
Darwin Festival

Salem State University 352 Lafayette Street, Salem

week-long event of daily lectures and videos related to evolution


Darwin Devonian Family Day at Museum of the Earth

Museum of the Earth 1259 Trumansburg Rd, Ithaca

Celebrate the birthday and works of Charles Darwin with fun activities for the whole family. Come to the Museum of the Earth for family-friendly activities about ancient marine fossils we … Continued

Darwin Discovery Day

Michigan State University Museum West Circle Drive, East Lansing

Join us for a celebration of the world around us at the 20th annual Darwin Discovery Day, an opportunity for hands-on exploration and discovery. Michigan State University Museum natural science … Continued


Community Wide Darwin Day

Neutra House 81 Hillview Avenue, Los Altos

Join us for our celebration of Charles Darwin's work and the theory of evolution. The event will include readings from The Origin of Species, a Sustainability Cafe with food tastings … Continued


Balena o balenottera?

MuMAB - Museo Mare Antico e Biodiversità San Nicomede, 29, Salsomaggiore Terme

Anche se tutti la chiamano “Balena”, la nostra Giorgia è una Balenottera. Ma quali sono le differenze tra “Balena” e “Balenottera”? E tra Cetacei e Pesci? E gli Squali? Questo … Continued
