All Day

Darwin Day @ BSU

DMF Building at Bridgewater State University 24 Park Ave., Bridgewater

The Department of Biological Sciences, the Center for the Advancement of STEM Education (CASE), and the Class of ’42 lecture series are excited to announce the preliminary schedule for our … Continued


Darwin Day

Nicholls State University 316 Cental Lafourche Drive, Thibodaux

A collaborative effort between the Secular Student Alliance at Nicholls State University, Biology Society, and Tri Beta to celebrate the birthday of Darwin

Darwin Day Celebration at the University of Pittsburgh Bradford

Mukaiyama University Room - University of Pittsburgh Bradford 300 Campus Drive, Bradford

Darwin Day Speaker Tammy Wells - Thursday, February 11th 6:30pm Student posters and door prizes - Friday, February 12th 11am to 3pm Darwin Birthday Cake - Friday, February 12th Noon … Continued


Darwin Fest

Carretera Tijuana-Ensenada 3917 Playitas Carretera Tijuana-Ensenada 3917 Playitas, Ensenada

Conferences about the major theories of Darwin: Natural Selection and Sexual Selection.


Happy Darwin

in Iran, we can't have a public festival for Darwin. but have a site and publishing issue for celebrate this day and Darwin.

Darwin Correspondence Project – New Website!

The Darwin Correspondence Project have launched a new website with loads of new content to celebrate Darwin Day 2016!


To mark Darwin Day the UK writers organisation 26 has released a poem inspired by Darwin's home in Kent, UK. This is a piece by Philip Parker inspired by Darwin's … Continued


Darwin Weekend At Brasov Zoo

Zoo Brasov str. Brazilor 1, Brasov

Charles Darwin's birthday will be celebrated in Romania as well! Various activities will take place at The Brasov Zoo in order to promote this event of utmost importance. For three … Continued

Darwin Day at Novomundo School

COC NM Avenida Marechal Mallet, 392, Praia Grande

No dia, evento será realizado via internet, devido ao feriado de Carnaval. Haverá continuação das comemorações no dia 15/02/2016, na escola. On the day, event will be held via internet … Continued


Darwin Week

Circular Congregational Church 150 Meeting St, Charleston

The public is invited to the 16th annual celebration of Darwin Week in Charleston! Ten events in ten days. See website for details.


Darwin Day Tyler 2016

University of Texas at Tyler, Discovery Science Place, Tyler Junior College Tyler

This year’s Darwin Day celebration features three main events: a keynote address, evolutionary themed video screenings, and a teacher development workshop. There will also be events for kids at the … Continued


Darwin Festival

Salem State University 352 Lafayette Street, Salem

week-long event of daily lectures and videos related to evolution



On board Yacht La Pinta, while exploring The Galapagos Islands, we are celebrating Darwin Week with a series of talks and lectures related to Charles Darwin's works. On Feb 8 … Continued

Darwin Days 2016

Paleontological Research Institution 1259 Trumansburg Road, Ithaca

Join us as we explore the evolutionary relationships among all life on Earth, and learn how we research and display the “Tree of Life.” A full schedule of events can … Continued

Darwin Week a Città della Scienza

Città della Scienza Via Coroglio 104, Naples

A poco più di 200 anni dalla nascita di Charles Darwin, nonostante le sue teorie abbiano modificato radicalmente il modo di osservare e studiare il mondo naturale, le fila dei … Continued

Blomgren Training Systems

Blomgren Training Systems 460 Wells Road, ​Doylestown

​Travis Blomgren was a nationally recognized high school athlete, a First Team Quarterback, Defensive Back & Punter for the Suburban One league in Bucks County Pennsylvania, the Philadelphia Area Player … Continued

Judgement Day: Intelligent design on trial (NOVA film)

Doudna Fine Arts Center Lecture Hall Eastern Illinois University, 600 Lincoln Ave., Charleston

A documentary film on the Dover Pennsylvania trail concerning the inclusion of intelligent design theory into public school biology classes.



