All Day

Darwin Day/A Humanist Celebration

Ethical Humanist Society of LI 38 Old Country Road, Garden City

Our day begins with a wonderful talk from Dr. John Teehan, the chair of a department of Hofstra University. He is an avid Darwin fan and has often spoken at … Continued


Darwin Week

Circular Congregational Church 150 Meeting St, Charleston

The public is invited to the 16th annual celebration of Darwin Week in Charleston! Ten events in ten days. See website for details.


Piccolo Darwin Week

College of Charleston 66 George St, Charleston

The third annual celebration of evolutionary science for children and youth in Charleston! All events free, but registration required for most. See website for details.


Darwin Day Tyler 2016

University of Texas at Tyler, Discovery Science Place, Tyler Junior College Tyler

This year’s Darwin Day celebration features three main events: a keynote address, evolutionary themed video screenings, and a teacher development workshop. There will also be events for kids at the … Continued


Darwin and the Animals

Unitarian Universalist Church 230 Grand Blvd., Tarpon Springs

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Tarpon Springs, Florida, celebrates Charles Darwin on the first Sunday in February. Attention is also given to biodiversity and environmental protection concerns in the 21st … Continued


Darwin Day Lecture – Evolution: What the Fossils Say

Center for Inquiry-L.A. 4773 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles

Among the greatest distortions and misunderstandings about evolution are the creationist attacks on the fossil record, and whether it provides evidence for evolution. In this talk, geologist and paleontologist Donald … Continued
