Gunther Toody’s

Gunther Toody's 301 w. 104th Ave, Northglenn, CO, United States

We are considered one of the best restaurants in Colorado Springs because of the quality they offered. Gunther Toody’s is a family restaurant that offers all sorts of American cuisine … Continued

GBH Darwin Day Celebration Talk: ‘Was Darwin a Dunce?’

The Humanist Hub 30 JFK Street, 4th Floor, Cambridge, MA, United States

We'll get together to celebrate upcoming Darwin Day 2016 (February 12) with this, our first GBH lecture of the new year, at the Humanist Hub in Cambridge (there will be … Continued


SF Atheists — Galapagos Expedition

Club Quarters Hotel, lower level 424 Clay St., San Francisco, CA, United States

San Francisco Atheists January meeting In early honor of the upcoming International Darwin Day, please join us for a photographic tour of the Galapagos Islands. Visited by Charles Darwin in … Continued


Darwin Day Special

Room 145 1144 M St., Lincoln, NE, United States

The Nebraska Citizens for Science Forum presents excerpts of talk called "The Third Darwinian Revolution by Clay Farris Naff, science and religion correspondent for The Humanist magazine, followed by a … Continued


Darwin Week

Circular Congregational Church 150 Meeting St, Charleston, SC, United States

The public is invited to the 16th annual celebration of Darwin Week in Charleston! Ten events in ten days. See website for details.


Piccolo Darwin Week

College of Charleston 66 George St, Charleston, SC, United States

The third annual celebration of evolutionary science for children and youth in Charleston! All events free, but registration required for most. See website for details.


Darwin Day Tyler 2016

University of Texas at Tyler, Discovery Science Place, Tyler Junior College Tyler, TX, United States

This year’s Darwin Day celebration features three main events: a keynote address, evolutionary themed video screenings, and a teacher development workshop. There will also be events for kids at the … Continued


Darwin on the Palouse 2016

WSU Cub Jr. Ballroom Pullman, WA, United States

Darwin on the Palouse, a free event to celebrate humanity, science and rational thought, is held annually in Moscow Idaho and Pullman Washington.


Darwin Day/A Humanist Celebration

Ethical Humanist Society of LI 38 Old Country Road, Garden City, NY, United States

Our day begins with a wonderful talk from Dr. John Teehan, the chair of a department of Hofstra University. He is an avid Darwin fan and has often spoken at … Continued


Darwin and the Animals

Unitarian Universalist Church 230 Grand Blvd., Tarpon Springs, FL, United States

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Tarpon Springs, Florida, celebrates Charles Darwin on the first Sunday in February. Attention is also given to biodiversity and environmental protection concerns in the 21st … Continued


Darwin Day Lecture – Evolution: What the Fossils Say

Center for Inquiry-L.A. 4773 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA, United States

Among the greatest distortions and misunderstandings about evolution are the creationist attacks on the fossil record, and whether it provides evidence for evolution. In this talk, geologist and paleontologist Donald … Continued


Darwin Festival

Salem State University 352 Lafayette Street, Salem, MA, United States

week-long event of daily lectures and videos related to evolution


SUNY New Paltz’s 11th Annual Darwin Day Celebration

SUNY New Paltz Lecture Center 102, New Paltz, NY, United States

Did you know that SUNY New Paltz hosts one of the longest-standing Darwin Day celebrations each year - celebrating Darwin's influence on modern thought? Come join us this Monday for … Continued


SHSNY Movie Night: Creation

Stone Creek 140 East 27th St, New York, NY, United States

Movie night for Secular Huamnist Society of New York. 'Creation'. 2009 film explores the human story behind how Darwin saw the world and changed it forever. At Stone Creek Lounge, … Continued



On board Yacht La Pinta, while exploring The Galapagos Islands, we are celebrating Darwin Week with a series of talks and lectures related to Charles Darwin's works. On Feb 8 … Continued

Darwin Days 2016

Paleontological Research Institution 1259 Trumansburg Road, Ithaca, NY, United States

Join us as we explore the evolutionary relationships among all life on Earth, and learn how we research and display the “Tree of Life.” A full schedule of events can … Continued

Darwin Week a Città della Scienza

Città della Scienza Via Coroglio 104, Naples, Italy, Italy

A poco più di 200 anni dalla nascita di Charles Darwin, nonostante le sue teorie abbiano modificato radicalmente il modo di osservare e studiare il mondo naturale, le fila dei … Continued

Blomgren Training Systems

Blomgren Training Systems 460 Wells Road, ​Doylestown, PA, United States

​Travis Blomgren was a nationally recognized high school athlete, a First Team Quarterback, Defensive Back & Punter for the Suburban One league in Bucks County Pennsylvania, the Philadelphia Area Player … Continued

Judgement Day: Intelligent design on trial (NOVA film)

Doudna Fine Arts Center Lecture Hall Eastern Illinois University, 600 Lincoln Ave., Charleston, IL, United States

A documentary film on the Dover Pennsylvania trail concerning the inclusion of intelligent design theory into public school biology classes.


The future of Science: Who will be the next Charles Darwin?

Royal Ontario Museum 100 Queens Park, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Every once in a while, scientific knowledge surges forward, thanks to a brilliant individual like Galileo, Newton, or Darwin. Dan Riskin, evolutionary biologist, author, and co-host of Discovery's Daily Planet, … Continued


Judgement Day: Intelligent design on trial (NOVA film)

Doudna Fine Arts Center Lecture Hall Eastern Illinois University, 600 Lincoln Ave., Charleston, IL, United States

A documentary film on the Dover Pennsylvania trail concerning the inclusion of intelligent design theory into public school biology classes.


SSA Darwin Day

Florida State University Oglesby Union 75 N. Woodward Ave., Tallahassee, FL, United States

Darwin Day Celebration at Florida State University


Utah Valley University 2016 Darwin Day

Utah Valley University Science Building 800 W University Parkway, Orem, UT, United States

Posters, displays,videos, Darwin birthday cake, throughout day in Science Building Atrium. Noon talk in Science Building Auditorium: Dr. Lisa M. Abegglen, Ph.D. from Huntsman Cancer Institute, University of Utah "Evolution’s … Continued


OSF Darwin Day Celebration

Open Science Forum Classes Indraprastha, Naginawadi, Katargam, Surat, Surat, Gujarat, India

We are celebrating the first ever Darwin day of India. We are a science coaching and promotion institute based out of surat. Our Darwin day celebrations will include a lecture … Continued


OSF Darwin Day celebration

Open Science Forum Classes Indraprastha, Naginawadi, Katargam, Surat, Surat, Gujarat, India

This is the first ever Darwin Day organized by any Science teaching institute in India. The program includes a lecture by Mr. Nitesh Pandey who will be addressing to the … Continued


Celebració Dia de Darwin

Escola Adults Can Serra L'Hospitalet (Barcelona), Barcelona, Spain

El dia 10 de febrer celebrarem el dia da Darwin a les classes de GES2 de l'Escola d'Adults Can Serra

Linn County (Iowa) Board of Supervisors Issue Darwin Day Proclamation

Jean Oxley Linn County Public Service Center 935 Second St. SW, Cedar Rapids, IA, United States

Linn County (Iowa) Board of Supervisors Chair Ben Rogers gives Humanists of Linn County President Roxanne Gissler the International Darwin Day Proclamation.

Berrios Orthodontics

Berrios Orthodontics 8345 Reseda Blvd. #201, Northridge, CA, United States

Welcome to Berrios Orthodontics, Northridge Orthodontist for Braces. Orthotropics is particularly valuable to kids, as the young growing face is very malleable and even slight pressure from the lips or … Continued

The origin of Eukaryotic Cells by Toni Gabaldón (ICREA-CRG)

Sala Charles Darwin Aulari Interfacultatiu, Campus de Burjassot (Universitat de València), Av. Vicent Andrés Estellés, Burjassot, Spain

Toni Gabaldón is evolutionary biologist at ICREA-CRG Evolutionary Genomics program. He is an expert in phylogenetic analysis and the origin of eukaryotic complexity.

Darwin Day, Modesto Junior College

MJC Science Community Center Rm 115 2201 Blue Gum Ave., Modesto, CA, United States

Dr. Julia Sankey, CSU Stanislaus paleontologist, will present her work on the 9-foot long tusked salmonids and other astonishing fossils she and her students have been working on, found in … Continued


“Why Do People Reject Good Science?”

Innovation Cube (CSI 282) Trinity University, San Antonio, TX, United States

A lecture by Dr. Eugenie Scott, National Center for Science Education, Innovation Cube (CSI 282), Trinity University, 7:30 pm, February 10, 2016. Please join us for Charles Darwin's birthday cake … Continued


Bar de Ciències: L’Antropocè

Octubre CCC Sant Ferran 12, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Amb motiu de la publicació del núm. 411 de Saó sobre polítiques ambientals valencianes, diàleg amb l'expert en sostenibilitat i ecòleg Andreu Escrivà. Modera: Reis Juan, periodista






KITION PLANETARIUM & OBSERVATORY 9 Ammochostou, Kiti, Larnaca, Larnaca, Cyprus



Aliens and cavemen – let’s talk

Collegium Humanisticum, Nicolaus Copernicus University ul. Władysława Bojarskiego 1, Toruń, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland

Have you ever wondered whether it's possible to communicate having to shape a completely new language? Students taking part in an iterated learning experiment showing the linguistic code evolution will … Continued

Lets play to be scientists. 2th Darwin Day in the Center of Cuba.

Cuabal Loma de "Los Güiros" Callejón de Los Patos km 3, Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba

Last February 11th, Biology students, teachers and researchers, alongside children and teachers of a rural primary school celebrated the International Darwin Day using pleasure, adventures and role-plays. They visited a … Continued


Day of Discovery

I will be digging 500 million year old trilobites



ICB UFPA Rua Augusto Corrêa, 01 - Guamá. CEP 66075-110. Caixa postal 479. , BELÉM, PARÁ, Brazil

No dia 12 de fevereiro a comunidade científica comemora o nascimento de Charles Darwin! E para comemorar esse dia, nada melhor do que nos juntarmos para discutir ciência! Por isso, … Continued


24-Hour Reading of Origin of Species

Dolan Science Center, 2nd Floor, West 1 John Carroll Boulevard, University Heights, OH, United States

Students, Staff, Faculty, and our Community read, "The Origin of Species" nonstop for 22 hours, to celebrate the birthday and contributions of Sir Charles Darwin.

USF Darwin Day 2016

C.W. Bill Young Hall C.W. Bill Young Hall, Tampa, FL 33617, Tampa

In celebration of Darwin’s enduring contributions, our multi-disciplinary group has hosted outside speakers and workshops to increase understand and awareness of the theory of evolution. This year, we are happy … Continued


Celebrate Darwin Day at the Idaho Museum of Natural History

Idaho Museum of Natural History 698 E Dillon St, Pocatello , ID, United States

Last chance to see the Evolving Idaho! exhibit before it goes extinct! Open house hosted by the ISU scientists who helped develop the Evolving Idaho! exhibit at the Idaho Museum … Continued


Día de Darwin 2016

Unnamed Venue Carrera 52 Nº 73 - 75 , Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia

Dos charlas magistrales y un Foro entre cuatro panelistas Charlas: - "Las formas de las flores: Darwin y los modelos genéticos contemporáneos" Invitado: Natalia Pabón-Mora, MSc. y Ph.D de la … Continued

Evolution of the Human Brain and Mind

St. Joseph County Public Library 304 S. Main St., South Bend, IN, United States

Come join us at 6:00 as we finish the Charles Darwin story we started in January. At 6:30, Dr. Mark Reimers, a professor of neuroscience at Michigan State University, will … Continued

Darwin Day- Happy Hour with Francesco Petretti

St.Sebatian Hall Piazza dei Costanti, 7, Camerino, Italy

Happy Hour with Francesco Petretti, the famous naturalist, with the Conference about "Wild Italy" and the visit in the Science Museum exhibition.


