All Day

Darwin Day 2015

Indian INstitute of Science Education and Research Mohali Sector 81 SAS Nagar Knowledge City, Mohali

Events Include PnV Club presents a. Wildlife Photography Exhibition b. Paintings of a lifetime ( Prof. T. R. Rao’s works ) 2) Arts Club presents Doodle and cartoon 3) Pictionary … Continued

Darwin Day 2015 Tyler, Texas

This year's Darwin Day celebration features three main events: a keynote address, evolutionary themed video screenings, and a teacher development workshop. The keynote speaker for this year's Darwin Day is … Continued


SIU Darwin Week – Public Lecture

John C. Guyon Auditorium, Morris Library Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

Endless Tales Most Beautiful - A Crash Course in Science Storytelling, a free lunchtime public lecture presented by author, blogger and amateur paleontologist Brian Switek. Come for the talk, stay … Continued


UAB Darwin Day Celebration

McWane Science Center 200 19th Steet N, Birmingham

Third Annual Darwin Day Celebration In honor of Charles Darwin’s birthday, the Department of Biology at UAB will be hosting its 3rd annual Darwin Day. This event aims to celebrate … Continued


Darwin-Wallace Day at SUNY-ESF’s Moon Library

Moon Library 1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse

ESF will highlight research in evolutionary biology to celebrate the legacy of biological evolution’s co-discoverers: Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Darwin. Students taking Evolution (EFB 311) have created mini-posters highlighting … Continued


Darwin Day 2015 to the Monitoring Station of Wildlife “I Variconi”

Ente Riserve Naturali Regionali “Foce Volturno-Costa di Licola” Stazione di Monitoraggio della Fauna "I Variconi" - Via Giotto, Castel Volturno (CE)

Quest’anno anche la Stazione di Monitoraggio della Fauna promuove una giornata all’insegna dell’evoluzione e degli adattamenti animali e vegetali della biodiversità che popola i Variconi. Questa spettacolare Zona Umida è … Continued


Darwin Day Recognition–Humanists of Minnesota

Field Community School 4546 4th Ave. South, Minneapolis

"Understanding Warfare: An Evolutionary Approach," Michael L. Wilson, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology and Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of Minnesota. Join us at our February chapter meeting … Continued


Darwin Day 2015

Tulane Unversity Dinwiddie Hall, Room 103 6823 St Charles Ave, New Orleans

Hosted by Tulane Anthropology and NOSHA


Darwin Day

Warehouse 416 416 26th Street, Oakland

You are invited to see a Nobel Prize winner speak, and meet him, on Darwin Day! See Dr. William Moerner, Stanford professor and winner of the 2014 Nobel Prize in … Continued


Darwin Movie and Discussion

Singles Outreach Services 435 New Karner Road (Hill Street Entrance), Albany

We'll be screening the A&E Biography: Charles Darwin - Evolution's Voice, followed by discussion. Bring a snack to share if you like.
