-friendly nature-based activities and celebrate Darwin Day with a picnic in the park.
Oficina temática com Simeão de S. Moraes e Livia R. Pinheiro, MZUSP no Espaço Interativo
Celebrate this Naturalist's Birthday with our naturalists at Trailside Museum. Join us as we explore evolution, adaptation, and survival through videos, displays and activities.
Screening of films previously shown at the VerCiencia International Exhibition of Science on TV at the auditorium of Catavento Cultural, the largest and most visited science museum in Sao Paulo. MOSTRA VER CIÊNCIA DIA DE DARWIN Nos dias 12 e 13 de Fevereiro o Catavento apresenta a MOSTRA VER CIÊNCIA DIA DE DARWIN. Com sessões gratuitas … Continued
Center for Inquiry - Austin presents a FREE event to celebrate the 207th anniversary of Darwin’s birth. There will be something for everyone—fun learning activities for children and teens, fascinating lectures and trivia contest for adults, and professional development credit for teachers; plus cake and door prizes! Activities for kids include a fossil dig, scavenger … Continued
Lecture and Video
Screening of films previously shown at the VerCiencia International Exhibition of Science on TV at the auditorium of Catavento Cultural, the largest and most visited science museum in Sao Paulo. MOSTRA VER CIÊNCIA DIA DE DARWIN Nos dias 12 e 13 de Fevereiro o Catavento apresenta a MOSTRA VER CIÊNCIA DIA DE DARWIN. Com sessões gratuitas … Continued
Please join us for our 3rd Annual Darwin themed scavenger hunt at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Have your picture taken with Charles Darwin - Thanks to artist Carl Buell! Let the wild rumpus begin! Our event will begin with an Impromptu meet and greet, then together we will make our very own Charles … Continued
February 12th is the birthday of Charles Darwin, and "Darwin Day" is a global celebration of science and reason. This will be the 8th celebration in Saskatoon and the 6th year that the Saskatchewan Minister of Education has recognised February 12 as Darwin Day in Saskatchewan! The Saskatoon Skeptics and Centre for Inquiry Saskatoon are … Continued
A Mostra VerCiência, que desde 16 de janeiro vem oferecendo ao público do Museu do Amanhã exibições gratuitas de programas de TV sobre temas científicos, chega neste sábado, dia 13, à sua última edição com uma sessão especial em comemoração ao Dia de Darwin. O aniversário de 207 anos de nascimento do naturalista inglês – … Continued
Collecting Evolution: The 1905–06 Galápagos Expedition that Vindicated Charles Darwin Our speaker this year is paleontologist Matthew J. James, PhD What is Darwin Day? It is a science rush like no other, an annual celebration of scientific inquiry honoring the life and work of the great Charles Darwin (born February 12, 1809), and sponsored worldwide … Continued
Oficina de pintura e montagem de máscaras no Espaço Interativo
Palestra do Prof. Dr. Nelio Bizzo, FEUSP
Humans and humanoids In the near future man will live and work with robots built as his image and likeness, increasingly sophisticated in the cognitive and emotional aspects. A fascinating perspective that raises unavoidable questions which we must be ready to answer. We have in our country an institute of high international level, the IIT … Continued
Siamo giunti alla V edizione del Darwin Day di Lipari. Anche quest'anno saremo ospiti della sala congressi del Gattopardo Park Hotel per un pomeriggio all'insegna della scienza, della cultura, della biodiversità e della laicità. Ecco il programma: Maria Clara Martinelli - Cosa bolle in pentola? Il cibo nella preistoria e protostoria. Tommaso La Mantia - … Continued
Darwin Day 2016 a Rovereto 12.02.2016 - 14.02.2016 Tre eventi per festeggiare insieme il giorno di nascita di Charles Darwin _______________________________ sabato 13 febbraio ore 18 presso la sala convegni F. Zeni della Fondazione MCR "L'evoluzione è ovunque. Vedere il mondo con gli occhi di Darwin" con Marco Ferrari, giornalista scientifico Ingresso gratuito. Info tel … Continued
Darwin's life presentation, the journey around the world, theory of evolution, man Darwin. Mendel's laws, DNA.
New to Darwin Day? Like (or love) Science? Interested in learning about evolutionary biology from an extraordinary Yale professor? Enjoy a great party? Then this event is for YOU, and you will LOVE IT!
