Celebrate Darwin Day with the Baltimore Coalition of Reason
When: Thursday, February 12, 7:30 pm (potluck dinner at 6:30 pm)
Where: Baltimore Ethical Society, 306 W. Franklin St.
This event is free and open to the public.
Join us for a lecture by Prof. Jason Rosenhouse titled “Among the Creationists.” Rosenhouse will speak about some of his experiences socializing with creationists, talk about some of the different schools of thought within creationism, and also discuss why they feel so threatened by evolution. The talk will follow a potluck dinner at 6:30 pm. Doors open at 6:15 pm.
Speaker Bio:
Jason Rosenhouse is a professor of mathematics at James Madison University. After receiving his PhD from Dartmouth College in 2000, he spent three years at Kansas State University, working on issues related to public education. At that time, a conservative school board in Kansas had removed evolution from the biology curriculum standards. It was in this way that he developed an interest in evolution. Over the next several years he visited dozens of conferences and gatherings devoted to creationism. These experiences led to the publication of his book “Among the Creationists: Dispatches From the Anti-Evolutionist Frontline,” published by Oxford University Press.
Meetup: http://meetu.ps/2GbNqT
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/591722810972761/
Potluck signup: http://ur1.ca/jgz88
Sign up to bring a dish for the potluck here: http://ur1.ca/jgz88 . If you can’t bring a dish, you can sign up to contribute towards pizza on that form.
Free childcare will be provided (donations accepted). Please RSVP to bmorecor@gmail.com or call 410-929-3399 by Monday, Feb. 9, if you will be bringing children.
Parking is free on Franklin Street after 6:00 pm. Directions at http://bmorethical.org/contact-us/directions/
Baltimore Coalition of Reason
Prof. Jason Rosenhouse: