Greater Boston Humanists will celebrate upcoming Darwin Day (February 12) with Dr. Abby Hafer of Curry College on the Sunday, FEBRUARY 13, at 1:30 pm with our Darwin Day Talk and celebration. This Zoom event is our way of celebrating Science on the week of Darwin Day, a major Humanist and secular community holiday “celebrating the principles of intellectual bravery, perpetual curiosity, scientific thinking, and hunger for truth as embodied in Charles Darwin.”
Abby’s talk is entitled ‘Darwin’s Apostles’:
When the discovery of evolution by natural selection was announced, neither of the scientists who discovered it were present at the announcement! Who did the hatchet work for evolution? Why, Darwin’s apostles, of course!
Charles Darwin was a recluse in later life. He wrote earth-shattering books but preferred to have others defend them.
Fortunately, scientists like Thomas Huxley, Joseph Hooker, Asa Gray, John Draper, and evolution’s co-discoverer Alfred Russel Wallace were all willing to go to bat on evolution’s behalf. They were colorful, distinguished, and tenacious.
Come find out more about them and their relevance to current troubles with fake news and science denialism.
Dr. Abby Hafer is the author, with David Orenstein, of ‘Darwin’s Apostles’. She is also the author of ‘The Not-So-Intelligent Designer—Why Evolution Explains the Human Body and Intelligent Design Does Not’. She has a doctorate in zoology from Oxford University and teaches human anatomy and physiology at Curry College. She also serves on the Board of AHA.
Dr. Hafer is also the co-author of Bill H.471, a bill in the Massachusetts legislature which requires that all science taught in public schools be based on peer-reviewed science. She hopes that someday, reality-based public science education will be thus protected all over the country.
Zoom information link for our Sunday 2/13 meeting:
Or, you may use PHONE: +1-929-436-2866, meeting number 154575482# US.
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