Please join us for this Annual Meeting of the ASF Voting Members. To be a voting member you must have paid your 2015 annual dues of $20. For those who have not yet paid, you can pay at the door. We’ll have interesting news on upcoming plans, committee reports, and the election of the 2015 board members.
In accordance with our bylaws, here is the tentative agenda for the annual meeting. Dues paying members may submit suggested ideas/questions for inclusion in the agenda up to seven (7) days prior to the meeting.
Tentative Annual Meeting Agenda
President’s welcome and opening remarks
Treasury report
Standing Committee Reports
– Membership
– Programs
– Activism
– Public Relations
– Social
– Leadership Development
Ad Hoc Committee Reports
– Social Media
– Reason in the Rock
Election of the Board of Directors
As soon as the business of the annual meeting is complete, we’ll slip right into a raucous celebration of Charles Darwin’s 216th Birthday.