Feb. 16, 2016
Read the action alert from the Secular Coalition for America below and take action today!
SR1001, introduced by Senator Andrew Sherwood, proclaims February 12 as International Darwin Day. This resolution promotes science and the scientific method, and celebrates Darwin as one of the most influential scientific minds in history.
On February 15, 2016, the resolution passed through the Senate Natural Resources committee on a 5-1 vote. The only way this resolution can continue moving for a full senate vote is to be heard in the Health and Human Services committee on Wednesday, February 17. Senator Nancy Barto is the chair of this committee and still has time to amend the agenda to include this resolution. If it’s not heard this week, it will not be able to continue in the legislative process.
Please send a message to Senator Barto today asking her to hear the resolution in her committee. Tell her how much you support science and how this symbolic resolution will show Arizona’s support for our scientific community. Use our action alert system to send a message today. We encourage you to change the wording, but feel free to press “send” as-is if you prefer.