Darwin Discovery Day

Michigan State University Museum West Circle Drive, East Lansing

Join us for a celebration of science at the 19th annual Darwin Discovery Day, an opportunity for hands-on exploration and discovery. Take a behind-the scene tour of the natural science … Continued


Darwin Discovery Day at the Michigan State University Museum

Michigan State University Museum West Circle Drive, East Lansing

Researchers and students from across Michigan State University are coming together at the MSU Museum to celebrate science at the 19th annual Darwin Discovery Day on Saturday, February 11 from … Continued

Quando le balene avevano le zampe

MuMAB - Museo Mare Antico e Biodiversità San Nicomede, 29, Salsomaggiore Terme

Chi era Charles Darwin? Come può aiutarci a capire da dove provengono le balene? Camminando nei corridoi del Museo Mare Antico e Biodiversità, accompagnati da un’esperta guida, potremo scoprire chi … Continued


Darwin Day Lipari XII ed – 2023

Gattopardo Park Hotel via Isabella Conti, Lipari

Il Darwin Day più piccolo e appassionato del mondo alla sua 12ma edizione. Ecco il programma: Maria Clara Martinelli Ludwig Pollak. Una storia di archeologia e orrore nazista Bruno Massa … Continued

When Worms and Germs Compete, Who Wins?

The Inn at Longshore 260 Campo Road, Westport

Join us for cocktail hour, dinner, science quiz (with prizes!), and presentation by Professor Vanessa Ezenwa at the 15th Annual Southern Connecticut Darwin Day Dinner Humans and animals are rarely … Continued


Darwin Family Day at Museum of the Earth

Museum of the Earth 1259 Trumansburg Rd, Ithaca

Celebrate the birthday and works of Charles Darwin with fun activities for the whole family. Come to the Museum of the Earth for family-friendly activities about the Age of Fishes. … Continued