The Volcanoes of the Galapagos and the Evolution of Life

Virginia Tech Museum of Geosciences 2062 Derring Hall, 1405 Perry Street, Blacksburg, VA, United States

Virginia Tech Museum of Geosciences Public Lecture presented by Dr. Esteban Gazel. Dr. Gazel studies volcanic activity and associated magma plumes. This talk will focus on how volcanoes from the … Continued


Darwin Day Tennessee

Cox Auditorium 1408 Middle Drive, Knoxville, TN, United States

Celebrate Darwin Day 2016: Paleontology. Come learn about what fossils can tell us about our evolutionary journey. We are delighted to host Dr. Neil Shubin, who discovered one of the … Continued


Take a Selfie with Charlie!

Beaner's Coffeehouse 324 North Central Ave, Duluth, MN, United States

Listen to singers, poets, and others celebrating Charles Darwin's contributions to science and have your picture taken with a life-size cut-out.


Darwin Day Birthday Bash

Barclay's American Grille 1120 Pleasant St., Oak Park, IL, United States

End of the Line Humanists' 3rd annual Darwin Day celebration. Join us for our premier social event of the year. Short evolution-themed presentations and D Day activities. Appetizers and pop, … Continued


Why Evolution is True

Durham Research Center (Main Auditorium) South 45th Street, Omaha, NE, United States

Speaker: Brad Ericson, Ph.D -- professor of Biology at University of Nebraska at Kearney


Cómete el Museo: Darwin y la evolución de la tapa

Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales c/ José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2, Madrid, Spain

Si corre, nada o vuela, a la cazuela. Esta podría haber sido la máxima de Charles Darwin, posiblemente el científico más importante de la historia de la humanidad, que recorrió … Continued


Darwin Day @ BSU

DMF Building at Bridgewater State University 24 Park Ave., Bridgewater, MA, United States

The Department of Biological Sciences, the Center for the Advancement of STEM Education (CASE), and the Class of ’42 lecture series are excited to announce the preliminary schedule for our … Continued


Darwin Day

Nicholls State University 316 Cental Lafourche Drive, Thibodaux , LA, United States

A collaborative effort between the Secular Student Alliance at Nicholls State University, Biology Society, and Tri Beta to celebrate the birthday of Darwin

Darwin Day Celebration at the University of Pittsburgh Bradford

Mukaiyama University Room - University of Pittsburgh Bradford 300 Campus Drive, Bradford, PA, United States

Darwin Day Speaker Tammy Wells - Thursday, February 11th 6:30pm Student posters and door prizes - Friday, February 12th 11am to 3pm Darwin Birthday Cake - Friday, February 12th Noon … Continued


Darwin Fest

Carretera Tijuana-Ensenada 3917 Playitas Carretera Tijuana-Ensenada 3917 Playitas, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico

Conferences about the major theories of Darwin: Natural Selection and Sexual Selection.


Happy Darwin

in Iran, we can't have a public festival for Darwin. but have a site and publishing issue for celebrate this day and Darwin.

Darwin Correspondence Project – New Website! , United Kingdom

The Darwin Correspondence Project have launched a new website with loads of new content to celebrate Darwin Day 2016!


To mark Darwin Day the UK writers organisation 26 has released a poem inspired by Darwin's home in Kent, UK. This is a piece by Philip Parker inspired by Darwin's … Continued


Darwin Weekend At Brasov Zoo

Zoo Brasov str. Brazilor 1, Brasov, Brasov, Romania

Charles Darwin's birthday will be celebrated in Romania as well! Various activities will take place at The Brasov Zoo in order to promote this event of utmost importance. For three … Continued

Darwin Day at Novomundo School

COC NM Avenida Marechal Mallet, 392, Praia Grande, Sao Paulo, Brazil

No dia, evento será realizado via internet, devido ao feriado de Carnaval. Haverá continuação das comemorações no dia 15/02/2016, na escola. On the day, event will be held via internet … Continued

USF Darwin Day Lecture 2

FAO 248 Faculty Office Bldg, Tampa, United States

In celebration of Darwin’s enduring contributions, our multi-disciplinary group has hosted outside speakers and workshops to increase understand and awareness of the theory of evolution. This year, we are happy … Continued


Darwin’s Annual Birthday Celebration

GFHS 3002 Centennial Rd., Santa Ana, CA, United States

Mrs. Maclean's Introductory Freshman Biology classes at Godinez Fundamental High School will be incorporating lessons in evolution to coincide with a cake and ice cream party to celebrate the giant … Continued

Zilele Evolutiei

Libraria Humanitas de la Cismigiu Bd. Regina Elisabeta 58, Bucuresti, Bucharest, Romania

In weekendul 12-14 februarie echipa ASUR va invita la ”Zilele Evolutiei”. In fiecare zi va fi abordat un alt apect al evolutiei, in cadrul unor intalniri cu public, gazduite de … Continued


Celebrating our university’s namesake

Mal Nairn Auditorium Charles Darwin University, Ellengowan Dr, Casuarina, Darwin, NT, Australia

Address: The role of suicide, insanity and sandstone in the naming of Darwin (Australia), by Tom Pauling AO QC


Darwin Day Q&A

a live question and answer tweet-up for the public being held on twitter starting at 10 am EST / 3pm GMT, Friday, 12 February. Questions about evolution and about Darwin … Continued


Insetos Sociais: mundos em miniatura

Museu de Zoologia da USP Avenida Nazaré, 481, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Oficina temática com Joice Constantini, MZUSP no espaço interativo



Castello di Rivoli Piazzale Mafalda di Savoia, Rivoli, TO, Italy

Dodici febbraio, tempo di Darwin Day, l’appuntamento annuale che cade nel compleanno di Charles Darwin, il naturalista britannico nato il 12 febbraio 1809 che con la teoria dell’evoluzione ha cambiato … Continued



Video Aula/Jardin Darwin Camino Ing. Ramón Padilla Sánchez #2100, Predio Las Agujas, Zapopan, Jalisco, México. , Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

Conmemorando el 207 aniversario del natalicio de Charles R. Darwin y dentro de los eventos mundiales que se realizarán, los profesores de la División de Cs Biológicas y ambientales del … Continued


Darwin Day

Laguna Creek High School 9050 Vicino Dr, Elk Grove, CA, United States

Come celebrate Darwin's birthday.


Darwin Day at Campus Teva, Tel Aviv University

Tel Aviv University 50 Brodezky st., Tel Aviv, Israel

Lecture, Show & Tell, guided tours at the botanical and Zoological gardens at Tel Aviv University


Darwin Day Lecture at SFA

Miller Science Building, room 139 Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX, United States

Seminar presentation in honor of Darwin's Birthday. Speaker: Prof. Gil Rosenthal Title: Mate choice and its consequences: genomic and behavioral insights from natural hybrid zones


Darwin Day

North Carolina Botanical Garden 100 Old Mason Farm Road, Chapel Hill, United States

Join us to explore how the wondrous force of Natural Selection has shaped the patterns of diversity among vertebrates, invertebrates, and plant communities. Mark your calendar for this talk on … Continued


Darwin Day 2016 Morgantown

123 Pleasant St 123 Pleasant St., Morgantown, WV, United States

Join in for a free lunch and hear 2 speakers present sessions to honor Darwin , Science and Reason

Evolving a language

Collegium Humanisticum, Nicolaus Copernicus University ul. Władysława Bojarskiego 1, Toruń, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland

Have you ever considered how it would be like to have a chat with King Alfred the Great? Would it be possible at all? The English language is a great … Continued

Darwin no Brasil

Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Nazaré, 481, Sao Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Contação de histórias e oficina com Marcelo Sato, IBUSP no auditório


A Viagem do Beagle

Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Nazaré, 481, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Jogo Interativo com Bruno G Augusta, IBUSP



Sala Lauree BLU del Campus Luigi Einaudi Lungo Dora Siena, 100, Torino, Torino, Italy

CIRSDe – Centro Interdisciplinare di Ricerche e Studi delle Donne e di Genere Torino, 12 febbraio 2016 – dalle ore 14.00 alle ore 18.00 Sala Lauree BLU del Campus universitario … Continued


Ausflug in die Evolution

Unnamed Venue Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Wir gehen mit der Familie ins Zoologische Museum Hamburg - an wlechem Ort könnten wir Darwins Geburtstag besser feiern?

DARWIN DAY 2016 – Il Geoparco Globale UNESCO del Beigua e il Museo di Storia Naturale di Genova celebrano insieme il Darwin Day 2016 – Beigua UNESCO Global Geopark and the Natural History Museum of Genoa celebrate the Darwin Day 2016

Museo di Storia Naturale "G. Doria" di Genova Viale Brigata Liguria 9 , Genova, Genova, Italy

In occasione dei festeggiamenti che ogni anno vengono organizzati a livello mondiale per ricordare la data di nascita di Charles Darwin (12 febbraio 1809), l’Ente Parco del Beigua ed il … Continued


Darwin Day in the Institute of Cytology and Genetics

Institute of Cytology and Genetics 2 Koptyuga Ave, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

1. Invited lecture "Darwin and Evolution in Russian Poetry" by Ivan Poltoratsky 2. Poem "Charlesdarwinman" by Pavel Nikulin 3. Happening "Charles Darwin superstar" by students of National Research University of … Continued

Darwin’s Birthday celebration

Illusions Western Carolina University, Cullowhee., NC, United States

James Costa of WCU will speak on "The Development of Darwin's Evolutionary Thinking" at 5:30 p.m. James Costa of WCU will speak on "The Development of Darwin's Evolutionary Thinking" at … Continued


Evoluzioni. Tra santi, pirati e navigatori.

Aula Capitò viale Delle Scienze, 7, Palermo, PA, Italy

Alla ricerca del filo verde che lega la patrona di Palermo Rosalia Sinibaldi, il bucaniere secentesco William Dampier e certe "adorabili teorie", in bilico tra scienza e religione.

Arte Viva

Palazzo Liborio Romano Piazza Indipendenza 23, Patù, Lecce, Italy

Il progetto "Arte Viva" si propone di coinvolgere artisti, associazioni locali, esperti, professionisti e tutti gli interessati, per promuovere e far conoscere l'importanza dell'ambiente naturale, ed in particolare di diffondere … Continued

День Дарвина в Кочерге

Антикафе Кочерга ул. Большая Дорогомиловская, д.5к2, Москва, Москва, Russian Federation

По этому случаю мы, рациональное антикафе "Кочерга" и сообщество, совместно с Катей Зверевой из Общества Скептиков и Александром Панчиным из фонда "Эволюция" подготовили для вас лекторий (начало в 19:15) … Continued


Portland State University’s Biological Investigations and Outreach (BIO) Presents: “Endless, Beautiful, Wonderful Evolution” with Dr. Kiki Sanford

Smith Memorial Student Union Ballroom Portland State University, 1825 SW Broadway, Portland, OR, United States

Dr. Kiki Sanford is a neurophysiologist by training and currently runs the This Week in Science radio program. Join Biology Investigation & Outreach to hear Dr. Kiki speak about genetics, … Continued


Dalle Galápagos alla Campania

WWF Sannio Via Nicola Ciletti, 32, Benevento, Benevento, Italy

Dai Fringuelli di Darwin agli anfibi e rettili della Campania, un viaggio nel tempo tra natura e scienza. Una collaborazione tra WWF Sannio e ARDEA.

Drafts for Darwin!

Wildcard Brewing - Tied House 1321 Butte St, Redding, CA, United States

Celebrate Charles Darwin's birthday and enjoy a local beer at Redding's second annual Drafts for Darwin!


Darwindagen: evolusjon med Erik Tunstad

Human-Etisk Forbund Brugata 19, Oslo, Norway

Human-Etisk Forbund i Oslo inviterer til foredrag med Erik Tunstad for å markere Darwin-dagen 12. februar. Har du noen gang tenkt over hva en skog egentlig er? Uten evolusjon ville … Continued


Darwin Day Dinner at Denny’s

Denny's 2894 South Oneida Street, Green Bay, WI 54304, United States

Humanist in Green Bay Wisconsin will meet in the Packer Room at the Denny’s Restaurant at 2894 South Oneida Street, Green Bay, WI 54304 at 5:30 PM on February 12, … Continued


Darwin Day birthday party

Scarecrow Video scrng rm Roosevelt Way, Seattle, WA, United States

Evening party where we eat, socialize and play the game called Spin the Beagle.

SWAC Darwin Day

Rosie McCann's Irish Pub 1220 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, CA, United States

Santa Cruz's Skeptics Without A Cause (SWAC) are celebrating Darwin's birthday! We are meeting in the lounge area at Rosie's, drinks and food are available at the bar.



Manchester Conference Centre 78 Sackville Street , Manchester, District of Columbia, United Kingdom

Stalls and exhibitions from the Arts and Sciences and local schools-6-10pm, admission FREE. 7.30pm Darwin Day Lecture Dr Susanne Shultz "Religion, Cooperation and pro-Sociality - Are Religious People More Cooperative?


Darwin Day em Osasco

Escola de Artes de Osasco Rua Tenente Avelar Pires de Azevedo, 360 , Osasco, São Paulo, Brazil

documentary exhibition about Charles Darwin and discussio about the topic.

Darwin Day Dinner 2016

University House 1 Balmain Crescent, Acton, Weetangera, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Guest speaker: Emeritus Professor Stephen Boyden AM, internationally acknowledged pioneer of the study of 'biohistory' which considers the relationship between human culture and biological processes, focussing on the health of … Continued


The First Mass Extinction of Complex life

Noel Ryan Auditorium, Central Library 301 Burnhamthorpe Rd W, , Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

The First Mass Extinction of Complex life By Marc Laflamme Chemical and Physical Sciences, UTM The 540 Ma (million years ago) Cambrian Explosion represents the greatest expansion in early animal … Continued

Darwin Day Dinner

Fiddler's Hearth 127 N Main St, South Bend, IN, United States

Come join the Humanist Forum at Fiddler's Hearth to celebrate Darwin Day! You can find us in the back in the Beer Garden.

Darwin Day 2016

Saskatchewan Science Centre 2903 Powerhouse Drive, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

CFI Regina is hosting a family friendly Darwin Day Celebration at the Saskatchewan Science Centre. Come join us for crafts, games, videos and participatory presentations all focused on Evolution! (There … Continued


Central Colorado Humanists celebrate Darwin Day 2016!

Salida Community Center 305 F St, Salida, CO, United States

Darwin Day 2016!  In commemoration of Charles Darwin's 207th birthday and his contributions to science, Central Colorado Humanists will host our annual birthday party!  “What Darwin Never Knew”, a 120-minute video, will … Continued


Darwin Day

University of Nicosia 46 Avenue Engomi, Nicosia, Cyprus

Cyprus Humanists celebrate Darwin Day! Friday 12th February at 7pm @Univeristy of Nicosia.


IISER-M Voyage of the Beagle

IISER Mohali Knowledge City, Sector 81, Manauli, Sahibzada Ajit Singh , Mohali, Mohali, India

3 day celebration. Talks, games, + all night fun. And GBBC.


Public Lecture: Bird Evolution – From Dinosaurs to DNA

Lesar Law Building Auditorium Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL, United States

Celebrate the 11th Annual Darwin Week at SIU with this public lecture. It's presented by Dr. Scott V. Edwards, Curator of Ornithology, with Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology in the … Continued


Darwin Day/Brasile, scienza e scimmie

Libreria Assaggi via degli Etruschi, 4, Roma, Italy

Festeggiamo il Darwin Day parlando di scienza e delle scoperte fatte sul comportamento dei cebi dai cornetti in Brasile. Accompagnerá l´evento un aperitivo brasiliano, preparato con le ricette che vengono … Continued



Unnamed Venue Ansnes brygger, Ansnes , Hitra, Norway

Vi i Human-Etisk Forbund ønsker å feire Darwins bidrag til å fremme kritisk tenkning. Dagen markeres for å fremme Darwins bidrag til evolusjonsbiologi, og framfor alt vitenskap i sin alminnelighet. … Continued

Darwin Day Evolution Quiz- IIT Kanpur

BSBE Seminar Hall, IIT Kanpur Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

Come celebrate Darwin Day with BRaIN(Biological Research and Innovation Network)! Its 207th birth anniversary of Charles Darwin, the leading mind behind evolutionary theory who took the world by storm and … Continued


Darwin Day in Heidelberg

Heidelberg Alte Brücke Alte Brücke, Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Evening gathering on the Old Bridge in Heidelberg, hosted by local scientists. Cookies will be served and participants are asked to bring drinks of their preference.



Teatroinscatola lungotevere degli artigiani 14, Roma, Roma, Italy

“DARWIN E I GRILLI” di Gioia Fiorella Mariani, Era Nuova Edizioni --- G. F. Mariani, scenografa dal 1957 per la lirica, la prosa e il cinema, in Italia, Francia, Belgio, … Continued

Darwin Day 2016

Life Sciences Building 1 Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO, United States

Celebrate Charles Darwin’s birthday with a FREE evolution education event for all K-12 teachers. At this event, you can: attend workshops, enter drawings for books and prizes, sign up for … Continued


Darwin Day: Celebration of Evolution

Morrill Hall 645 North 14th Street, Lincoln, NE, United States

University of Nebraska – Lincoln, School of Biological Sciences Graduate students invite you to participate in activities celebrating Darwin. These activities are being done as part of investigate: Second Saturday … Continued

Darwin Day with the WA Young Naturalists

Point Walter Honour Ave, Bicton, WA, Australia

Join us at Point Walter, Perth, Western Australia for a morning of fun family-friendly nature-based activities and celebrate Darwin Day with a picnic in the park.

Darwin Celebration Days

Trailside Museum 738 Thatcher Ave., River Forest, IL, United States

Celebrate this Naturalist's Birthday with our naturalists at Trailside Museum. Join us as we explore evolution, adaptation, and survival through videos, displays and activities.


Darwin Day Austin 2016!

University of Texas Pickle Research Center, Commons Learning Center 10100 Burnet Rd., Austin, TX, United States

Center for Inquiry - Austin presents a FREE event to celebrate the 207th anniversary of Darwin’s birth. There will be something for everyone—fun learning activities for children and teens, fascinating … Continued


Darwin Day Celebration

College of DuPage Health & Science Bldg 425 Fawell Blvd, Glen Ellyn, IL, United States

Lecture and Video


Saskatoon 2016 Darwin Day Celebration!

Frances Morrison Public Library 311 - 23rd St. E., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

February 12th is the birthday of Charles Darwin, and "Darwin Day" is a global celebration of science and reason. This will be the 8th celebration in Saskatoon and the 6th … Continued

DARWIN DAY | DIA de DARWIN – VerCiência no Museu do Amanhã (Rio)

Museu do Amanhã (Museum of Tomorrow) Praça Mauá, 1 - Centro, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

A Mostra VerCiência, que desde 16 de janeiro vem oferecendo ao público do Museu do Amanhã exibições gratuitas de programas de TV sobre temas científicos, chega neste sábado, dia 13, … Continued

Sacramento Darwin Day 2016

John Smith Hall, La Sierra Community Center 5325 Engle Rd, Carmichael, CA, United States

Collecting Evolution: The 1905–06 Galápagos Expedition that Vindicated Charles Darwin Our speaker this year is paleontologist Matthew J. James, PhD What is Darwin Day? It is a science rush like … Continued


Folia de Darwin

Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Nazaré, 481, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Oficina de pintura e montagem de máscaras no Espaço Interativo


Darwin Day: 11° Darwin Day in Correggio: Humans and Humanoids

Sala Conferenze Palazzo Principi Corso Cavour 7, Correggio RE, Italy

Humans and humanoids In the near future man will live and work with robots built as his image and likeness, increasingly sophisticated in the cognitive and emotional aspects. A fascinating … Continued


Darwin Day – Lipari V edizione

Gattopardo Park Hotel via Isabella Conti, Lipari, Messina, Italy

Siamo giunti alla V edizione del Darwin Day di Lipari. Anche quest'anno saremo ospiti della sala congressi del Gattopardo Park Hotel per un pomeriggio all'insegna della scienza, della cultura, della … Continued

Darwin Day 2016

Rocca Colonna (Sala dei cento passi) Piazza Vittorio Veneto, Castelnuovo di Porto (Roma), Italy

Darwin's life presentation, the journey around the world, theory of evolution, man Darwin. Mendel's laws, DNA.


8th Annual Darwin Day Dinner

Norwalk Inn & Conference Center 99 East Avenue, Norwalk, CT, United States

New to Darwin Day? Like (or love) Science? Interested in learning about evolutionary biology from an extraordinary Yale professor? Enjoy a great party? Then this event is for YOU, and you will LOVE IT!


Stand Up for Darwin

Conway Hall 25 Red Lion Square, London, United Kingdom

A fundraising evening of comedy dedicated to Charles Darwin to celebrate his birthday. All money raised will go towards the British Humanist Association's work to promote scientific rationalism, Humanism, and … Continued


O que Darwin tem a nos dizer?

Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Nazaré, 481, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Palestra com Profa Dra Maria Isabel Landim, MZUSP


Humanist Families Darwin Day Party

Sarasota Jungle Gardens Sarasota, FL, United States

We are meeting at Jungle Gardens in Sarasota - There will be cake and a blue footed booby dance competition RSVP at: meetup website so you can participate in the … Continued


Darwin Celebration Days

Trailside Museum 738 Thatcher Ave., River Forest, IL, United States

Celebrate this Naturalist's Birthday with our naturalists at Trailside Museum. Join us as we explore evolution, adaptation, and survival through videos, displays and activities.

Darwin 101: The Wonder of the Cosmos – Sunday Assembly

San Jose Woman's Club 75 S 11th Street, San Jose, CA, United States

Darwin's great insight was to propose a mechanism that species used to change over time. In this era of genomics and space exploration, can these insights be applied to the … Continued


Darwin Day Bagel Brunch with speaker

Albany Community Center 1249 Marin Avenue, Albany, CA, United States

* 14 (Sunday): 11:00 AM —Bagel Brunch: Darwin Day What's up with denial in the science classroom? Minda Berbeco, enthusiastic scientist and staff member of the National Center for Science … Continued


Taxidermia… o que é isso?

Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Nazaré, 481, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Oficina temática com Marcelo Félix e Marina Lima, MZUSP no espaço interativo


Darwin Day Celebration

2100 Building 2100 24th Ave S, Seattle, WA, United States

We Select You, Naturally! Join us on Valentine's Day to celebrate the life and work of Charles Darwin. Our theme this year is Beatles. We are lucky to have Don … Continued


Darwin Discovery Day

Michigan State University Museum West Circle Drive, East Lansing, MI, United States

The Michigan State University Museum presents its 12th annual Darwin Discovery Day on Sunday, Feb. 14, 2016, 1-5 p.m., an afternoon of science, exploration and discovery. Researchers and graduate students … Continued


Darwin Day Celebration

Water District Community Room 15500 Sand Canyon Avenue, Irvine, CA, United States

Humanist Association of Orange County presents Prof. Donald Prothero speaking on "Evolution: What the Fossils Say"

Por que Sexo?

Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Nazaré, 481, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Vídeo VerCiência 60 minutos - BBC no Auditório do MZUSP


Parasitoid Wasp: Genetics and Evolution (in Russian: Наездники: генетика и эволюция)


Наездники — удивительная группа перепончатокрылых, паразитирующая на «вредных» насекомых. Но, как говорится, враг врага — наш друг. Недавние исследования хромосомных наборов позволили обнаружить всесветно распространенные, но остававшиеся неизвестными для науки … Continued

Parasitoid Wasp: Genetics and Evolution (in Russian: Наездники: генетика и эволюция)

Art-PUB 12a, Tereshkova str., Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

Наездники — удивительная группа перепончатокрылых, паразитирующая на «вредных» насекомых. Но, как говорится, враг врага — наш друг. Недавние исследования хромосомных наборов позволили обнаружить всесветно распространенные, но остававшиеся неизвестными для науки … Continued

Darwin’s 206th Birthday Party

Edmund Casey Hall, Room 120 51 Dineen Drive, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

Come help us celebrate Darwin's 206th birthday! There will be food and games!


Vitenkafé: Evolusjon med Erik Tunstad

Scene 5, Lillestrøm kultursenter Kirkegata 11, Lillestrøm, Norway

Nedre Romerike lokallag inviterer til vitenkafé med Erik Tunstad for å markere Darwin-dagen, 16. februar på Scene 5, Lillestrøm kultursenter. Har du noen gang tenkt over hva en skog egentlig … Continued


SUNY-ESF Evolution Course Poster Viewing for Darwin-Wallace Day

SUNY-ESF Moon Library 1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse, NY, United States

SUNY-ESF undergraduate biology majors have produced mini-posters featuring evolutionary biology research from 2015 and 2016. Posters are on display in F. Franklin Moon Library. Members of the general public are … Continued

Darwin Day: An Evening with a Paleomammalogist

Garfield Heights Library 5409 Turney Rd., Garfield Heights, OH, United States

Center for Inquiry Northeast Ohio is sponsoring a presentation by Professor Darin Croft, PhD of Case Western Reserve University. Darin is an expert in vertebrate paleontology, and his specialty is … Continued

Darwin i el viatge del Beagle

Unnamed Venue Av. Isabel la Catòlica, 32, L'Hospitalet, Catalonia, Spain

Als 22 anys i de forma gairebé casual Charles Darwin s’embarca al vaixell Beagle, en un viatge que tenia com a objectiu cartografiar la Patagonia, i confirmar que la Bíblia … Continued


NDSU Darwin Day

NDSU Festival Concert Hall 12th ave N and Bolley Drive, Fargo

A celebration of Darwin's birthday, the theory of evolution and all things Science


Sharks! Past, Present, and Future

Knight Law Center room 175 1515 Agate St., Eugene, OR, United States

For the first installment, join the Idaho Museum of Natural History’s Leif Tapanila, PhD., for “Buzzsaw Sharks – Catching the Biggest Fish in the Permian Sea.” Giant buzz saw sharks … Continued


Mysteries of the Deep!

The Museum of Natural and Cultural History 1680 E. 15th Ave., Eugene, OR, United States

From ancient buzz saw sharks to giant sabertooth salmon, Pacific Northwest waters have been home to mysterious animals for millions of years. Bring the family, explore our Buzz Saw Sharks … Continued


Phoenix Atheists Meetup Group: Darwin Day Luncheon and Social

c/o North Mountain Visitor Center 12950 North 7th Street, Phoenix, AZ, United States

A "Darwin Day" celebration, to include food, socializing and edutainment in the gathering and company of other "Friends Of Darwin" at the delightful and centrally-located North Mountain Visitor Center. Food, … Continued


Darwin Day Lecture and Luncheon

Unitarian Universalist Center 1187 Franklin St (at Geary), San Francisco, CA, United States

Fifth Annual Darwin Day Celebration Feb 21 We will honor Darwin with our annual luncheon and lecture. Dr. Frank Sulloway will speak on Darwin and how his thinking was influenced … Continued


Darwin Day Celebration with CFI Sunday Skeptics in Brandon, FL

Crispers 11019 Causeway Blvd., Brandon, FL, United States

Darwin Day Celebration at CFI Sunday Skeptics welcomes atheists, secular humanists, and agnostics to network, relax, talk about current events, and about ways to help locals accept and embrace facts … Continued


Darwin Day Celebration

New Paltz Community Center 3 Veterans Way, NEW PALTZ, NY, United States

At our February 21 meeting we will be celebrating with a video, talks, games for children and a birthday cake.


Darwin Day Celebration

New Paltz Community Center 3 Veterans Way, NEW PALTZ, NY, United States

At our monthly meeting we will be celebrating with a video, talks, games for children and a birthday cake.


III Darwin Day no IBUSP

Instituto de Biociências - USP Rua do Matão,277, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Workshop: Com as mãos na massa, divulgando a evolução


Pittsburgh CFI Celebrates Darwin Day

First Unitarian Church Shadyside 605 Morewood Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

On February 24, at 7:00 p.m. in the First Unitarian Church Shadyside, 605 Morewood Avenue in Pittsburgh, Walter Carson of the University of Pittsburgh will give a Darwin Day talk … Continued


Darwin Day Talk – Duquesne University

Power Center Ballroom 600 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Dr. Sarah Tishkoff, University of Pennsylvania African Evolutionary Genomics: a modern look at human genetic diversity


Sharks! Past, Present, and Future

Knight Law Center room 175 1515 Agate St., Eugene, OR, United States

For the second installment, join shark expert Laura Jordan-Smith, PhD., for ”A Glimpse into the World of Sharks – Exploring Myths & Realities.” Dive deep into the myths and mysteries … Continued


3rd Darwin Day at The University of Warsaw

Wydział Biologii UW ul. Miecznikowa 1, Warszawa, mazowieckie, Poland

This year we focus on the dialogue between humanities and biology with the theory of evolution as a link between both fields.


Darwin Day Luncheon

Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix 627 W. Rio Salado Parkway, Mesa

Meet for lunch at the Humanist Community Center

$10 – $20

Darwin Day Kids

TANTESTORIE Libreria per Bambini e Ragazzi via Ludovico Ariosto 27, Palermo, PA, Italy

Nonno Charles raccontato ai ragazzi da Sandra Marineo (biologa) e da Giorgio Maone (coordinatore UAAR regione Sicilia) circondati da tanti buoni libri.

NYU’s Annual Darwin Day Lecture

NYU CGSB Auditorium 12 Waverly Place, New York, NY, United States

Join us for a one-hour talk by a noted expert, info coming soon


Darwin Day 2017: Mutation is the Name, Survival Is The Game

ND Heritage Center & State Museum 612 East Boulevard Avenue, Bismarck, ND, United States

Presentation: Mutation Is The Name, Survival Is The Game -Becky Barnes, Paleontologist, North Dakota Geological Survey MIni-Museum: Compare features of fossils and skeletons from NDGS collections Game: Survival of the … Continued


Darwin Day party

ron's place greenwood area, seattle, WA, United States

Party at my house, good food plus the game called "Spin the Beagle"


Darwin Week Event: Movie and Celebration

North Syracuse Public Library 100 Trolley Barn Lane, North Syracuse, NY, United States

Come watch the movie Creation with the CNY Humanists and the rest of the CNY Coalition of Reason! Cupcakes will be served and beards will be worn!


Celebration of Darwin Day in the Galapagos Islands

Yacht La Pinta Galapagos Islands, Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

Metropolitan Touring Ecuador celebrates Darwin Day in the Galapagos Islands on board her fleet of expedition vessels MV Santa Cruz II, Yacht La Pinta, and Yacht Isabela II. Throughout the … Continued


Darwin’s Week at the Novosibirsk State University

Novosibirsk State University Pirogova street 1, Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk area, Russian Federation

In order to manifest the great Darwin’s discovery and scientific way of thinking we organize lectures open to the general public at the University venue. «The Origins» is a series … Continued


Darwin Day the Green Bay Central Library

Unnamed Venue 515 Pine St, Green Bay, WI, United States

A fun and educational event. Free and open to the public. Lincoln and Darwin were born on the same day in the same year. What a wonderful and permanent impact … Continued


Darwin Day Challenge to Evolve a Valentine’s Card

Internet MN, Antarctica

Genolve is holding its annual Darwin Day competition to evolve a Valentine's card. Genolve uses simulated evolution to generate new shapes so you really do evolve them. Submit your entries … Continued

L’avantpassat comú universal

Sala Charles Darwin Aulari Interfacultatiu, Campus de Burjassot (Universitat de València), Av. Vicent Andrés Estellés, Burjassot, Spain

Conferència per Luis Delaye (Investigador, Laboratori de Genòmica Evolutiva, Cinvestav, Irapuato, Mèxic)


Trau la llengua: projecte de microbioma bucal

Octubre CCC Sant Ferran 12, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Presentació d'un projecte de ciència ciutadana coordinat pel Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CRG, Barcelona)






“Eau de neurone”, un cervell d’olors

Octubre CCC Sant Ferran 12, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Bar de Ciències amb Carmen Agustín (neurobiòloga de la Universitat de València) i Reis Juan (periodista)


Darwin Week Event: Discuss the Evolution of gods

Al's Wine and Whiskey 321 South Clinton Street, Syracuse, NY, United States

Join the Syracuse Atheists and the rest of the CNY Coalition of Reason for casual, thoughtful conversation, a bit of off-beat humor, and a chance to discuss the "evolution of … Continued


Evolution Explored

The Square The Square, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom

A new outdoor exhibition of 40 images by Magnum photographers will explore Charles Darwin’s legacy in modern society. Inspired by Darwin’s links to Shrewsbury, the exhibition reflects on man’s progression … Continued


School number 21 ul. Timiryazeva, 51, Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation

It's an educational event for students which aims to illustrate Darwin's theory "The origin of species" and inspire intersubject connections. Members of scientific school society "Global Science" will organise a … Continued


Hour of discoveries «Who was the grandmother of a crocodile?»/Час открытий «Кем была бабушка крокодила?»

Детская библиотека №4 ул. Жилина, 44, Тольятти, Russian Federation

Читатели познакомятся с фактами биографии Чарлза Дарвина – одарённого натуралиста, путешественника и исследователя. В зале электронных ресурсов ребятам покажут мультипликационный фильм «Дарвин и теория эволюции» (французский мультсериал «Жили-были... первооткрыватели»). Дети … Continued


Darwin Day

Colégio Objetivo Jarinu Estrada Edgard Máximo Zambotto, Jarinu, São Paulo (state), Brazil

Sixth-graders at elementary school, between ages 11 and 12 years, with the help from the Biology teacher, prepared for the very first time an exhibition to celebrate Darwin Day. In … Continued


Hour of knowledge «In the footsteps of Charles Darwin»/Час знаний «По следам Чарльза Дарвина»

Детская библиотека №15 ул. Фрунзе, 16, Тольятти, Russian Federation

Дети узнают об одном из известнейших и важнейших научных путешествий в истории - кругосветном плавании Чарлза Дарвина. С помощью детской странички сайта «Чарлз Дарвин и Эволюция» посетители зала электронных ресурсов … Continued


The scientific “legacy” of Filippo De Filippi

University of Turin DBios Via Accademia Albertina, 13, Torino, Italy

On the 150th anniversary of the death of the Italian zoologist Filippo De Filippi (9th February 1867), the Turin Museum of Natural History (Museo Regionale di Scienze Natuali di Torino), … Continued


Documentry and quiz competition

Maharaja Agrasen University Atal Shiksha Kunj,Kalujhanda, Baddi

We are going to spread awareness about Sir Charles Darwin's theories through quiz competition and documentary which we will be organising in our campus Maharaja Agrasen University,Kalu Jhanda.

Darwin Day Tyler 2017

University of Texas at Tyler, Discovery Science Place, Tyler Junior College Tyler, TX, United States

The University of Texas at Tyler and Tyler Junior College are pleased to announce the 2017 Darwin Day celebration for Tyler, Texas. Events will be held Thursday, Feb. 9 through … Continued


Darwin Day 2017

University of Nicosia 46 Avenue Engomi, Nicosia, Cyprus

A two day celebration of Darwin's birthday in Nicosia, Cyprus. 9th February: BBC Documentary "Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life" 10th February: Darwin Day Lectures


Search of life in the Universe

L.I.T.C. Russian-English Private School 340-342 Agiou Andreou str.,, Limassol , Limassol, Cyprus

An initiative of students to inspire intersubject connections dedicated to different aspects of search of life in the Universe. During the physics classes there are student's reports, each with maximum … Continued


REASON’s 18th Annual Darwin Day

Durham Research Center (Main Auditorium) South 45th Street, Omaha, NE, United States

Our lost world: the causes and consequences of the loss of ~1 billion large-bodied animals at the terminal Pleistocene


Darwin Day @ BSU

DMF Building at Bridgewater State University 24 Park Ave., Bridgewater, MA, United States

Bridgewater State University's Department of Biological Sciences and Center for the Advancement of STEM Education (CASE) are excited to announce the preliminary schedule for our 2nd Annual Darwin Day celebration. … Continued


Darwin Day Osasco – Porque a vida é assim?

NEA Pe. Angelo Mazzarotto - Parque Jardim das Flores Rua Georgina, 64, Osasco, São Paulo, Bouvet Island

O evento pretende abordar a percepção das pessoas comuns a respeito das idéias de Charles Darwin e contará com a exibição de entrevistas feitas com o público de Osasco e, … Continued

Darwin Day Osasco

NEA Pe. Angelo Mazzarotto - Parque Jardim das Flores Rua Georgina, 64, Osasco, São Paulo, Bouvet Island

Evento comemorativo organizado pela segunda vez em Osasco, contará com a participação de especialistas da área, que irão abordar as ideías de Charles Darwin e a sociedade atual.


Darwin Day 2017 -Alexandria Freethinkers

Louisiana State University Alexandria 8100 US-71, Alexandria, LA, United States

Alexandria Freethinkers will be hosting a Darwin Day celebration on the campus of Louisiana State University at Alexandria. Events will include a fossil dig and scavenger hunt for local elementary, … Continued


Senior Scholars, Forest Library, Forest, Virginia

Forest Library 15583 Forest Road, US221, between Two Church Lane and Thomas Jefferson Road, Forest, VA, United States

"Charles Darwin: Very Gradual Change We Can Believe In"


Darwin Day at SFA

Miller Science Building, room 139 Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX, United States

Public lecture entitled, "Evolution and Chance: From Darwin to the Pioneers of Statistics in Biology" Presented by Dr. Charles Pence, Dept. of Philosophy & Religious Studies, Louisiana State University


Hour of knowledge «Era Naturalists»/Час знаний «Эра естествоиспытателей»

Детская библиотека №19 ул. Баныкина, 66, Тольятти, Russian Federation

С помощью портретной викторины участники познакомятся с биографиями знаменитых учёных-естествоиспытателей, живших в разное время и в разных странах. Читателям представят справочные и учебные пособия по естествознанию. А затем перед собравшимися … Continued


Darwin Day Lecture at Stony Brook University

Earth and Space Sciences Building 001 Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United States

Darwin Day Lecture Friday, February 10, 2017, 7:30 P.M. Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY USA 11794 contact Earth and Space Sciences 001 "What Darwin Didn’t Know" Dr. Hopi … Continued


Darwin Day 2017: Enchanted by the Biodiversity

Darwin Room 5-31-8 Daizawa, Setagaya-ku , Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

The main theme of this year’s Darwin Day event at the Liberal Arts Lab Darwin Room is “Enchanted by the Biodiversity.” It consists of three nights Darwin Discourse and mini … Continued



IC Ivrea 2 Ivrea, Torino, Italy

Nell'anno della Relatività gli alunni dell'Istituto Comprensivo Ivrea 2 realizzeranno, a partire dal 12 febbraio, poster e materiale dedicato ad A. Einstein


Science Teacher Training: Evolution for Educators

MOSI (Museum of Science & Industry) 4801 E. Fowler Avenue, Tampa, FL, United States

Teacher participants will play the role of "learner" as they take part in actvities aligned to the NGSSS Content Standards in MS & HS Science related to Evolutionary Biology. They … Continued

Darwin Day

The North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences 11 W. Jones Street, Raleigh, NC, United States

Come out and celebrate Charles Darwin and his theories…and the continued impact they have on science and research today! There will be dozens of hands-on displays, presentations by local researchers, … Continued


Darwin Week Event: Family Zoo Trip

Rosamond Gifford Zoo 1 Conservation Pl., Syracuse , NY, United States

The Secular & Social CNY Families are headed to the zoo on Saturday, February 11th in honor of Charles Darwin's birthday! There will be a little "birthday" celebration, and time … Continued

Darwin Day Potluck

Canebrake Clubhouse Saratoga Dr & Kings Mountain Dr, Greer, SC, United States

It's time to celebrate Darwin Day again! We'll start the festivities at 4 pm that Saturday. Stop in when you can; we'll be there late into the evening. PH will … Continued


Darwin Day: 12° Darwin Day in Correggio: Animals, as we are.

Sala Conferenze Palazzo Principi Corso Cavour, 7, Correggio, Italy

Emotions and intelligence in the animal kingdom We, Homo sapiens, belong to the animal kingdom, but we always had the presumption to hold us in higher absolute. Scientific knowledge and … Continued


The Humanists of Utah’s 10th Annual Darwin Day Celebration

The Officer's Club 150 South Fort Douglas Blvd., Salt Lake City, UT, United States

The Humanists of Utah invite you to attend our 10th Annual Darwin Day Celebration from 5:30 - 9:00 p.m. at the Officer's Club at the University of Utah (150 South … Continued


Charlie Chili CookOff

First City Art Center 1060. N. Guillemard St.., Pensacola, FL, United States

The Gulf Coast Freethinkers present the annual Charlie Chili CookOff honoring Darwin Day and fundraising for the Humanists of West Florida's community outreach.


Darwin on the Palouse: The Science of GMOs and Vaccines

1912 Center 412 E 3rd St, Moscow, ID, United States

On Feb. 11th at 6:30pm, we are inviting community members to attend Darwin on the Palouse, a local Darwin Day celebration. Join us for a fascinating look at the science … Continued


Darwin Days 2017: Exploring Human Evolution

Paleontological Research Institution 1259 Trumansburg Road, Ithaca, NY, United States

What does it mean to be human? How did humans evolve in the past and how are we evolving now? When and where did major points in our evolution happen, … Continued

Darwin Café

Café Rad van Wageningen 1e Kloostersteeg (Conventplein), Wageningen, Gelderland, Netherlands

To celebrate Darwin Day the Dutch bimonthly for biologists Bionieuws and the brewery Brouwerij Wageningen have joined forces. There will be a lecture (in Dutch) about Darwin from Bionieuws-editor and … Continued


Darwin Café

Cafe Rad van Wageningen 1e Kloostersteeg 3, Wageningen, Gelderland, Netherlands

To celebrate Darwin Day the Dutch bimonthly for biologists Bionieuws and the brewery Brouwerij Wageningen have joined forces. There will be a lecture (in Dutch) about Darwin from Bionieuws-editor and … Continued


Happy Darwin Day // Familiy Event

zoological museum Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

With the family we will visit the zoological museum in hamburg. Its small, but still inspiring. It was founded 1843 by hamburg citizens. Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, 20146 Hamburg, opened on Sundays … Continued

Central Colorado Celebrates Darwin Day!

Salida Community Center 305 F St, Salida, CO, United States

Please join the Central Colorado Humanists as we view and then discuss the BBC documentary "Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life", hosted by David Attenborough.  Cake and ice cream … Continued


Who was Charles Darwin? (Family Event )

Imperial College Imperial College,Sherfield Building, London, London, United Kingdom

Little House of Science organises a science workshop for children from 5 to 11 years old to celebrate Darwin's day in London. We will explore together Darwin's amazing ideas about … Continued


Natural Religion: The Good News According to Darwin

The Unitarian Church of Barnstable 3330 Main Street , Barnstable, MA, United States

A worship service and sermon celebrating how Darwin has radically changed our approach to religion, human nature, and the natural world.


Darwin Day Educational Speaker – Frances Owen

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 625 N. 6th Street, Burlington, IA, United States

Join us in celebrating the birthday of the evolutionary pioneer, Charles Darwin. We will be hosting a presentation by the Naturalist of Starr's Cave Nature Center, Frances Owen, on the … Continued

Darwin Day

Ethical Culture Society of Westchester 7 Saxon Woods Road, White Plains, NY, United States

Celebrating evolution, science, and intellectual bravery


Darwin Day Lecture by Dr. Amy Parish

Center for Inquiry-L.A. 4773 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA, United States

Sex, Bonding & Dominance in Bonobos: Reflections on Our Closest Living Relatives and Ourselves A Darwin Day lecture by Dr. Amy Parish Join us for Darwin Birthday cake after the … Continued


Ден на Дарвин в Несебър / Darwin Day in Nesebar, Bulgaria

Ден на Дарвин в Несебър / Darwin Day in Nesebar, Bulgaria Hristo Botev 10A, Nesebar, Burgasка, Bulgaria

Денят на Дарвин в Несебър се организира от Народно читалище "Месемврия 2015". Водещ ще бъде г-н Сергей Бадаев./ Darwin Day in Nesebar is organized by the Community House (Chitalishte) Mesemvria … Continued


Darwinov dan 2017 / Darwin Day 2017

Darwinov dan 2017 / Darwin Day 2017 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Društvo biologov Slovenije (DBS) se pridružuje aktivnostim ob obeležitvi letošnjega Darwinovega dne. "Vabimo vas, da se nam pridružite pri praznovanju Darwinovega dne, s katerim obeležujemo rojstni dan naravoslovca Charlesa Darwina, … Continued

Darwin Day 2017: Mutation is the Name, Survival is the Game

ND Heritage Center & State Museum 312 East Boulevard Avenue, Bismarck, ND, United States

Presentation: Mutation Is The Name, Survival Is The Game -Becky Barnes, Paleontologist, North Dakota Geological Survey MIni-Museum: Compare features of fossils and skeletons from NDGS collections Game: Survival of the … Continued


ACT Humanist Society Darwin Day Lunch

Sukothai Restaurant 27 Bentham St, Yarralumla, ACT, Australia

Celebrate International Darwin Day with a delicious lunch at Sukothai in Yarralumla. Featuring a special presentation by Prof Colin Groves, Emeritus Professor of Bioanthropology from the ANU College of Arts … Continued

Charles Darwin Day Celebration 2017! Spread your wings!

