You are invited to see a Nobel Prize winner speak, and meet him, on Darwin Day!
See Dr. William Moerner, Stanford professor and winner of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics, lecture on: “Fun With Single Molecules – Tiny Nanoscale Points of Light Inside Cells”. You see, he is the first person to see a single molecule! He will lecture in simple terms, easily comprehensible to the non-scientist. He gives this talk to high school students, who easily understand it. His lecture will be given on:
DARWIN DAY, a celebration of science honoring the birthday of Charles Darwin
See David Seaborg, renowned evolutionary biologist and President of the World Rainforest Fund (, do his very popular lecture and act, dressed as and impersonating Charles Darwin, combining science and theater, giving an exciting lecture, with new scientific findings, called: “Preserving the Endangered Web of Life”.
See Rajen Thapa speak on “The Global Environmental Crisis as a Human Rights and Welfare Issue”. Learn how the illegal wildlife trade and environmental destruction is related to the human slave trade, human rights, and employment, and what you can do to help solve this problem.
See exotic animals, including a tortoise, and unusual, interesting fossils. You will have a rare opportunity to hold these, but do not have to if you do not wish to.
Buy your tickets before the event at Eventbrite and save money with the Early Bird Special discount!
$24.20—Early Bird Special through Eventbrite
$33.00—Paid day of event at the door
$9.43—Children 16 and under, Early Bird Special through Eventbrite
$12.00—Children 16 and under, paid day of event at the door
$106.49—Private reception after lectures with Nobel Prize winner Dr. William Moerenr, David Seaborg, and Rajen Thapa, with wine and cheese, Early Bird Special through Eventbrite
$130.00–Private reception after lectures with Nobel Prize winner Dr. Moerner, David Seaborg, and Rajen Thapa, with wine and cheese, paid day of the event at the door
For further information, and discounts to the event or reception if you truly lack the funds, email the event organizer, David Seaborg, at: