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Darwin Days 2016

Paleontological Research Institution 1259 Trumansburg Road, Ithaca

Join us as we explore the evolutionary relationships among all life on Earth, and learn how we research and display the “Tree of Life.” A full schedule of events can … Continued

Judgement Day: Intelligent design on trial (NOVA film)

Doudna Fine Arts Center Lecture Hall Eastern Illinois University, 600 Lincoln Ave., Charleston

A documentary film on the Dover Pennsylvania trail concerning the inclusion of intelligent design theory into public school biology classes.



Teatroinscatola lungotevere degli artigiani 14, Roma

“DARWIN E I GRILLI” di Gioia Fiorella Mariani, Era Nuova Edizioni --- G. F. Mariani, scenografa dal 1957 per la lirica, la prosa e il cinema, in Italia, Francia, Belgio, … Continued

3rd Darwin Day at The University of Warsaw

Wydział Biologii UW ul. Miecznikowa 1, Warszawa

This year we focus on the dialogue between humanities and biology with the theory of evolution as a link between both fields.


Darwin Day Luncheon

Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix 627 W. Rio Salado Parkway, Mesa

Meet for lunch at the Humanist Community Center

$10 – $20

Darwin Day Kids

TANTESTORIE Libreria per Bambini e Ragazzi via Ludovico Ariosto 27, Palermo

Nonno Charles raccontato ai ragazzi da Sandra Marineo (biologa) e da Giorgio Maone (coordinatore UAAR regione Sicilia) circondati da tanti buoni libri.