Samena Club 15231 Lake Hills Blvd, Bellevue, WA, United States

Join us in celebration of Charles Darwin Day. Learn about the evolution of wings and more! Games, crafts and activities for the whole family. Come enjoy this casual social gathering … Continued

Darwin Day Luncheon

Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix 627 W. Rio Salado Parkway, Mesa

Join us to celebrate the 208th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth in 1809. Let's dine together in celebration of our common ancestry with fish and dinosaurs and vegetables! Starting time … Continued

Darwin Day Brunch and Meeting of Colorado Citizens for Science

Unnamed Venue Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Brunch and meeting limited to members of Colorado Citizens for Science and the National Center for Science Education. Michael Klymkowsky will give a short presentation on Darwin’s relevance in our … Continued

Board game «Evolution»/Настольная игра «Эволюция»

Детская библиотека №18 ул. Революционная, 78, Тольятти, Russian Federation

Клуб настольных игр «Новое пространство» приглашает поиграть в настольную игру «Эволюция», основанную на дарвиновском принципе естественного отбора.  Выбирайте собственную стратегию в настольной борьбе за выживание! Что лучше: быть большим или … Continued


Celebrate Darwin Day!

MUC Center for Diversity & Community (rm. 219) University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD, United States

It's a birthday party with cake, games, prizes, & selfies with Charles Darwin!


Recent Human Evolution

Unitarian Universalist Center 1187 Franklin St (at Geary), San Francisco, CA, United States

Modern Humans that look pretty much like us and with a brain size similar to ours appeared about 100,000 to 200,000 years ago. However, human evolution has not stopped. Evolutionary … Continued

Lecture is free.

Darwin Day with Aron Ra

University Club of Winter Park 841 N. Park Ave, Winter Park, FL, United States

Central Florida Freethought Community educational meetings are free and open to the public. This month there is a $10 suggested donation. Enjoy thought-provoking speakers, local freethought news, state/church activism, volunteer … Continued

Darwin Day Celebration

Center for Science and Wonder 1651 East Sunset Road Suite A111, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Come join us to celebrate one of the most amazing people in the world of Science - Charles Darwin! We will have science and craft stations for children young and … Continued

Darwin Discovery Day

Michigan State University Museum West Circle Drive, East Lansing, MI, United States

MSU scientists and students take part in Darwin Discovery Day to share their expertise and love of science with the public. Activities, tours and university science collections are featured throughout … Continued


Darwin Day Celebration 2017 – Yarra BBQ, Melbourne

Studley Park BBQ’s (Yarra Bend Park) End of Boathouse Road, Kew, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

This is an event for all people who appreciate the contribution of science to our lives. BBQ’s are available free to use. BYO food and drinks.   This event is … Continued


Darwin Day Celebration

Water District Community Room 15500 Sand Canyon Avenue, Irvine, CA, United States

The Humanist Association of Orange County (CA) will be celebrating Darwin Day on Sunday, Feb. 12 (Darwin Day!) with a presentation by Phil Zuckerman, Professor of Sociology at Pitzer College … Continued

Humanist Cafe Moot

Piatto Ristorante Café 264 Rundle St, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

What is Darwin Day and why are we taking note? It's not a celebration of the city of Darwin in the Northern Territory but a celebration of Charles Darwin the … Continued


Hour of knowledge and discoveries «Look from the past»/Час знаний и открытий «Взгляд из прошлого»

Центральная детская библиотека имени А.С. Пушкина ул. Горького, 42, Тольятти, Russian Federation

День Дарвина читатели Центральной детской библиотеки отметят знакомством с книгой известного норвежского палеонтолога и популяризатора науки Йорна Хюрума «Ида. Взгляд из прошлого». В 2009 году норвежский учёный Йорн Хюрум обнаружил … Continued


Darwin Day Film Festival

Morrill Hall 645 N. 14th St., Lincoln, NE, United States

In connection with Darwin Day, Morrill Hall will screen short video projects from the 6th annual Evolution Film Fest, including the winning music video project by UNL’s Matt Wilkins and … Continued

Darwin and the Dinosaurs

Edmonton Health Clinic Academy, Room 1-490 11405 - 87Ave, Edmonton , Alberta, Canada

Dr. Philip Currie will be joining us to give a presentation on ''Darwin and the Dinosaurs''. Dr. Currie is a Canadian Paleontologist who helped found the Royal Tyrrell Museum in … Continued


VerCiência Dia de Darwin 2017

Museu do Amanhã (Museum of Tomorrow) Praça Mauá, 1 - Centro, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Um Olhar Darwiniano sobre o Amanhã Como a descoberta da seleção natural por Darwin e Wallace no século 19 influenciou o avanço das ciências biológicas e afeta nossa cultura e … Continued


Darwin Day in Astrakhan / День Дарвина в Астрахани

Свод Сфер Фаланстер ул. Советской милиции, 12, Астрахань, Астраханская область, Russian Federation

В 15 часов Свод Сфер Фаланстер превратится для Вас в уголок Галапагосских островов. Традиционно вечер откроет кандидат биологических наук Владимир Евгеньевич Афанасьев с лекцией «Что не так с эволюцией?» и … Continued


Evolution: Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask

Ashland Community Center 59 Winburn Way, Ashland, OR, United States

Public lecture on evolution followed by Darwin birthday party. Lecture by Len Eisenberg, geologist, founder of, and builder of earth history parks and geologic climbing walls. Talk will describe … Continued


Darwin Day Pot-Luck and Speaker. The Evolution of Religion.

Unnamed Venue 2800 Barry Switzer Avenue, Norman, OK, United States

The Norman naturalism Group celebrates Darwin Day 2017 with a pot-luck dinner and speaker. The topic is "The Evolution of Religion". Pull out your best recipe and get ready for … Continued

Charles Darwin Day

River Cafe 403, 2413-17st. SW, calgary, Alberta, Canada

A Victorian costumed cocktail party wherein Emma and Charles Darwin will ride through the downtown core to make a grand entrance from a large 4-seater Victorian coach drawn by a … Continued


Darwin Day Movie & Potluck

First Unitarian Universalists Church 1000 Blanton Ave, Richmond, VA, United States

Please come and enjoy and movie and feel free to share a dish for a potluck dinner Darwin Day celebration. Please bring your own preferred beverage. We will be screening … Continued


The Charles Darwin Black Tie Dinner

2017, Grand Ballroom, SKYCITY Darwin Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

Australia now has in place a very special annual event to commemorate the renowned naturalist at the only university worldwide to carry his name - Charles Darwin University - in the only city that carries his name - the capital city of the Northern Territory - Darwin.
The Charles Darwin University Foundation, through the presentation of The Charles Darwin Black Tie Dinner, seeks to inspire increased participation and pride in the work of our remarkable university.


Darwin Day – Symposium at the University of Delaware

ISLL Lab 221 Academy St., Newark, DE, United States

Day-long symposium with presentations by nine faculty members from the University of Delaware and a keynote lecture by Karen Strier, Vilas Research Professor and Irven DeVore Professor of Anthropology at … Continued


Darwin Festival

Salem State University 352 Lafayette Street, Salem, MA, United States

weeklong series of videos and guest lectures commemorating Charles Darwin and evolution in all disciplines


Darwin’s Birthday Bash

Illusions in the University Center Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC, United States

Western Carolina University will be celebrating Charles Darwin’s birthday with an evening of conversation about evolution research and education! Evolution poster session by high school and college students; area science … Continued


2017 SSM Darwin Week – College of Charleston: “Darwin’s Dilemma”

School of Science and Mathematics Auditorium 202 Calhoun St, Charleston, SC, United States

Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecture: Darwin's Dilemma Phil Manning College of Charleston Mace Brown Museum of Natural History In 2009 the bicentenary of Darwin's birth and the 150th anniversary of … Continued


Fairfield County’s Death Cafe II

Silver Star Diner 210 Connecticut Ave, Norwalk , CT, United States

The Grim Reaper returns to Norwalk for a second cup of java! At our February monthly meeting, we will be holding our first Death Cafe in 2017 and second Death … Continued


Fairfield County’s Death Cafe II

Silver Star Diner 210 Connecticut Ave, Norwalk , CT, United States

The Grim Reaper returns to Norwalk for a second cup of java! At our February monthly meeting, we will be holding our first Death Cafe in 2017 and second Death … Continued


Darwin Day in Science Cafe EUREKA!

Art-PUB 12a, Tereshkova str., Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

* First screening of documentary by Dmitry Zavilgelsky 'Dissernet: Evolution of Altruism'. * Expert Discussion (Prof. P. Borodin, Prof. D.Kvon, S.Panteleeva, T.Cherkashina) * Phylum Quest 'What From Your Meal Made? … Continued

Rubles50 – Rubles150


University of Bari Campus Universitario Via Orabona, 4 , Bari, Bari - Puglia, Italy

Il Sistema Museale di Ateneo dell'Università di Bari Aldo Moro  ha organizzato una serie di eventi nell'occasione delle celebrazioni del Darwin Day 2017. Nello specifico le iniziative organizzate per il giorno … Continued


Hour of knowledge and discoveries «Travel to museums»/Час знаний и открытий «Путешествие по музеям»

Детская библиотека №2 ул. Ярославская, 27, Тольятти, Russian Federation

Участники совершат виртуальные туры по крупнейшим естественно-научным музеям мира. Путешествие по музеям естественных наук начнётся с Государственного Дарвиновского музея – одного из крупнейших естественно-научных музеев Европы. Его разнообразные зоологические коллекции, … Continued


2017 SSM Darwin Week – College of Charleston: “Darwin’s Dilemma”

Duckett Hall Auditorium The Citadel, Charleston, SC, United States

Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecture: Darwin's Dilemma Phil Manning College of Charleston Mace Brown Museum of Natural History In 2009 the bicentenary of Darwin's birth and the 150th anniversary of … Continued



Federal University of Para/ Institute of Biological Sciences Rua Augusto Corrêa, 01 - Guamá, Belém, Pará, Brazil

Should evolutionary theory be thought again?

