Darwin Day Potluck

Canebrake Clubhouse Saratoga Dr & Kings Mountain Dr, Greer, SC, United States

It's time to celebrate Darwin Day again! We'll start the festivities at 4 pm that Saturday. Stop in when you can; we'll be there late into the evening. PH will provide cake and ice cream to commemorate the birthday of the late great scientist. We'll also have coffee, and beyond that everyone can bring a … Continued


Darwin Day: 12° Darwin Day in Correggio: Animals, as we are.

Sala Conferenze Palazzo Principi Corso Cavour, 7, Correggio, Italy

Emotions and intelligence in the animal kingdom We, Homo sapiens, belong to the animal kingdom, but we always had the presumption to hold us in higher absolute. Scientific knowledge and better observation has instead revealed many qualities in common with the animals: intelligence to emotions. The spread of the pet and its positive relational experience … Continued


The Humanists of Utah’s 10th Annual Darwin Day Celebration

The Officer's Club 150 South Fort Douglas Blvd., Salt Lake City, UT, United States

The Humanists of Utah invite you to attend our 10th Annual Darwin Day Celebration from 5:30 - 9:00 p.m. at the Officer's Club at the University of Utah (150 South Fort Douglas Blvd.) on Saturday, February 11, 2017. We are thrilled to be celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the first Darwin Day celebration in Utah, … Continued


Darwin Day Dinner: Chasing Birds with Satellites — Taking the Pulse of Our Planet

The Waters Edge at Giovanni’s 2748 Boston Post Rd, Darien, CT, United States

“Chasing Birds with Satellites--Taking the Pulse of the Planet” will be explicated by Yale’s Walter Jetz at the 9th Annual Darwin Day Dinner to be held Saturday evening February 11. The popular event features cocktail hour, dinner, science quiz (with prizes!), and will take place at The Water’s Edge at Giovanni’s in Darien. Walter Jetz, … Continued

$4 – $68

Charlie Chili CookOff

First City Art Center 1060. N. Guillemard St.., Pensacola, FL, United States

The Gulf Coast Freethinkers present the annual Charlie Chili CookOff honoring Darwin Day and fundraising for the Humanists of West Florida's community outreach.


Darwin on the Palouse: The Science of GMOs and Vaccines

1912 Center 412 E 3rd St, Moscow, ID, United States

On Feb. 11th at 6:30pm, we are inviting community members to attend Darwin on the Palouse, a local Darwin Day celebration. Join us for a fascinating look at the science of GMOs and vaccines with Dr. Kevin Folta and Dr. Cheryl Miller. Presentations will be followed by Q&A. This free annual event celebrates humanity, science … Continued


New features added to Darwin Correspondence Project website

Internet MN, Antarctica

The website has been updated with an interactive timeline and enhanced secondary school resources for ages 11-14. What's more, the full texts of the letters for 1872 are now online for the first time, and a selection of Darwin's correspondence with women has been published in print. A fitting way to celebrate Darwin's birthday on … Continued

Darwin Days 2017: Exploring Human Evolution

Paleontological Research Institution 1259 Trumansburg Road, Ithaca, NY, United States

What does it mean to be human? How did humans evolve in the past and how are we evolving now? When and where did major points in our evolution happen, and why is it important? Learn the answers to all of these questions and more with the Paleontological Research Institution and Tompkins County Public Library … Continued

Darwin Café

Café Rad van Wageningen 1e Kloostersteeg (Conventplein), Wageningen, Gelderland, Netherlands

To celebrate Darwin Day the Dutch bimonthly for biologists Bionieuws and the brewery Brouwerij Wageningen have joined forces. There will be a lecture (in Dutch) about Darwin from Bionieuws-editor and Darwinfan Gert van Maanen followed by a unique taste session of the new evolutionary beerbrand Darwin. The entrance fee of €3 includes one Darwinbeer.


Darwin Café

Cafe Rad van Wageningen 1e Kloostersteeg 3, Wageningen, Gelderland, Netherlands

To celebrate Darwin Day the Dutch bimonthly for biologists Bionieuws and the brewery Brouwerij Wageningen have joined forces. There will be a lecture (in Dutch) about Darwin from Bionieuws-editor and Darwinfan Gert van Maanen followed by a unique taste session of the new evolutionary beerbrand Darwin. The entrance fee of €3 includes one Darwinbeer.


Happy Darwin Day // Familiy Event

zoological museum Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

With the family we will visit the zoological museum in hamburg. Its small, but still inspiring. It was founded 1843 by hamburg citizens. Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, 20146 Hamburg, opened on Sundays from 9.00 to 17.00. Hope to see you there!

Central Colorado Celebrates Darwin Day!