ICB UFPA Rua Augusto Corrêa, 01 - Guamá. CEP 66075-110. Caixa postal 479. , BELÉM

No dia 12 de fevereiro a comunidade científica comemora o nascimento de Charles Darwin! E para comemorar esse dia, nada melhor do que nos juntarmos para discutir ciência! Por isso, … Continued


24-Hour Reading of Origin of Species

Dolan Science Center, 2nd Floor, West 1 John Carroll Boulevard, University Heights

Students, Staff, Faculty, and our Community read, "The Origin of Species" nonstop for 22 hours, to celebrate the birthday and contributions of Sir Charles Darwin.

USF Darwin Day Lecture 2

FAO 248 Faculty Office Bldg, Tampa

In celebration of Darwin’s enduring contributions, our multi-disciplinary group has hosted outside speakers and workshops to increase understand and awareness of the theory of evolution. This year, we are happy … Continued


Darwin’s Annual Birthday Celebration

GFHS 3002 Centennial Rd., Santa Ana

Mrs. Maclean's Introductory Freshman Biology classes at Godinez Fundamental High School will be incorporating lessons in evolution to coincide with a cake and ice cream party to celebrate the giant … Continued

Zilele Evolutiei

Libraria Humanitas de la Cismigiu Bd. Regina Elisabeta 58, Bucuresti, Bucharest

In weekendul 12-14 februarie echipa ASUR va invita la ”Zilele Evolutiei”. In fiecare zi va fi abordat un alt apect al evolutiei, in cadrul unor intalniri cu public, gazduite de … Continued


Celebrating our university’s namesake

Mal Nairn Auditorium Charles Darwin University, Ellengowan Dr, Casuarina, Darwin

Address: The role of suicide, insanity and sandstone in the naming of Darwin (Australia), by Tom Pauling AO QC


Darwin Day Q&A

a live question and answer tweet-up for the public being held on twitter starting at 10 am EST / 3pm GMT, Friday, 12 February. Questions about evolution and about Darwin … Continued


Insetos Sociais: mundos em miniatura

Museu de Zoologia da USP Avenida Nazaré, 481, São Paulo

Oficina temática com Joice Constantini, MZUSP no espaço interativo



Castello di Rivoli Piazzale Mafalda di Savoia, Rivoli

Dodici febbraio, tempo di Darwin Day, l’appuntamento annuale che cade nel compleanno di Charles Darwin, il naturalista britannico nato il 12 febbraio 1809 che con la teoria dell’evoluzione ha cambiato … Continued



Video Aula/Jardin Darwin Camino Ing. Ramón Padilla Sánchez #2100, Predio Las Agujas, Zapopan, Jalisco, México. , Guadalajara

Conmemorando el 207 aniversario del natalicio de Charles R. Darwin y dentro de los eventos mundiales que se realizarán, los profesores de la División de Cs Biológicas y ambientales del … Continued


Darwin Day

Laguna Creek High School 9050 Vicino Dr, Elk Grove

Come celebrate Darwin's birthday.


Darwin Day Lecture at SFA

Miller Science Building, room 139 Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches

Seminar presentation in honor of Darwin's Birthday. Speaker: Prof. Gil Rosenthal Title: Mate choice and its consequences: genomic and behavioral insights from natural hybrid zones


Darwin Day

North Carolina Botanical Garden 100 Old Mason Farm Road, Chapel Hill

Join us to explore how the wondrous force of Natural Selection has shaped the patterns of diversity among vertebrates, invertebrates, and plant communities. Mark your calendar for this talk on … Continued


Darwin Day 2016 Morgantown

123 Pleasant St 123 Pleasant St., Morgantown

Join in for a free lunch and hear 2 speakers present sessions to honor Darwin , Science and Reason

Evolving a language

Collegium Humanisticum, Nicolaus Copernicus University ul. Władysława Bojarskiego 1, Toruń

Have you ever considered how it would be like to have a chat with King Alfred the Great? Would it be possible at all? The English language is a great … Continued

Darwin no Brasil

Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Nazaré, 481, Sao Paulo

Contação de histórias e oficina com Marcelo Sato, IBUSP no auditório


A Viagem do Beagle

Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Nazaré, 481, São Paulo

Jogo Interativo com Bruno G Augusta, IBUSP



Sala Lauree BLU del Campus Luigi Einaudi Lungo Dora Siena, 100, Torino

CIRSDe – Centro Interdisciplinare di Ricerche e Studi delle Donne e di Genere Torino, 12 febbraio 2016 – dalle ore 14.00 alle ore 18.00 Sala Lauree BLU del Campus universitario … Continued


Ausflug in die Evolution

Unnamed Venue Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, Hamburg

Wir gehen mit der Familie ins Zoologische Museum Hamburg - an wlechem Ort könnten wir Darwins Geburtstag besser feiern?