The event, at the SESI-CCYA Centro Cultural Yves Alves, in the historic city of Tiradentes, in the state of Minas Gerais, will present two BBC films about Darwin, shown at the VerCiencia International Exhibition of Science on TV. O Centro Cultural Yves Alves do SESI (Tiradentes, MG) e o Projeto VerCiencia vão marcar o Dia … Continued
A fundraising evening of comedy dedicated to Charles Darwin to celebrate his birthday. All money raised will go towards the British Humanist Association's work to promote scientific rationalism, Humanism, and the teaching of evolution in schools. Drinks can be purchased throughout the evening. Acts include: Robin Ince, Sara Pascoe, Jay Foreman, Kate Smurthwaite and Exist … Continued
Charles Darwin (played by RJ Lindsey) will present a program and slide show chronicling his 5 year voyage to South America and the Galapagos Islands. "Join me in a fantastical journey into the natural world of flamingos and tortoises, fossils and finches, earthquakes and volcanoes and especially of the origin of species." American history comes … Continued
Palestra com Profa Dra Maria Isabel Landim, MZUSP
We are meeting at Jungle Gardens in Sarasota - There will be cake and a blue footed booby dance competition RSVP at: meetup website so you can participate in the group rate and so we know how many people to expect. Note: Sarasota Jungle Gardens is not sponsoring our event. We are just meeting up … Continued
Celebrate this Naturalist's Birthday with our naturalists at Trailside Museum. Join us as we explore evolution, adaptation, and survival through videos, displays and activities.
The relationship between Darwinian evolution and religion is a famously contentious, even hostile one. However, this popular model does not truly get to the heart of the evolution-religion issue. Today we have a well-developed scientific account of religion that sees belief in God arising naturally from mental tools that evolved to serve the survival needs … Continued
Mr. Flannery’s talk will include the following topics: • Is evolution still relevant? • Can we, and should we, take over for natural selection? • Is it OK to enhance plants? Animals? Humans? • Is it OK to permanently enhance a species? Ron is retired from 45 years in the computer industry. In that time, … Continued
Darwin's great insight was to propose a mechanism that species used to change over time. In this era of genomics and space exploration, can these insights be applied to the age-old question: are we alone? Celebrate life and love this month with our Darwin Day assembly on Valentine's Day! Our guest will be Dr Lynn … Continued
* 14 (Sunday): 11:00 AM —Bagel Brunch: Darwin Day What's up with denial in the science classroom? Minda Berbeco, enthusiastic scientist and staff member of the National Center for Science Education, will be speaking about the challenges when evolution and climate change denials leak into the classroom, and what NCSE and we can do to … Continued
Oficina temática com Marcelo Félix e Marina Lima, MZUSP no espaço interativo
We Select You, Naturally! Join us on Valentine's Day to celebrate the life and work of Charles Darwin. Our theme this year is Beatles. We are lucky to have Don Ehlen's Insect Safari to explore and a variety of games, crafts and activities for the whole family. Invite your friends to come enjoy this casual … Continued
The Michigan State University Museum presents its 12th annual Darwin Discovery Day on Sunday, Feb. 14, 2016, 1-5 p.m., an afternoon of science, exploration and discovery. Researchers and graduate students from all across MSU are taking part in Darwin Discovery Day to help share their research and education with the public. The theme for this … Continued
Humanist Association of Orange County presents Prof. Donald Prothero speaking on "Evolution: What the Fossils Say"
Vídeo VerCiência 60 minutos - BBC no Auditório do MZUSP
Le relazioni nel mondo animale domenica 14 febbraio dalle ore 14.30 alle 19.00 presso la Fondazione MCR Un pomeriggio ricco di attività e laboratori per festeggiare il compleanno di Charles Darwin. «Assisti alla schiusa delle uova e alla nascita dei pulcini» Laboratori didattici per i più piccoli (su prenotazione, ore 15 e 17) «Ad ognuno … Continued
The science department of Montessori school would like to invite the school’s community to the exhibition prepared by 11th grade students on Darwin’s development of the theory of natural selection and the evolution of life. This event will take place during Darwin Day, a global celebration that commemorates the anniversary of the birth of Charles … Continued
Наездники — удивительная группа перепончатокрылых, паразитирующая на «вредных» насекомых. Но, как говорится, враг врага — наш друг. Недавние исследования хромосомных наборов позволили обнаружить всесветно распространенные, но остававшиеся неизвестными для науки виды этих насекомых. О том, как наши «друзья» борются с вредителями, чем интересна экология и генетика наездников, об эволюции паразитизма в мире насекомых мы беседуем … Continued
Наездники — удивительная группа перепончатокрылых, паразитирующая на «вредных» насекомых. Но, как говорится, враг врага — наш друг. Недавние исследования хромосомных наборов позволили обнаружить всесветно распространенные, но остававшиеся неизвестными для науки виды этих насекомых. О том, как наши «друзья» борются с вредителями, чем интересна экология и генетика наездников, об эволюции паразитизма в мире насекомых мы беседуем … Continued
Come help us celebrate Darwin's 206th birthday! There will be food and games!
Nedre Romerike lokallag inviterer til vitenkafé med Erik Tunstad for å markere Darwin-dagen, 16. februar på Scene 5, Lillestrøm kultursenter. Har du noen gang tenkt over hva en skog egentlig er? Uten evolusjon ville en skog bare vært en tilfeldig samling trær som nådde oss midt på leggen. Livet slik vi kjenner det – fuglene … Continued
SUNY-ESF undergraduate biology majors have produced mini-posters featuring evolutionary biology research from 2015 and 2016. Posters are on display in F. Franklin Moon Library. Members of the general public are welcome.
Jim Baichtal(FS) is going to speak at the school to the students and community. The Alexander Archipelago, Southeastern Alaska. For years it was thought that glaciers covered much of the coastline of British Columbia and Southeastern Alaska to the edge of the continental margin extending as a large uniform front. Nothing lived along the coast … Continued
Apresentação especial do Ciclo de Palestras MZUSP 2016 - Palestra com o Prof. Dr. Dalton de Souza Amorim, FFCLRP-USP no auditório
Center for Inquiry Northeast Ohio is sponsoring a presentation by Professor Darin Croft, PhD of Case Western Reserve University. Darin is an expert in vertebrate paleontology, and his specialty is the evolution of ancient South American mammals. Darwin Day cake will be served!
Als 22 anys i de forma gairebé casual Charles Darwin s’embarca al vaixell Beagle, en un viatge que tenia com a objectiu cartografiar la Patagonia, i confirmar que la Bíblia tenia raó. El viatge, que havia de durar un parell d’anys en va durar gairebé cinc (del 27 de desembre de 1831 al 2 de … Continued
Palestra com Msc. Bruno G. Augusta, IBUSP no auditório
A celebration of Darwin's birthday, the theory of evolution and all things Science
Palestra com a Profa. Carla Maria Menegola, UFBA no auditório
For the first installment, join the Idaho Museum of Natural History’s Leif Tapanila, PhD., for “Buzzsaw Sharks – Catching the Biggest Fish in the Permian Sea.” Giant buzz saw sharks lived along the American West Coast over 250 million years ago, leaving behind their mysterious spiral-shaped fossils. Come hear a fisherman's fascinating tale about scientific … Continued
From ancient buzz saw sharks to giant sabertooth salmon, Pacific Northwest waters have been home to mysterious animals for millions of years. Bring the family, explore our Buzz Saw Sharks of Long Ago exhibit, and dive into the deep past with with a variety of fun activities!
A "Darwin Day" celebration, to include food, socializing and edutainment in the gathering and company of other "Friends Of Darwin" at the delightful and centrally-located North Mountain Visitor Center. Food, movies and/or videos, conversations about Darwin, Evolution, Science, Religion and more. $8 covers lunch; advanced reservations requested so that sufficient food can be ordered in … Continued
Fifth Annual Darwin Day Celebration Feb 21 We will honor Darwin with our annual luncheon and lecture. Dr. Frank Sulloway will speak on Darwin and how his thinking was influenced by his trip to the Galapagos Island. "Darwin and the Galapagos: What Darwin Might Like to Have Known." Darwin's five-week visit to the Galápagos Islands, … Continued
Darwin Day Celebration at CFI Sunday Skeptics welcomes atheists, secular humanists, and agnostics to network, relax, talk about current events, and about ways to help locals accept and embrace facts over fantasy. We share personal strategies for growth of humanitarian and scientific progress. This will be our Darwin Day Celebration for CFI Sunday Skeptics in … Continued
At our February 21 meeting we will be celebrating with a video, talks, games for children and a birthday cake.
At our monthly meeting we will be celebrating with a video, talks, games for children and a birthday cake.