Salida Community Center 305 F St, Salida, CO, United States

Please join the Central Colorado Humanists as we view and then discuss the BBC documentary "Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life", hosted by David Attenborough.  Cake and ice cream will follow.  The public is welcome to this free community event.  Donations to the CCH scholarship fund will be gratefully accepted. Summary:  David Attenborough outlines … Continued


Who was Charles Darwin? (Family Event )

Imperial College Imperial College,Sherfield Building, London, London, United Kingdom

Little House of Science organises a science workshop for children from 5 to 11 years old to celebrate Darwin's day in London. We will explore together Darwin's amazing ideas about evolution, natural selection and adaptations. The children will also learn about Darwin's trip to Galapagos islands and his scientific journey and how he managed to … Continued


Natural Religion: The Good News According to Darwin

The Unitarian Church of Barnstable 3330 Main Street , Barnstable, MA, United States

A worship service and sermon celebrating how Darwin has radically changed our approach to religion, human nature, and the natural world.


Darwin Day Educational Speaker – Frances Owen

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 625 N. 6th Street, Burlington, IA, United States

Join us in celebrating the birthday of the evolutionary pioneer, Charles Darwin. We will be hosting a presentation by the Naturalist of Starr's Cave Nature Center, Frances Owen, on the topic of evolutionary history, misconceptions, and scientific impact that the theory has had in the 157 years since the publication of Darwin's "On the Origin … Continued

Darwin Day

Ethical Culture Society of Westchester 7 Saxon Woods Road, White Plains, NY, United States

Celebrating evolution, science, and intellectual bravery


Darwin Day Lecture by Dr. Amy Parish

Center for Inquiry-L.A. 4773 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA, United States

Sex, Bonding & Dominance in Bonobos: Reflections on Our Closest Living Relatives and Ourselves A Darwin Day lecture by Dr. Amy Parish Join us for Darwin Birthday cake after the lecture! What really separates “man” from “animal”, if indeed there is such a separation? About 200 species, including humans, belong to the Primate mammalian order. … Continued


Ден на Дарвин в Несебър / Darwin Day in Nesebar, Bulgaria

Ден на Дарвин в Несебър / Darwin Day in Nesebar, Bulgaria Hristo Botev 10A, Nesebar, Burgasка, Bulgaria

Денят на Дарвин в Несебър се организира от Народно читалище "Месемврия 2015". Водещ ще бъде г-н Сергей Бадаев./ Darwin Day in Nesebar is organized by the Community House (Chitalishte) Mesemvria 2015. The speaker will be Mr. Sergey Badaev.


Darwinov dan 2017 / Darwin Day 2017

Darwinov dan 2017 / Darwin Day 2017 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Društvo biologov Slovenije (DBS) se pridružuje aktivnostim ob obeležitvi letošnjega Darwinovega dne. "Vabimo vas, da se nam pridružite pri praznovanju Darwinovega dne, s katerim obeležujemo rojstni dan naravoslovca Charlesa Darwina, ki se je rodil 12. februarja 1809. S praznovanjem Darwinovega dne želimo spodbuditi ljudi po vsem svetu, zlasti mlade, h kritičnem presojanju, neutrudnem razkrivanju resnice … Continued

Darwin Day 2017: Mutation is the Name, Survival is the Game

ND Heritage Center & State Museum 312 East Boulevard Avenue, Bismarck, ND, United States

Presentation: Mutation Is The Name, Survival Is The Game -Becky Barnes, Paleontologist, North Dakota Geological Survey MIni-Museum: Compare features of fossils and skeletons from NDGS collections Game: Survival of the Fittest: Create your own organism and see if it survives the pressures of predation, competition, changing environments, and catastrophes Contest: Charles Darwin look-alikes win prizes!


ACT Humanist Society Darwin Day Lunch

Sukothai Restaurant 27 Bentham St, Yarralumla, ACT, Australia

Celebrate International Darwin Day with a delicious lunch at Sukothai in Yarralumla. Featuring a special presentation by Prof Colin Groves, Emeritus Professor of Bioanthropology from the ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences. Professor Groves will speak about Darwin as a human being, his compassion towards others, his compassion towards animals, and his awareness of … Continued

Charles Darwin Day Celebration 2017! Spread your wings!