2º Darwin Day UFPA

ICB UFPA Rua Augusto Corrêa, 01 - Guamá. CEP 66075-110. Caixa postal 479. , BELÉM, PARÁ, Brazil

Does evolutionary theory need to be rethought? With this tricky question, we at LAGEN have the honor to announce the 2nd Darwin Day UFPA. This year, the event is being … Continued

R$ 10,00

Utah Valley University Darwin Day

Utah Valley University Science Building 134 800 W University Parkway, Orem, United States

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Daniel Fairbanks, "Darwin's Influence on Mendel: Evidence from a New Translation of Mendel's Paper" Genetics vol 204, pp 401-405, October 2016. Wed. Feb 15, Science Building 134 … Continued


2017 SSM Darwin Week – College of Charleston: “The Drunken Monkey: Is Alcoholism in Modern Humans an Evolutionary Hangover?”

School of Science and Mathematics Auditorium 202 Calhoun St, Charleston, SC, United States

The Drunken Monkey: Is Alcoholism in Modern Humans an Evolutionary Hangover? Robert Dudley University of California, Berkeley Ethanol derives from the fermentation of simple sugars, and fermentative yeasts are … Continued


Panel Discussion on Darwin, Gender, and Race

Trinity University, Center for Science and Innovation, Room 437 1 Trinity Place, San Antonio, TX, United States

In celebration of Charles Darwin’s 208th birthday join us for a discussion on Darwin, Gender, and Race. Four Trinity professors will provide a panel discussion of Darwin's views on gender … Continued


Un tè con Darwin

Slash via Vincenzo Bellini, 45, Napoli, Italy

Charles Robert Darwin è senza alcun dubbio il naturalista che più di qualsiasi altro scienziato ha cambiato per sempre il modo in cui l’uomo percepisce se stesso e il mondo … Continued


L’ésser humà, una història evolutiva de 65 milions d’anys

Centre Cultural Sant Josep Av. Isabel la Catòlica, 32, l'Hospitalet, Barcelona, Spain

Els humans som animals mamífers de l’ordre dels primats, un ordre que es va originar fa uns 65 milions d’anys. L’espècie humana actual (homo sapiens sapiens) que va aparèixer fa … Continued


2017 SSM Darwin Week – College of Charleston: Movie Night!

School of Science and Mathematics Auditorium 202 Calhoun St, Charleston, SC, United States

Movie Night! "What Darwin Never Knew" Hosted by the Biology Club Followed by a Question and Answer session with CofC Biology Faculty!


Darwin Days

North Dakota State University Fargo, ND, United States

Hall of Biodiversity and Herpetology Zoo 11am-4 p.m., Hill Classroom Building Atrium Movie – “Super Croc” 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. Hill Classroom Building, Room XX Celebrate Darwin’s Birthday with Cake … Continued


2017 SSM Darwin Week – College of Charleston: “Animal Attraction: Bioinspiration and Digital Life”

School of Science and Mathematics Auditorium 202 Calhoun St, Charleston, SC, United States

Animal Attraction: Bioinspiration and Digital Life Duncan Irschick University of Massachusetts, Amherst Duncan Irschick investigates the evolution and ecology of animal performance. On Friday, he will discuss: the evolution … Continued


Celebriamo il Darwin Day a Catania

Ortobotanico - Aula Emiciclo via A. Longo 19, Catania, Italy

U.A.A.R (Unione Atei Agnostici Razionalisti) of Catania in collaboration with the University of Catania, Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, and Associazione Nesos ( an independent association whose goal … Continued


Darwin Day 2017: In the footsteps of Wallace

Wallace Education Centre 50 Dairy Farm Rd, Singapore, N.A, Singapore

Alfred Russel Wallace, the British naturalist who independently conceived the theory of evolution through natural selection, visited Singapore many times from 1854 - 1862 as part of his eight-year stay … Continued


Darwin Day 2017: Mutation Is The Name, Survival Is The Game

Fargo Public Library - Downtown 102 3rd St North, Fargo, ND, United States

Presentation: Mutation Is The Name, Survival Is The Game -Becky Barnes, State Paleontologist, North Dakota Geological Survey MIni-Museum: Compare features of fossils and skeletons from NDSU collections -NDSU Geosciences and … Continued


Natural Religion: The Good News According to Darwin

First Parish Church Weston, MA, United States

A worship service and sermon celebrating how Darwin's theory has radically changed our understanding of religion, human nature, and our relationship with the natural world. We will also discuss the … Continued


Bagel Brunch: Rosalind Franklin, Pioneering Scientist

Albany Community Center 1249 Marin Avenue, Albany, CA, United States

In honor of our annual Darwin Day celebration, Jewish Humanist community Kol Hadash will screen a PBS film about the controversial chemist and pioneer molecular biologist Rosalind Franklin, whose research … Continued


Annual Darwin Birthday Party

New Paltz Community Center 3 Veterans Drive, New Paltz , NY, United States

Come join us for discussion, snacks, coffee and cake in honor of Charles Darwin’s 208th birthday! Guest Speaker Glenn Geher, Professor and Chair of Psychology at SUNY New Paltz and … Continued


Darwin’s Ecological Experiment

The Unitarian Society of New Haven 700 Hartford Turnpike, Hamden, CT, United States

When Dr. David Wilkinson visited Ascension Island in the South Atlantic, he was amazed by its ecosystem. “I remember thinking, this is really weird,” he said. “There were all kinds … Continued


Darwin Family Day + Darwin Day Kids

Museo G. G. Gemmellaro Corso Tukory 131, Palermo, Palermo, Italy

In order to celebrate our Darwin Day with all the family, UAAR's Palermo Chapter offers an exceptional free Sunday opening of the Gemmellaro Paleontology and Geology Museum, with two parallel … Continued


Darwin Day 2017

Sullivan University College of Pharmacy 2100 Gardiner Lane, Louisville, KY, United States

The Kentucky Secular Society presents Darwin Day 2017! Featuring Lee Dugatkin on The Evolution of Goodness, Laurie Tarr’s ‘Kitchen Sink Science’, and Ed Hensley on Evidence of Evolution for Non-Biology … Continued


10th Parma Darwin Day “From so simple a beginning…”

Aula Magna - Università di Parma Strada dell'Università 32, Parma, Italy

Event organized by the University of Parma (Department of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability) to celebrate the genius of Charles Darwin. This is the 10th Edition and we will … Continued

Darwin e Aristóteles: Discutindo a relação

Instituto de Biociências - USP Rua do Matão,277, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Professor Nélio Bizzo, from Faculdade de educação, will talk about the views of Darwin and Aristotle on the biodiversity. Nas últimas edições de "A Origem das Espécies" Charles Darwin escreveu … Continued

Darwin Day UNESP – Botucatu

Main Amphitheater of Institute of Biosciences of Botucatu city at São Paulo State University R. Prof. Dr. Antônio Celso Wagner Zanin, 250 Bairro: Distrito de Rubião Junior CEP 18618-689, Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Following the international spirit of celebrations in honor of Darwin, faculty members, graduate students and undergraduates from the Institute of Biosciences of Botucatu at São Paulo State University (IBB - … Continued

R$5 – R$20

Darwin Day UNESP

São Paulo State University-UNESP Institute of Biosciences of Botucatu - IBB, Botucatu, Brazil

A day to celebrate the life and work of Charles Darwin, with lectures and discussions focused on biological evolution and its unfolding for science and humanity

University of Delaware, International Darwin Day

Harker Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Laboratory 221 Academy Street , Newark, DE, United States

Charles Darwin was born on 12 February 1809. Numerous events have been organized around the world to celebrate his contributions to humanity, science and rational thought. Please join us in … Continued


4^ Edizione della Scienza e Tecnologia a Scuola

IC Ivrea 2 Ivrea, Torino, Italy

Dopo 60 anni dall'IGY (International Geophisical year) la scoperta di centinaia esopianeti porta alla nascita di una nuova scienza: la Planetologia


Cagliari – Darwin day

University of Cagliari University of Cagliari, Monserrato (Cagliari)

A congress entitled Happy birthday Mr Darwin will be organized in February 12th 2018 by the University of Cagliari. Pupils will be invited to participate with oral presentations and posters … Continued


Darwin Day 2018: The Evolution of Happiness

Unitarian Universalists of Clearwater OCTAGON 2470 Nursery Road, Clearwater, FL, United States

As Bill Norsworthy reminds us: "Dear Humanist Friends, "Darwin Day 2018 in the Tampa Bay area is less than a week away! This year’s program will be very enlightening and … Continued


Evolve a Valentines’s Card!

Internet MN, Antarctica

Have some Darwin Day fun by evolving a Valentine's card with shapes that really evolve via simulated evolution. I naturally selected you to be my Valentine! Contest runs till midnight … Continued


Meet Charles Darwin

The Denver Museum of Science and Nature 2001 Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO, United States

Commemorate Darwin’s birthday by spending an evening with the affable Charles Darwin. Enactor Brian “Fox” Ellis is back by popular demand to bring Darwin to life. Hear humorous tales of … Continued



KITION PLANETARIUM & OBSERVATORY 9 Ammochostou, Kiti, Larnaca, Larnaca, Cyprus


Darwin Day Tyler

University of Texas at Tyler, Discovery Science Place, Tyler Junior College Tyler, TX, United States

Celebration of Darwin Day in Tyler Texas


Hands-On Evolution

G.Pascoli Middle School via Roma 21, Cormons, Italy

Hands-on Evolution is a project aimed at improving the teaching of evolution by means of different kinds of experiences: practical labs, e-learning and educational games to be performed in the … Continued


Hands-on Evolution

G.Pascoli Middle School viale Roma 21, Cormons, Gorizia, Italy

Hands-on Evolution is a project aimed at improving the teaching of evolution by means of different kinds of experiences: practical labs and non-formal educational activities to be performed in the … Continued


Bar de Ciències: Vacunes

Octubre CCC Sant Ferran 12, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

En el centenari de la gran pandèmia de 1918, l’anomenada “grip espanyola” amb quasi 50 milions de víctimes humanes, celebrem que les vacunes són una de les més grans revolucions … Continued

3rd Annual Darwin Day @ BSU

DMF Building at Bridgewater State University 24 Park Ave., Bridgewater, MA, United States

Please join the Center for the Advancement of STEM Education (CASE) and the Department of Biological Sciences at Bridgewater State University for our 3rd Annual Darwin Day @ BSU Event. … Continued


NDSU Darwin Day

Glenn Hill Center, NDSU Fargo, ND, United States

A celebration of science and the life and ideas of Charles Darwin. Guest speaker this year is Lee Dugatkin (author of "How to Tame a Fox, and Build a Dog"). … Continued


NDSU Darwin Day 2018

A. Glen Hill Center (STEM) 1306 Centennial Boulevard, Fargo, ND, United States

NDSU Darwin Day 2018: Evolution events throughout the day on February 9 from 10-5. The Hall of Biodiversity is a science and evolution museum featuring specimens from Geosciences, Biosciences, Entomology, … Continued


Darwin Day, Texas A&M University

VENI bldg, College of Veterinary Medicine 660 Raymond Stotzer Pkwy, College Station, TX, United States

An annual celebration of all things biology! Program highlights: Public talk by Prof. Leif Andersson - “The Darwin’s finches - iconic models for the evolution of biodiversity” Voyage of the … Continued


Exhibition: ‘Darwin and the soil dynamics’

Darwin and the soil dynamics Rua da Mouraria 31, 9004-546 Funchal, Funchal - Madeira Island, Portugal

Exhibition about Darwin's studies of earthworms and their importance to the soil...

