Why does sex exist? What are males for? Is the gender binary real? And why does a microbe have the swingingest sex life of all?
Darwin Day is a celebration of the FEB/12 birthday of naturalist and biologist Charles Darwin, a pivotal figure in the development of the scientific theory of evolution by natural selection. This year, we at the Secular Society of MIT mark it with a presentation by Abby Hafer, a zoologist and speaker who teaches at Curry College and authored Amazon theism-category bestseller “The Not-So-Intelligent Designer”.
In this talk, subtitled “Part I — The Gender Binary” (preemptively, because the misconceptions are too many to cover in a single talk), Dr Hafer will discuss the biological evolution of sex, sex and gender in the animal kingdom, and religious notions of sex and sexuality.
WHEN: Thursday, FEB/15, 7:15pm
WHERE: 4-270 (2nd floor, 182 Memorial Drive, https://whereis.mit.edu/?go=4)
Cake and tea served before talk, audience Q&A after.
One lucky attendee will go home with a Darwin art poster we will randomize out at the end of the event.
Free entry and refreshments.