Workshop: Com as mãos na massa, divulgando a evolução
On February 24, at 7:00 p.m. in the First Unitarian Church Shadyside, 605 Morewood Avenue in Pittsburgh, Walter Carson of the University of Pittsburgh will give a Darwin Day talk to the Center for Inquiry Pittsburgh. He will speak about threats to the eastern deciduous forest biome that are caused by introduced pests, whitetail deer, … Continued
Dr. Sarah Tishkoff, University of Pennsylvania African Evolutionary Genomics: a modern look at human genetic diversity
For the second installment, join shark expert Laura Jordan-Smith, PhD., for ”A Glimpse into the World of Sharks – Exploring Myths & Realities.” Dive deep into the myths and mysteries surrounding modern sharks. Explore what’s known about them, what they can still teach us, and why this information is vital to protecting ocean health.
This year we focus on the dialogue between humanities and biology with the theory of evolution as a link between both fields.
Meet for lunch at the Humanist Community Center
Nonno Charles raccontato ai ragazzi da Sandra Marineo (biologa) e da Giorgio Maone (coordinatore UAAR regione Sicilia) circondati da tanti buoni libri.
Join us for a one-hour talk by a noted expert, info coming soon
Presentation: Mutation Is The Name, Survival Is The Game -Becky Barnes, Paleontologist, North Dakota Geological Survey MIni-Museum: Compare features of fossils and skeletons from NDGS collections Game: Survival of the Fittest: Create your own organism and see if it survives the pressures of predation, competition, changing environments, and catastrophes Contest: Charles Darwin look-alikes win prizes!
Party at my house, good food plus the game called "Spin the Beagle"
Come watch the movie Creation with the CNY Humanists and the rest of the CNY Coalition of Reason! Cupcakes will be served and beards will be worn!
Metropolitan Touring Ecuador celebrates Darwin Day in the Galapagos Islands on board her fleet of expedition vessels MV Santa Cruz II, Yacht La Pinta, and Yacht Isabela II. Throughout the weekend a series of lectures and land visits to areas Charles Darwin explored in the Galapagos will be arranged by our team of Expedition Leaders. … Continued
In order to manifest the great Darwin’s discovery and scientific way of thinking we organize lectures open to the general public at the University venue. «The Origins» is a series of public lectures on the origin of everything given by the Novosibirsk State University scientists. Timescale: February 6th / 18:30 Vladimir Blinov: «The Origin of … Continued
A fun and educational event. Free and open to the public. Lincoln and Darwin were born on the same day in the same year. What a wonderful and permanent impact they had. Join us and bring the kids for a Darwin Day Celebration on Saturday February 11th beginning at Noon in the lower level meeting … Continued
The lecture will take place in room: AB 3.11 Lecture abstract: Evolutionary Game Theory (EGT) was originated as the application of games in evolutionary biology . Subsequently, EGT has been increasingly applied to the study of cultural evolution , ranging from elementary questions such as the evolution of coordinated as well as cooperative behavior among … Continued
Genolve is holding its annual Darwin Day competition to evolve a Valentine's card. Genolve uses simulated evolution to generate new shapes so you really do evolve them. Submit your entries until midnight on DarwinDay. Submit as many as you want just be sure to register and login or we won't know who you are. The … Continued
Conferència per Luis Delaye (Investigador, Laboratori de Genòmica Evolutiva, Cinvestav, Irapuato, Mèxic)
Presentació d'un projecte de ciència ciutadana coordinat pel Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CRG, Barcelona)
Bar de Ciències amb Carmen Agustín (neurobiòloga de la Universitat de València) i Reis Juan (periodista)
Join the Syracuse Atheists and the rest of the CNY Coalition of Reason for casual, thoughtful conversation, a bit of off-beat humor, and a chance to discuss the "evolution of gods."
Conferenza pubblica ad ingresso libero (fino ad esaurimento posti) relatore: Telmo Pievani
A new outdoor exhibition of 40 images by Magnum photographers will explore Charles Darwin’s legacy in modern society. Inspired by Darwin’s links to Shrewsbury, the exhibition reflects on man’s progression through technology, changes in society, environmental concerns, scientific discoveries, and the historical events which have shaped the world we live in today. Traversing the globe … Continued
It's an educational event for students which aims to illustrate Darwin's theory "The origin of species" and inspire intersubject connections. Members of scientific school society "Global Science" will organise a Science Slam with elements of historical reconstruction and Darwin will be represented.
Читатели познакомятся с фактами биографии Чарлза Дарвина – одарённого натуралиста, путешественника и исследователя. В зале электронных ресурсов ребятам покажут мультипликационный фильм «Дарвин и теория эволюции» (французский мультсериал «Жили-были... первооткрыватели»). Дети узнают о том, как на протяжении многих лет учёный обдумывал загадку происхождения видов, пока не установил механизм эволюции, объясняющий, как многообразие живых существ, так и … Continued
Sixth-graders at elementary school, between ages 11 and 12 years, with the help from the Biology teacher, prepared for the very first time an exhibition to celebrate Darwin Day. In addition to seeing the exhibition, the other students of the school, will watch a documentary on the life and legacy of Charles Darwin.
