
University of Delaware Darwin Day February 15-16, 2023

Morris Library and ISLL Newark

Wednesday February 15, 2023 Morris Library 4:30 PM Pop Goes the Beagle: Darwin for Children Margaret Stetz Mae & Robert Carter Professor Women and Gender Studies; and, Professor of Humanities … Continued


Celebrate Darwin Day 2023 with UAB’s Department of Biology

Hilton Birmingham at UAB, Hamilton Ballroom 808 20th Street South, Birmingham

The University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Department of Biology in the College of Arts and Sciences is set to host its 11th annual Darwin Day on Thursday, Feb. 16. Evolutionary biologist and co-author of “Mean … Continued


Kentucky Darwin Day Zoom lecture

Zoom KY

The American Institute of Professional Geologists - Kentucky Section (AIPG-KY) is hosting its annual Charles Darwin Lecture at 7:00 pm EST next Thursday, February 16 via Zoom. This year's guest … Continued



Sala Redecocca Piazza Redecocca, 1, Modena

In occasione delle celebrazioni per il Darwin Day 2023 il circolo UAAR presenta una conferenza dal titolo: DARWIN: TEORIE, VIAGGI E FALSE CREDENZE I relatori saranno Niccolò Patelli PhD (Agronomo … Continued


Darwin Day 2023: Collezioni, Tassonomia, Evoluzione

Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara Largo F. Vancini 2, Ferrara

Dalla morfologia alla genomica: il ruolo delle collezioni museali nello studio dell’evoluzione ieri, oggi e domani. Il Museo di Storia Naturale di Ferrara e il Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita … Continued


Dia de Darwin

University of Puerto Rico Bayamon # 170 Carretera 174, Bayamon

Students will present exhibitions about different topics related to Darwin's life at the UPRB Library. The library will sponsor several events to commemorate the day.