DARWIN DAY 2016 – Il Geoparco Globale UNESCO del Beigua e il Museo di Storia Naturale di Genova celebrano insieme il Darwin Day 2016 – Beigua UNESCO Global Geopark and the Natural History Museum of Genoa celebrate the Darwin Day 2016

Museo di Storia Naturale "G. Doria" di Genova Viale Brigata Liguria 9 , Genova

In occasione dei festeggiamenti che ogni anno vengono organizzati a livello mondiale per ricordare la data di nascita di Charles Darwin (12 febbraio 1809), l’Ente Parco del Beigua ed il … Continued


Darwin Day in the Institute of Cytology and Genetics

Institute of Cytology and Genetics 2 Koptyuga Ave, Novosibirsk

1. Invited lecture "Darwin and Evolution in Russian Poetry" by Ivan Poltoratsky 2. Poem "Charlesdarwinman" by Pavel Nikulin 3. Happening "Charles Darwin superstar" by students of National Research University of … Continued

Darwin’s Birthday celebration

Illusions Western Carolina University, Cullowhee.

James Costa of WCU will speak on "The Development of Darwin's Evolutionary Thinking" at 5:30 p.m. James Costa of WCU will speak on "The Development of Darwin's Evolutionary Thinking" at … Continued


Evoluzioni. Tra santi, pirati e navigatori.

Aula Capitò viale Delle Scienze, 7, Palermo

Alla ricerca del filo verde che lega la patrona di Palermo Rosalia Sinibaldi, il bucaniere secentesco William Dampier e certe "adorabili teorie", in bilico tra scienza e religione.

Arte Viva

Palazzo Liborio Romano Piazza Indipendenza 23, Patù

Il progetto "Arte Viva" si propone di coinvolgere artisti, associazioni locali, esperti, professionisti e tutti gli interessati, per promuovere e far conoscere l'importanza dell'ambiente naturale, ed in particolare di diffondere … Continued

День Дарвина в Кочерге

Антикафе Кочерга ул. Большая Дорогомиловская, д.5к2, Москва

По этому случаю мы, рациональное антикафе "Кочерга" и сообщество, совместно с Катей Зверевой из Общества Скептиков и Александром Панчиным из фонда "Эволюция" подготовили для вас лекторий (начало в 19:15) … Continued


Dalle Galápagos alla Campania

WWF Sannio Via Nicola Ciletti, 32, Benevento

Dai Fringuelli di Darwin agli anfibi e rettili della Campania, un viaggio nel tempo tra natura e scienza. Una collaborazione tra WWF Sannio e ARDEA.

Drafts for Darwin!

Wildcard Brewing - Tied House 1321 Butte St, Redding

Celebrate Charles Darwin's birthday and enjoy a local beer at Redding's second annual Drafts for Darwin!


Darwindagen: evolusjon med Erik Tunstad

Human-Etisk Forbund Brugata 19, Oslo

Human-Etisk Forbund i Oslo inviterer til foredrag med Erik Tunstad for å markere Darwin-dagen 12. februar. Har du noen gang tenkt over hva en skog egentlig er? Uten evolusjon ville … Continued


Darwin Day Dinner at Denny’s

Denny's 2894 South Oneida Street, Green Bay, WI 54304

Humanist in Green Bay Wisconsin will meet in the Packer Room at the Denny’s Restaurant at 2894 South Oneida Street, Green Bay, WI 54304 at 5:30 PM on February 12, … Continued


Darwin Day birthday party

Scarecrow Video scrng rm Roosevelt Way, Seattle

Evening party where we eat, socialize and play the game called Spin the Beagle.

SWAC Darwin Day

Rosie McCann's Irish Pub 1220 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz's Skeptics Without A Cause (SWAC) are celebrating Darwin's birthday! We are meeting in the lounge area at Rosie's, drinks and food are available at the bar.



