The story of the human brain, with Jim Al-Khalili

Conway Hall 25 Red Lion Square, London, United Kingdom

The most remarkable and mysterious object in the cosmos sits inside our heads. Our brains, the centres of consciousness, logic, and creativity, have nearly 100 billion neurons forming some 100 trillion connections, a complexity found nowhere else in the universe. So how did the conditions on planet earth drive its evolutionary marvel through planetary catastrophes … Continued

Darwin Day at Arkansas State University

Arkansas State University 101 North Caraway Road, Jonesboro, AR, United States

The third annual Darwin Day series of events will take place at Arkansas State University from Saturday, Feb. 8, through Friday, Feb. 14. “Our theme this year is biodiversity and we have several events that focus on biodiversity in Arkansas and around the world,” said Dr. Drew Sweet, assistant professor of evolutionary biology. An anthotypes … Continued

Darwin Day at Discovery Science Place

University of Texas at Tyler, Discovery Science Place, Tyler Junior College Tyler, TX, United States

Activities will include a booth with university student volunteers, videos about the diversity and evolution of life and interactive displays. Regular admission required.

Darwin Day Lipari – XIV ed.

Gattopardo Park Hotel via Isabella Conti, Lipari, Messina, Italy

M.C. Martinelli: Novità dal Neolitico. C. Blandino: Le banche del germoplasma, scrigni di biodiversità. A.I. Di Paola: LIFESEEDFORCE: il progetto per salvare dall’estinzione alcune specie iconiche della flora eoliana. P. Lo Cascio: Darwin ambientalista? Una curiosa storia tra isole, testuggini giganti e colossi della scienza.

17th Annual Darwin Day Dinner – “Deep-Sea Biodiversity Challenges in the 21st Century”

Pinstripes, 100 North Water Street, Norwalk CT 06854 100 North Water Street (top floor of SoNo Collection mall), Norwalk, CT, United States

This is an annual science party - now in its 17th year. The event includes a cocktail hour, a buffet dinner, a science quiz (with prizes!), and a lecture by Dr. Lisa Levin, Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. This is a fun and educational event. The tables compete against each other … Continued


28th Annual Darwin Day Celebration

Museum of Science and Curiosity 400 Jibboom St, Sacramento, CA, United States

Darwin Day celebration is happy to be back at MOSAC! The second longest-running Darwin Day celebration in the world is happy to be back at MOSAC. This annual celebration features a science presentation and draws individuals who hold science in high regard and want to sustain scientific integrity of school curricula and programs. For the … Continued


Darwin Day at Discovery Science Place

University of Texas at Tyler, Discovery Science Place, Tyler Junior College Tyler, TX, United States

Activities will include a booth with university student volunteers, videos about the diversity and evolution of life and interactive displays. Regular admission required.


Darwin Day Part 1: James E. Strick

Morris Library Morris Library, 114, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, United States

Celebrate Darwin Day with a keynote lecture by James E. Strick, professor and chair of the Science, Technology and Society Program at Franklin and Marshall College. This year's presentation delves into Darwin’s nuanced and often private perspectives on the origin of life. Though widely assumed to connect his theory of evolution with life arising through natural … Continued

Evolution Across Mutagenic Landscapes: Adventures At Chernobyl Fukushima, and Other Hot Places, with Dr. Timothy Mousseau

Stony Brook University 100 Circle Rd, Stony Brook, NY, United States

We are honored to welcome Dr. Timothy Alexander Mousseau as the distinguished guest speaker for Darwin Day 2025. A world-renowned expert in ecology and evolutionary biology, Dr. Mousseau has dedicated his career to understanding how organisms adapt to challenging environments. His groundbreaking research on the long-term impacts of the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear disasters on wildlife … Continued

Darwin Day Lecture with Richard Dawkins and David French

Langford Auditorium,Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Vanderbilt is excited to host the inaugural public event in its Scopes Centennial series. Richard Dawkins will join noted New York Times Columnist and Dialogue Vanderbilt Fellow David French to discuss the role of science in illuminating fundamental questions about what it means to be human and the current impact of evolution on our politics, society and the world.


