Please join us for the 8th Annual Darwin Day Dinner on Saturday, February 13!
Joined us in prior years? The venue is unchanged from last year: The Norwalk Inn & Conference Center, 99 East Avenue, Norwalk, CT. The cost rose only slightly: $62 per person ($66 if you respond after February 7th).
New to Darwin Day? Like (or love) Science? Interested in learning about evolutionary biology from an extraordinary Yale professor? Enjoy a great party? Then this event is for YOU, and you will LOVE IT!
Because we are using MailChimp this year, the invitation is NOT attached, but instead may be found in .pdf form on our website at:
“The Mystery of Sleep” — Our speaker this year is Meir Kryger, MD, professor of medicine at Yale School of Medicine who has treated patients with sleep disorders for over 30 years. He is chief editor of the most widely used textbook used in sleep medicine, The Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine, soon to be in its sixth edition, and authored A Woman’s Guide to Sleep Disorders. He has published more than 200 peer reviewed articles and book chapters. What a great chance to learn in only one night how you really spend (approximately) 1/3 of your life!
As always, the event is open to the public, all are welcome, and everyone will go home smarter. Please forward this invitation to your friends.
Finally, each year we invite local high school students who are passionate about science to join us for this celebration (and to help their tables with the Science Quiz!). Their attendance is paid for by attendees and committee benefactors. Please consider making a donation of any amount to facilitate this effort using the forms referenced above. Better: bring your own high school students! Alas, we are not a 501(c)3, so there is no tax deduction available.