Darwin’s great insight was to propose a mechanism that species used to change over time. In this era of genomics and space exploration, can these insights be applied to the age-old question: are we alone?
Celebrate life and love this month with our Darwin Day assembly on Valentine’s Day! Our guest will be Dr Lynn Rothschild, evolutionary biologist, NASA astrobiologist, and winner of the 2015 Isaac Asimov Science Award.
For more information about SASV:
Check out our website at: http://sundayassemblysiliconvalley.org/
Like us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/SundayAssemblySV
Follow us on Twitter: @SunAssembly_SV
Parking Information: Disabled parking on-site. For all others: parking at the SJSU garage, entrance on San Fernando at 10th St. (cost is $5), or for free in the neighborhood (most streets are unrestricted on Sundays).
Plus we’ll enjoy each other and our culinary creativity with another great SASV Potluck – This one focusing on Desserts and Drinks.