
Eco-Arts Exhibition

Palácio de Cristal e Biblioteca Municipal Almeida Garrett Rua de D. Manuel II, Porto

An exhibition of crafts by primary to university school students from Porto.


Darwin Day 2015

Indian INstitute of Science Education and Research Mohali Sector 81 SAS Nagar Knowledge City, Mohali

Events Include PnV Club presents a. Wildlife Photography Exhibition b. Paintings of a lifetime ( Prof. T. R. Rao’s works ) 2) Arts Club presents Doodle and cartoon 3) Pictionary … Continued

Darwin Day 2015 Tyler, Texas

This year's Darwin Day celebration features three main events: a keynote address, evolutionary themed video screenings, and a teacher development workshop. The keynote speaker for this year's Darwin Day is … Continued


SIU Darwin Week – Public Lecture

John C. Guyon Auditorium, Morris Library Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

Endless Tales Most Beautiful - A Crash Course in Science Storytelling, a free lunchtime public lecture presented by author, blogger and amateur paleontologist Brian Switek. Come for the talk, stay … Continued


UAB Darwin Day Celebration

McWane Science Center 200 19th Steet N, Birmingham

Third Annual Darwin Day Celebration In honor of Charles Darwin’s birthday, the Department of Biology at UAB will be hosting its 3rd annual Darwin Day. This event aims to celebrate … Continued


Darwin Day Rovereto 2015

Fondazione Museo Civico di Rovereto Borgo S. Caterina 41, Rovereto TN

Gli appuntamenti proposti dalla Fondazione MCR in collaborazione con il CIMeC (Center for Mind/Brain Sciences dell'Università di Trento) per festeggiare il giorno della nascita di Charles Darwin: - Giovedì 12 … Continued

Darwin-Wallace Day at SUNY-ESF’s Moon Library

Moon Library 1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse

ESF will highlight research in evolutionary biology to celebrate the legacy of biological evolution’s co-discoverers: Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Darwin. Students taking Evolution (EFB 311) have created mini-posters highlighting … Continued


Darwin Day 2015

NC Museum of Natural Sciences 11 W Jones St, Raleigh

Spend Valentine’s Day learning about Charles Darwin and what his theories of natural selection have done for the world of science, research and education. Meet some of the scientists who … Continued


The Beaty Museum Loves FestEVOLVE

Beaty Biodiversity Museum 2212 Main Mall, Vancouver

You can't spell FestEVOLVE without love! This year, celebrate evolution at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum on Valentine's day. Meet researchers that study hybrid zones, scientists interested in evolution, participate in … Continued

Darwin Day Celebration

2100 Building 2100 24th Av S, Seattle

We Select You Naturally! Join us on Valentine's Day to celebrate the life and work of Charles Darwin. Come celebrate with us! Join us for • Evolution Raffle • Phylum … Continued

Darwin Day 2015 in Bodø

Stormen bibliotek Bodø

We celebrate Charles Darwin's birthday with lectures by profs. Ketil Eiane and Jarle Tryti Nordeide at "Stormen"


Darwin Day Hosted by Michigan Skeptics Association

CJ's Brewery 14900 Beck Rd, Plymouth

February 12th is International Darwin Day. This year it will also be Charles Darwin’s 206th birthday. On This month we will be joining with the International Darwin Day organization in celebrating Darwin and his history changing accomplishments.

Bates College and Lewiston Middle School Darwin Day event

Gray Cage 44 Campus Ave, Lewiston

Involving 50 Lewiston Middle Schoolers and 15 Bates College undergraduates, our Darwin Day seeks to celebrate evolution through hands-on activities. Our event will encompass seven activities, ranging from bioillustrations to … Continued



Museu da Ciência da Universidade de Coimbra Largo Marquês de Pombal, Coimbra

No Dia dos Namorados, vem aprender porque alguns indivíduos têm uma aparência tão vistosa. Será para conseguir “namorar”? E porque o Carnaval está quase a chegar, no final levas para … Continued


Hari Darwin Malaysia

Somewhere in PJ Selangor

Watch Inherit The Wind. Starring Oscar winners Spencer Tracy and Fredric March, and Oscar nominated Gene Kelly. A gripping classic based on a real-life case in 1925, two great lawyers … Continued