Дети узнают об одном из известнейших и важнейших научных путешествий в истории - кругосветном плавании Чарлза Дарвина. С помощью детской странички сайта «Чарлз Дарвин и Эволюция» посетители зала электронных ресурсов узнают, кто такой Чарльз Дарвин, что такое эволюция и какое значение имеет эволюционная теория. Участники отправятся в воображаемую экспедицию из порта города Девонпорт. На корабле … Continued
On the 150th anniversary of the death of the Italian zoologist Filippo De Filippi (9th February 1867), the Turin Museum of Natural History (Museo Regionale di Scienze Natuali di Torino), in collaboration with the University of Turin, has organized a workshop to celebrate his multifaceted figure, be it as doctor, naturalist or traveller. Researchers and … Continued
We are going to spread awareness about Sir Charles Darwin's theories through quiz competition and documentary which we will be organising in our campus Maharaja Agrasen University,Kalu Jhanda.
The University of Texas at Tyler and Tyler Junior College are pleased to announce the 2017 Darwin Day celebration for Tyler, Texas. Events will be held Thursday, Feb. 9 through Saturday, Feb. 11.
Darwin Day 2017 per festeggiare insieme il giorno di nascita di Charles Darwin Conferenza "Strumenti di conoscenza: dal lancio di pietre agli smartphone" giovedì 9 febbraio ore 18, ingresso libero presso la sala Conferenze F.Zeni della Fondazione Museo Civico di Rovereto, Borgo S. Caterina, 41 Rovereto con Maurizio Battisti, archeologo, Fondazione MCR, Francesco Pavani, neuroscienziato … Continued
A two day celebration of Darwin's birthday in Nicosia, Cyprus. 9th February: BBC Documentary "Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life" 10th February: Darwin Day Lectures
An initiative of students to inspire intersubject connections dedicated to different aspects of search of life in the Universe. During the physics classes there are student's reports, each with maximum duration 4 minutes. The themes are: 7 form. Feb., 9. Weight and pressure conditions on celestial bodies suitable for the existance of life. 8 form, … Continued
Our lost world: the causes and consequences of the loss of ~1 billion large-bodied animals at the terminal Pleistocene
Bridgewater State University's Department of Biological Sciences and Center for the Advancement of STEM Education (CASE) are excited to announce the preliminary schedule for our 2nd Annual Darwin Day celebration. Our event will take place on Friday, February 10th, 2017, in the Dana Mohler-Faria Science and Mathematics Building’s Atrium, Auditorium, and 2nd floor hallway. Throughout … Continued
O evento pretende abordar a percepção das pessoas comuns a respeito das idéias de Charles Darwin e contará com a exibição de entrevistas feitas com o público de Osasco e, em seguida, haverá um ciclo de debates com a presença dos pesquisadores Prof. Dr. Waldir Stéfano e MsC. Carolina Yamaguchi, tendo como mediador o Prof. … Continued
Evento comemorativo organizado pela segunda vez em Osasco, contará com a participação de especialistas da área, que irão abordar as ideías de Charles Darwin e a sociedade atual.
Alexandria Freethinkers will be hosting a Darwin Day celebration on the campus of Louisiana State University at Alexandria. Events will include a fossil dig and scavenger hunt for local elementary, junior high and high school students, as well as the showing of a documentary and a short Q&A with associate professor Dr. Christof Stumpf.
A light-hearted debate on the topic: It is time to rethink the theory of evolution
"Charles Darwin: Very Gradual Change We Can Believe In"
Senior Scholars, Sponsored by The Friends of the Forest Library
Public lecture entitled, "Evolution and Chance: From Darwin to the Pioneers of Statistics in Biology" Presented by Dr. Charles Pence, Dept. of Philosophy & Religious Studies, Louisiana State University
С помощью портретной викторины участники познакомятся с биографиями знаменитых учёных-естествоиспытателей, живших в разное время и в разных странах. Читателям представят справочные и учебные пособия по естествознанию. А затем перед собравшимися выступит научный сотрудник Института экологии Волжского бассейна Российской Академии Наук Кривина Елена Сергеевна, которая расскажет о научной и организаторской деятельности учёных Ивана Ивановича Спрыгина и … Continued
Annual multi-disciplinary USF Darwin Day lecture.
In celebration of Charles Darwin’s birthday, the Museum of Natural and Cultural History invites you to its annual conversation series exploring species, ecosystems, and conservation. On February 10, we present In the Shadow of Volcanoes with Nick Famoso, chief of paleontology at John Day Fossil Beds National Monument. Explore the evolution of species in volcanically active … Continued
Each February, people around the world come together for Darwin Day, a celebration of the life of Charles Darwin and his enormously influential discovery of evolution by natural selection. The BHA has organised a Darwin Day Lecture in London each year since 2003, and it is the largest event of its kind in Britain, with … Continued
Darwin Day Lecture Friday, February 10, 2017, 7:30 P.M. Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY USA 11794 contact jeffrey.levinton@stonybrook.edu Earth and Space Sciences 001 "What Darwin Didn’t Know" Dr. Hopi Hoekstra Alexander Agassiz Professor of Biology Harvard University SUMMARY When Darwin articulated his grand theory of evolution by natural selection in 1859, he was still … Continued
The main theme of this year’s Darwin Day event at the Liberal Arts Lab Darwin Room is “Enchanted by the Biodiversity.” It consists of three nights Darwin Discourse and mini exhibitions related to Darwin from February 10 to 12. The host of the talk events will be Professor Masataka Watanabe who is a leading Darwin … Continued
Nell'anno della Relatività gli alunni dell'Istituto Comprensivo Ivrea 2 realizzeranno, a partire dal 12 febbraio, poster e materiale dedicato ad A. Einstein
Teacher participants will play the role of "learner" as they take part in actvities aligned to the NGSSS Content Standards in MS & HS Science related to Evolutionary Biology. They will also learn about the Free Instructional Resources available through the Teacher Institute for Evolutionary Science (TIES). This event is for Hillsborough county teachers only.
Come out and celebrate Charles Darwin and his theories…and the continued impact they have on science and research today! There will be dozens of hands-on displays, presentations by local researchers, crafts, games, and live animals. Help us break last year's attendance record of 5,000 people!
Please join us for our 4th Annual Darwin themed scavenger hunt at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Have your picture taken with Charles Darwin – Thanks to artist Carl Buell! Make new friends and visit the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History....Let the wild rumpus begin! 12:45pm -1:00pm Meet at the Atrium Cafeteria (Ground Floor) … Continued
The Secular & Social CNY Families are headed to the zoo on Saturday, February 11th in honor of Charles Darwin's birthday! There will be a little "birthday" celebration, and time to explore the zoo.
It's time to celebrate Darwin Day again! We'll start the festivities at 4 pm that Saturday. Stop in when you can; we'll be there late into the evening. PH will provide cake and ice cream to commemorate the birthday of the late great scientist. We'll also have coffee, and beyond that everyone can bring a … Continued
Emotions and intelligence in the animal kingdom We, Homo sapiens, belong to the animal kingdom, but we always had the presumption to hold us in higher absolute. Scientific knowledge and better observation has instead revealed many qualities in common with the animals: intelligence to emotions. The spread of the pet and its positive relational experience … Continued
The Humanists of Utah invite you to attend our 10th Annual Darwin Day Celebration from 5:30 - 9:00 p.m. at the Officer's Club at the University of Utah (150 South Fort Douglas Blvd.) on Saturday, February 11, 2017. We are thrilled to be celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the first Darwin Day celebration in Utah, … Continued
“Chasing Birds with Satellites--Taking the Pulse of the Planet” will be explicated by Yale’s Walter Jetz at the 9th Annual Darwin Day Dinner to be held Saturday evening February 11. The popular event features cocktail hour, dinner, science quiz (with prizes!), and will take place at The Water’s Edge at Giovanni’s in Darien. Walter Jetz, … Continued
The Gulf Coast Freethinkers present the annual Charlie Chili CookOff honoring Darwin Day and fundraising for the Humanists of West Florida's community outreach.
On Feb. 11th at 6:30pm, we are inviting community members to attend Darwin on the Palouse, a local Darwin Day celebration. Join us for a fascinating look at the science of GMOs and vaccines with Dr. Kevin Folta and Dr. Cheryl Miller. Presentations will be followed by Q&A. This free annual event celebrates humanity, science … Continued
The website has been updated with an interactive timeline and enhanced secondary school resources for ages 11-14. What's more, the full texts of the letters for 1872 are now online for the first time, and a selection of Darwin's correspondence with women has been published in print. A fitting way to celebrate Darwin's birthday on … Continued