4th Annual Darwin Day Research Symposium Lecture

Carroll College Wiegand Amphitheater 1601 N Benton Ave., Helena, MT, United States

Join us on Tuesday, February 11 at 5:30 p.m. in Carroll College's Simperman Hall Wiegand Auditorium for the 4th Annual Darwin Day Research Symposium with University of Montana Postdoctoral Scientist Daniel Shaw, Ph.D. Dr. Shaw will present "On the Origin of Sex: Causes and consequences of sex chromosome evolution." This lecture will showcase how the … Continued


Darwin Day at SDSU

San Diego State University 5500 Campanile Dr, San Diego, CA, United States

Darwin Day is an international celebration held annually on February 12 that honors the life and legacy of Charles Darwin, the British naturalist best known for his groundbreaking work on the theory of evolution by natural selection. The day aims to promote scientific thought, curiosity, and intellectual courage, as well as to highlight the importance of science … Continued

Darwin Days 2025

Paleontological Research Institution 1259 Trumansburg Road, Ithaca, NY, United States

Celebrating Charles Darwin Darwin Days 2025 explores hominins, whales, evolution education, and more! February 12th - 15th Darwin Day is an annual, international commemoration of the birthday and ideas of Charles Darwin, a British naturalist born February 12, 1809, and author of the seminal book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. … Continued

Dr. Tyler Starr: Molecular Evolution of SARS-CoV-2 and Related Bat Coronaviruse

Utah Valley University 800 W. University Parkway, Orem, UT, United States

Join us on February 12th for a day of discovery, discussion, and, of course, birthday cake! Our keynote speaker, Dr. Tyler Starr, will share insights into the Molecular Evolution of SARS-CoV-2 and Related Bat Coronaviruses, and we’ll also feature research poster displays, a Q&A session with Dr. Heath Ogden on Reconciling Science and Faith, and … Continued

Darwin Day Dinner

Poppy and Parliament 117 North Side Square, Huntsville, AL, United States

Come celebrate the work of Charles Darwin on his birthday with top-notch British food in downtown Huntsville. We can chat about how far Evolutionary Science has come since its inception.


Darwin Day Lecture: Twists and Turns in Teaching Evolution over the Years (Grand Rapids)

Calkins Science Center - Grand Rapids Community College 226 Bostwick Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Join us for our Darwin Day lecture. This years talk is titled “Twists and Turns in Teaching Evolution over the Years” by Glenn Branch, Deputy Director, National Center for Science Education. Controversies over the teaching of evolution in the public schools have rocked the nation over the past century. Evolution’s foes have consistently used the … Continued

Darwin Day Lecture: Darwin and the Art of Botany

North Carolina Botanical Garden 100 Old Mason Farm Rd., Chapel Hill, NC, United States

With Jim Costa, Executive Director, Highlands Biological Station Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2025 Time: 7:00 – 8:30 PM ET; followed by a reception sponsored by the Carolina Biodiversity Collaborative Location: Hybrid – Virtual and In-person attendance options Fee: Free; preregistration required Join Highlands Biological Station executive director Dr. Jim Costa for an illustrated exploration of … Continued

Darwin Day – Evolution und Medizin

Siegmund Freud Universität Freudplatz 3, Wien, Austria

Anlässlich des Darwin Day 2025 und auch als Test für eine Humanistische Akademie findet heute ein Vortrag über Charles Darwin an der Siegmund Freud Universität statt. Der Humanistische Verband Österreich veranstaltet den Abend gemeinsam mit der giordano bruno stiftung Österreich und der Gesellschaft für kritisches Denken ( und lädt herzlich ein. 12. Februar 2025 19-21 … Continued


The Scopes Trial in History and Folklore

University of Tennessee Knoxville 1502 Cumberland Ave., Knoxville, TN, United States

A century ago in Dayton, Tennessee, sensation-loving journalists of the 1920s transformed a small-town misdemeanor trial, brought under a new state law against teaching the theory of evolution in public schools, into a legendary clash of worldviews pitting populist orator, politician William Jennings Bryan and libertarian secularist, attorney Clarence Darrow. Over the ensuing years, fact … Continued

The Past is the Key to the Future: Oregon’s Fossil Rodents and the Impacts of Environmental Change

The Museum of Natural and Cultural History 1680 E. 15th Ave., Eugene, OR, United States

Humans’ impact on the environment is reshaping climates and landscapes. To understand these changes and guess at our future, we must look back to the deep past. Join paleontologist Samantha Hopkins as she explores how changes recorded in Oregon’s rich fossil record help us understand the ecological impacts of environmental change.

Included with regular admission; free for MNCH members and UO ID card holders. Show your Oregon Trail or other EBT card for an admission discount.