Manchester Conference Centre 78 Sackville Street , Manchester

Stalls and exhibitions from the Arts and Sciences and local schools-6-10pm, admission FREE. 7.30pm Darwin Day Lecture Dr Susanne Shultz "Religion, Cooperation and pro-Sociality - Are Religious People More Cooperative?


Darwin Day em Osasco

Escola de Artes de Osasco Rua Tenente Avelar Pires de Azevedo, 360 , Osasco

documentary exhibition about Charles Darwin and discussio about the topic.

Darwin Day Dinner 2016

University House 1 Balmain Crescent, Acton, Weetangera

Guest speaker: Emeritus Professor Stephen Boyden AM, internationally acknowledged pioneer of the study of 'biohistory' which considers the relationship between human culture and biological processes, focussing on the health of … Continued


The First Mass Extinction of Complex life

Noel Ryan Auditorium, Central Library 301 Burnhamthorpe Rd W, , Mississauga

The First Mass Extinction of Complex life By Marc Laflamme Chemical and Physical Sciences, UTM The 540 Ma (million years ago) Cambrian Explosion represents the greatest expansion in early animal … Continued

Darwin Day Dinner

Fiddler's Hearth 127 N Main St, South Bend

Come join the Humanist Forum at Fiddler's Hearth to celebrate Darwin Day! You can find us in the back in the Beer Garden.

Darwin Day 2016

Saskatchewan Science Centre 2903 Powerhouse Drive, Regina

CFI Regina is hosting a family friendly Darwin Day Celebration at the Saskatchewan Science Centre. Come join us for crafts, games, videos and participatory presentations all focused on Evolution! (There … Continued


Central Colorado Humanists celebrate Darwin Day 2016!

Salida Community Center 305 F St, Salida

Darwin Day 2016!  In commemoration of Charles Darwin's 207th birthday and his contributions to science, Central Colorado Humanists will host our annual birthday party!  “What Darwin Never Knew”, a 120-minute video, will … Continued


Darwin Day

University of Nicosia 46 Avenue Engomi, Nicosia

Cyprus Humanists celebrate Darwin Day! Friday 12th February at 7pm @Univeristy of Nicosia.


IISER-M Voyage of the Beagle

IISER Mohali Knowledge City, Sector 81, Manauli, Sahibzada Ajit Singh , Mohali

3 day celebration. Talks, games, + all night fun. And GBBC.


Public Lecture: Bird Evolution – From Dinosaurs to DNA

Lesar Law Building Auditorium Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

Celebrate the 11th Annual Darwin Week at SIU with this public lecture. It's presented by Dr. Scott V. Edwards, Curator of Ornithology, with Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology in the … Continued


Darwin Day/Brasile, scienza e scimmie

Libreria Assaggi via degli Etruschi, 4, Roma

Festeggiamo il Darwin Day parlando di scienza e delle scoperte fatte sul comportamento dei cebi dai cornetti in Brasile. Accompagnerá l´evento un aperitivo brasiliano, preparato con le ricette che vengono … Continued



Unnamed Venue Ansnes brygger, Ansnes

Vi i Human-Etisk Forbund ønsker å feire Darwins bidrag til å fremme kritisk tenkning. Dagen markeres for å fremme Darwins bidrag til evolusjonsbiologi, og framfor alt vitenskap i sin alminnelighet. … Continued

Darwin Day Evolution Quiz- IIT Kanpur

BSBE Seminar Hall, IIT Kanpur Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur

Come celebrate Darwin Day with BRaIN(Biological Research and Innovation Network)! Its 207th birth anniversary of Charles Darwin, the leading mind behind evolutionary theory who took the world by storm and … Continued


Darwin Day in Heidelberg

Heidelberg Alte Brücke Alte Brücke, Heidelberg

Evening gathering on the Old Bridge in Heidelberg, hosted by local scientists. Cookies will be served and participants are asked to bring drinks of their preference.



Teatroinscatola lungotevere degli artigiani 14, Roma

“DARWIN E I GRILLI” di Gioia Fiorella Mariani, Era Nuova Edizioni --- G. F. Mariani, scenografa dal 1957 per la lirica, la prosa e il cinema, in Italia, Francia, Belgio, … Continued