Darwin Day 2018

Schlossmuseum Linz Schlossberg 1, Linz, Austria

Lecture: Susanne S. Renner: Wie genau betreiben Blütenpflanzen Sex und wie oft?


Darwin on the Palouse

Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre 508 S Main Street, Moscow, ID, United States

The Humanists of the Palouse, a chapter of the American Humanist Association, along with the Secular Student Alliance at the University of Idaho, will host the 7th annual Darwin on … Continued


Travelling with Darwin – Educational Workshop

Historical National Museum Via Brigata Liguria 9, Genova, Italy

This year we celebrate Darwin Day at the Historical Natural Museum in Genoa with an interesting workshop for children organized by ADM: we'll play like young explorers following Charles Darwin's … Continued


Love Evolution! Darwin at the Museum

Naturhistoriska riksmuseet Stockholm, Frescativägen 40, Sweden

Over fifty Evolutionary Biology researchers from the University of Uppsala and Stockholm will visit the Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet in Stockholm. Different themed groups will set up Evolution-themed games and activities for … Continued

Darwin Weekend at the Mall

Coresi Shopping Resort Str. Zaharia Stancu, Nr. 1, Brașov, Brașov, Romania

An “Evolutionary Workshop” to understand the scientific, elegant and simple principles of evolution theory. Un „Atelier de evoluție” pentru a înțelege principiile științifice, elegante și simple ale teoriei evoluției.


Darwin Day

Connecticut Science Center 250 Columbus Blvd , Hartford, CT, United States

Celebrate Charles Darwin’s birthday with family-friendly, hands-on activities at the Connecticut Science Center. Start the day with the Art Truck, who will be on-hand with a Darwin inspired make your … Continued


Darwin Day

Science Museum of Minnesota 120 Kellogg Boulevard West, Saint Paul, MN, United States

Visit the Science Museum of Minnesota to enjoy family-friendly presenters and hands-on activities to celebrate Darwin's birthday. Author Jonathan Tweet will be on site to share some activities and read … Continued

Darwin Day Celebration

North West Regional Library 3151 N University Dr., Coral Springs, FL, United States

An educational series of lectures from local speakers ranging from Charles Darwin's voyage to the teaching of evolution in schools.


Darwin Day Celebration

Center for Science and Wonder 1651 East Sunset Road, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Kid friendly Darwin and evolution based activities, trivia games with prizes


Racism: An Evolutionary Biologist’s View

Noel Ryan Auditorium, Central Library 301 Burnhamthorpe Rd W, , Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

We all hear a lot about racial groups and how people belonging to distinct races differ from each other, for example, in terms of intellectual abilities, criminal or sexual behavior. … Continued

Happy B-day, Mr Darwin!

La città dei bambini e dei ragazzi Via magazzini del cotone 15, Genova, Genova, Italy

A 209 anni dalla nascita del padre della “teoria dell’evoluzione” cerchiamo insieme di comprendere i meccanismi che governano la comparsa di nuove specie. Come fanno i naturalisti osserveremo alcuni piccoli … Continued


Finding Darwin

Secular Hub 3100 Downing St. #C, Denver, CO, United States

"You care for nothing but shooting, dogs, and rat-catching, and you will be a disgrace to yourself and all your family," Charles Darwin's dad once told him. Darwin failed to … Continued


Darwin Day – Lipari ’18

Gattopardo Park Hotel via Isabella Conti, Lipari, Messina, Italy

Programma: - Maria Clara Martinelli: Dal serapeion al museo - Salvo Pasta: Tesori racchiusi nell'ambra siciliana - Antonio Amico: Usi e abusi - Pietro Lo Cascio: Lonesome George Film: Il … Continued


The Journey Enchanted by Evolution

Darwin Room 5-31-8 Daizawa, Setagaya-ku , Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

The main theme of this year’s Darwin Day event at the Liberal Arts Lab Darwin Room is “The Journey Enchanted by Evolution.” It consists of three nights Darwin Discourse and … Continued

$9 – $23

Darwin Celebration

Olive Tree (banquet hall) 2949 N Rock Rd, Wichita, KS, United States

An evening including dinner, silent auction, and Key Note speaker Dr. C. Brennan Clark. To round out the evening we will be singing 'Happy Birthday' to Darwin. Saturday, February 10, … Continued


Hiking on Darwin Day: one bird, one beak

Ornithological Centre loc. Case Vaccà , Arenzano (GE), Italy

In Beigua Geopark we celebrate Darwin Day with a special hiking to discover the different species of birds and understand Charles Darwin's theories on the evolution. A pleasant trail dedicated … Continued


Central Colorado Celebrates Darwin Day 2018!

Buena Vista Community Center 715 E Main St, Buena Vista, CO, United States

The Central Colorado Humanists are hosting a special celebration in honor of Charles Darwin’s 209th birthday and International Darwin Day. Every year at this time groups all over the world … Continued


International Darwin Day 2018

Slovenian Museum of Natural History Muzejska ulica 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Biological Society of Slovenia (Društvo biologov Slovenije) is joining the activities marking this year’s International Darwin Day: “We kindly invite you to join us to celebrate International Darwin Day, marking … Continued

Darwin Day Celebration at Neshoba UU Church

Neshoba UU Church 7350 Raleigh Lagrange Rd, Cordova, TN, United States

We will devote our service to Darwin & the responsible search for truth and meaning in our world!


Life On Mars?

Mountain View Masonic Lodge 890 Church Street, Mountain View

Join us for an event featuring Lynn J Rothschild, evolutionary biologist and astrophysicist, and we celebrate this one life we all have. Sunday Assembly is a secular congregation. Our community … Continued


Piedmont Humanists Darwin Day Celebration

Greenville Ballet School 105 Woodruff Industrial Lane, Greenville, SC, United States

We will be honoring the life and achievements of Charles Darwin. PH President Dr. Brandy Hartsell, whose research in marine biology and paleontology has taken her to the Galápagos Islands … Continued


Darwin Day Bagel Brunch

Albany Community Center 1249 Marin Avenue, Albany, CA, United States

Join us for a delicious all-you-can-eat bagel brunch, with a talk by guest speaker Dr. Jeffrey Silverman on "Exploding Stars, Dark Energy, and the Runaway Universe." Some of the most … Continued


Darwinov dan 2018 / Darwin Day in Slovenia

Darwinov dan 2018 / Darwin Day 2018 in Slovenia Društvo biologov Sloveniije, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Vabilo / Invitation ( Vabimo vas, da se nam letos ponovno pridružite pri praznovanju Darwinovega dne, s katerim obeležujemo rojstni dan naravoslovca Charlesa Darwina, ki se je rodil 12. februarja … Continued


CRISPR: A New Genetic Engineering Technology: Promises and Perils

Unitarian Universalist Center 1187 Franklin St (at Geary), San Francisco, CA, United States

Unlike CRISPR, previous genetic engineering technologies were expensive and time-consuming. The ability to precisely edit the genome of nearly any organism has revolutionized biology, medicine, and agriculture. From curing deadly … Continued

lecture is free, charge for luncheon

Darwin Discovery Day

Michigan State University Museum West Circle Drive, East Lansing, MI, United States

MSU scientists and students take part in Darwin Discovery Day to share their expertise and love of science with the public. Activities, tours and university science collections are featured throughout … Continued


Sacramento Darwin Day 2018

Mission Oaks Community Center 4701 Gubbons Drive, Carmichael, CA, United States

Annual Celebration of Charles Darwin's Birthday


Darwin Day party

ron's place greenwood area, seattle, WA, United States

private party at Ron's place


Mostri degli abissi tra mito e realtà

Unnamed Venue Corso d’Augusto 231, Rimini, RN, Italy

L’edizione 2018 del Rimini Darwin Day, ricorrenza internazionale che commemora la nascita di Charles Darwin, si terrà domenica 11 febbraio alle ore 17:45 col titolo “Mostri degli abissi tra mito … Continued


Influenza 1918/American Experience/PBS

Doudna Fine Arts Center, Eastern Illinois University 1860 7th St,, Charleston, IL, United States

Film about the 1918 flu pandemic produced for PBS.

Evolución y salud mental (Evolution and mental health)

Hospital Naval Leixa, Ferrol, A Coruña, Spain

Presentation for mental health`s professionals about the relevance and implications of the evolutionary view for the understanding and treatment of mental disorders.


A Vida de Charles Darwin (The life of Charles Darwin)

UFU - Universidade Federal de Uberlandia Av. João Naves de Ávila, 2121, Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil

During the Brazilian carnival, 12 February, Prof. Kleber Del Claro (Research Director at UFU - Universidade Federal de Uberlandia - Brazil) will be at youtube and facebook of UFU Ciência … Continued


International Darwin Day

Lakeland Wildlife Oasis Hale, Cumbria, State.., United Kingdom

Monday 12th February is National Darwin Day, a day aimed to inspire people throughout the globe to reflect and act upon scientific thinking, hunger for truth and curiosity as embodied … Continued


Darwin Day evolution tour at Chicago’s Field Museum

Field Museum Chicago, IL, United States

Join paleo-educator Phil Hore at Chicago's Field Museum for an evolutionary tour through time. Starting at the formation of the earth, visitors will be guided through the various halls and … Continued

Free with normal entry

Celebració del Dia de Darwin a CFA El Clot

CFA El Clot Bilbao, 214, Barcelona, Spain

Els dies 12 i 13 de febrer de 2018 a l'escola d'adults CFA El Clot celebrem el Dia Internacional de Darwin. Alumnes de GES2 participen en aquest esdeveniment donant a … Continued

Darwin Day at Snow College

Snow College 150 College Ave, Ephraim, UT, United States

Join Snow College in celebrating evolution during a week's worth of events.



Museum of Zoology "Doderlein" - SIMUA via Archirafi 16, Palermo, Palermo, Italy

February is the month dedicated to Darwin to celebrate his birth, but it is also the month of the birth of Pietro Doderlein, the first Professor engaged for the first … Continued

Darwin Festival

Salem State University 352 Lafayette Street, Salem, MA, United States

week-long series of lectures and videos celebrating Darwin and evolution


Cagliari – Darwin day

University of Cagliari University of Cagliari, Monserrato (Cagliari)

A congress entitled Happy birthday Mr Darwin will be organized in February 12th 2018 by the University of Cagliari. Pupils will be invited to participate with oral presentations and posters … Continued



Museo Paleoantropologico del Po Via Faverzani 11, San Daniele Po (CR), Cremona, Italy

A day of conferences of five meetings on the evolution, biology and ecology of the Italian wolf inspired from the mystery of the Darwin's wolf of the Falkland Islands.


ZIua lui Darwin Satu Mare / Darwin Nap Szatmárnémeti

Satu Mare County Museum 21 Vasile Lucaciu, Satu Mare, Romania

The annual Darwin Day event organized since 2009 in Satu Mare County Museum by E-Consult Association: Celebrating science and evolution by presentations, education actions, exhibitions

Um olhar sobre a Seleção Natural

Galeria da Biodiversidade – Centro Ciência Viva/MHNC-UP Rua do Campo Alegre, 1191, Porto, Porto, Portugal

Partindo de uma conversa, entre pipocas e pintarolas, convidamos os participantes a discutir e a aprender o que é a biodiversidade e qual a sua importância. Mas, antes, começaremos por … Continued