Ninth Annual Darwin Day and Wehner Research Symposium

Montclair State University 1 Normal Ave., Montclair, NJ, United States

Tentative Schedule of Events 08:30 Poster setup and continental breakfast – CELS Atrium 09:00 Welcome Drs. Matt Schuler, Kevin Bilyk, Quinn Vega and Christos Suriano followed by Dr. Lora Billings, Dean of CSAM 09:10 Oral presentations Anthony Barrera and Dr. Jen Krumins Kamsy Okafor and Dr. Eli Lee Will Cartelli and Dr. Jen Krumins Nicholas … Continued


Evolution Day 2025

UC Berkeley Essig Museum 1170 Valley Life Science Building, Berkeley, CA, United States

Each year, the Essig Museum celebrates the birthdays of Charles Darwin (February 12th, 1809), Alfred Russel Wallace (January 8th, 1823), and Henry Bates (February 8th, 1825) with special behind-the-scenes tours of our collection in the Valley Life Sciences Building (VLSB). Join us for a special look at our collections featuring beetles collected by Darwin during his Voyage of the Beagle. We … Continued


2025 Darwin Day Lecture: Nina Jablonski

114 Welch Building, Penn State University University Park, PA, United States

The Skin in the Game of Evolution: How human skin illustrates Darwinian evolution and much more Featuring Nina Jablonski, Ph.D., Atherton and Evan Pugh Professor Emerita of Anthropology, Penn State National Academy of Sciences Member Friday, February 14, 2025 3:00-4:30 p.m. with a light reception following in the Chaiken Family Atrium, 114 Welch Building Everything … Continued


Darwin Day at the Thomas A. Greene Geological Museum

Thomas A. Greene Geological Museum Lapham Hall 168, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Darwin Day is a community science outreach event celebrating the life and times of one of the most brilliant and influential Victorian naturalists, Charles R. Darwin. Darwin was an avid geologist and biologist who most famously developed the theory of natural selection—one of the driving mechanisms behind biological evolution—published in his seminal work: On the … Continued

Reception and Public Lecture at UT Tyler: Michael Muehlenbein, keynote speaker

UT Tyler 3900 University Blvd, Tyler, TX, United States

Topic: Hormones and Immunity in Evolutionary Perspectives Michael Muehlenbein is professor and chair of the Department of Anthropology at Baylor University. He holds advanced degrees in Public health and anthropology, and has worked at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Indiana University, the University of Texas at San Antonio, and now Baylor University. His academic interests include … Continued


How evolution gave us Free Will

Peter Froggatt Centre, Queens University Belfast 7, 9 College Park E, Belfast, United Kingdom

How do we come to have free will? Did it evolve with our brains? Could Artificial Intelligence evolve free will? The debate among scientists and philosophers about free will is heating up as research in neuroscience is exploding. As technological advancements blur the lines between humans and machines, the concept of free will becomes increasingly … Continued


Darwin Day Part 2

University of Delaware 221 Academy Street, Neward, DE, United States

Charles Darwin was born on 12 February 1809. The University of Delaware will join event organizers from around the world to virtually celebrate Darwin’s contributions to humanity, science and rational thought with talks by scientists and scholars on a variety of related topics. Charles Darwin was born on 12 February 1809. The University of Delaware will join event organizers from around the world to virtually celebrate Darwin’s contributions to humanity, science and rational thought with talks by scientists and scholars on a variety of related topics.

Darwin Day 2025 Celebration at the McClung

McClung Museum of Natural History and Culture 1327 Circle Park Drive, Knoxville, Tennesee

Mark your calendars, Charles Darwin is turning 216! Join museum educators and UT scientists at the McClung's annual celebration of Darwin Day. Visitors are welcome to engage in family-friendly activity stations exploring themes of deep time, evolution, and adaptation. It will be a party. Come get ready to take pictures with a giant Darwin puppet! … Continued


The Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Program at Texas A&M University presents: An Annual Celebration of All Things Biology

The Gardens at TAMU 556 John Kimbrough Blvd, College Station, TX, United States

Although Monday, February 12th is the 216th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth, we will officially celebrate our Darwin Day event this year on February 28th. Family friendly, food trucks, scavenger hunt, local artists, and more! The vision of Darwin Day is to “inspire people throughout the globe to reflect and act on the principles of intellectual … Continued


Darwin Day 2025: Celebrating a Century of Change Since the Scopes Monkey Trial

Duquesne University 600 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

2025 marks the 100th anniversary of the so-called Scopes "Monkey" Trial.  In July 1925 in tiny Dayton, Tennessee, first-year coach and math/physics teacher John Scopes was put on trial for violating Tennessee’s newly passed law criminalizing the teaching of human evolution in public schools. Scopes’s trial became a sensational global news story and stoked a … Continued

Iowa City Darwin Day: Science Fest

Welcome to Iowa City Darwin Day: Science Fest, a grand celebration of science and its many contributions to humanity! We will welcome three speakers for talks on Friday April 4th and Saturday April 5th, 2025 All events are free and open to the public  