Samena Club 15231 Lake Hills Blvd, Bellevue, WA, United States

Join us in celebration of Charles Darwin Day. Learn about the evolution of wings and more! Games, crafts and activities for the whole family. Come enjoy this casual social gathering to commemorate Charles Darwin and his great scientific contributions. Special guest: Jonathan Tweet, author of Grandmother Fish, the first book to teach evolution to preschoolers. … Continued

Darwin Day Luncheon

Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix 627 W. Rio Salado Parkway, Mesa

Join us to celebrate the 208th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth in 1809. Let's dine together in celebration of our common ancestry with fish and dinosaurs and vegetables! Starting time is Noon with Appetizers and Beverages. Feel free to bring adult beverages. Lunch will be served when it is ready. In the meantime we'll play … Continued

Darwin Day Brunch and Meeting of Colorado Citizens for Science

Unnamed Venue Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Brunch and meeting limited to members of Colorado Citizens for Science and the National Center for Science Education. Michael Klymkowsky will give a short presentation on Darwin’s relevance in our world today: “Genomes, Morality, and Tattoos.” Dr. Klymkowsky is professor of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Steven Mahone … Continued

Board game «Evolution»/Настольная игра «Эволюция»

Детская библиотека №18 ул. Революционная, 78, Тольятти, Russian Federation

Клуб настольных игр «Новое пространство» приглашает поиграть в настольную игру «Эволюция», основанную на дарвиновском принципе естественного отбора.  Выбирайте собственную стратегию в настольной борьбе за выживание! Что лучше: быть большим или маленьким, быстро бегать или хорошо прятаться, стать хищником или вступить в симбиоз?  Образовательная настольная игра «Эволюция» была создана кандидатом биологических наук Дмитрием Алексеевичем Кнорре в … Continued


How to Hunt for Aliens: Finding Darwin beyond Planet Earth

The Grove 760 Chapel Street, New Haven, CT, United States

Darwin utterly changed our understanding of the source of the diversity of life on Earth, and with it, our origin. But is our origin story one of a multitude—or are we unique or, indeed, alone in the cosmos? With Darwin as our guide, we are now in a position to go forth and search. Join … Continued

Celebrate Darwin Day!

MUC Center for Diversity & Community (rm. 219) University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD, United States

It's a birthday party with cake, games, prizes, & selfies with Charles Darwin!


Recent Human Evolution

Unitarian Universalist Center 1187 Franklin St (at Geary), San Francisco, CA, United States

Modern Humans that look pretty much like us and with a brain size similar to ours appeared about 100,000 to 200,000 years ago. However, human evolution has not stopped. Evolutionary adaptations have permitted humans to occupy and thrive in almost all regions of the Earth. Dr. Nielsen will discuss how human genetic diversity makes this … Continued

Lecture is free.

Darwin Day with Aron Ra

University Club of Winter Park 841 N. Park Ave, Winter Park, FL, United States

Central Florida Freethought Community educational meetings are free and open to the public. This month there is a $10 suggested donation. Enjoy thought-provoking speakers, local freethought news, state/church activism, volunteer opportunities, and socializing. Come out to meet old friends and make new ones. Coffee and water will be available with snacks served during the social … Continued

Darwin Day Celebration

Center for Science and Wonder 1651 East Sunset Road Suite A111, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Come join us to celebrate one of the most amazing people in the world of Science - Charles Darwin! We will have science and craft stations for children young and old. - Science Station: Fun & safe experiments for kids - Darwin's Finches Activity: Kids learn about the finches' beak adaptations - Tortoise Craft: Children … Continued

Darwin Discovery Day

Michigan State University Museum West Circle Drive, East Lansing, MI, United States

MSU scientists and students take part in Darwin Discovery Day to share their expertise and love of science with the public. Activities, tours and university science collections are featured throughout the MSU Museum. Ask the experts: as a favorite tradition of the day, visitors are encouraged to bring in a rock, bone, fossil, tooth or … Continued


Darwin Day Celebration 2017 – Yarra BBQ, Melbourne

Studley Park BBQ’s (Yarra Bend Park) End of Boathouse Road, Kew, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

This is an event for all people who appreciate the contribution of science to our lives. BBQ’s are available free to use. BYO food and drinks.   This event is one of many around the globe. Bring your friends and family and celebrate what it means to be an evolved being. Please share the event … Continued


Darwin Day Celebration

Water District Community Room 15500 Sand Canyon Avenue, Irvine, CA, United States

The Humanist Association of Orange County (CA) will be celebrating Darwin Day on Sunday, Feb. 12 (Darwin Day!) with a presentation by Phil Zuckerman, Professor of Sociology at Pitzer College in Claremont and Founding Chair of the Secular Studies Program there. His subject is "Secular versus Religious Morality in the Age of Trump".

Humanist Cafe Moot

Piatto Ristorante Café 264 Rundle St, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

What is Darwin Day and why are we taking note? It's not a celebration of the city of Darwin in the Northern Territory but a celebration of Charles Darwin the scientist and the work he did to begin to reveal our true origins. No longer did we as Humans have to rely upon myths and … Continued


Hour of knowledge and discoveries «Look from the past»/Час знаний и открытий «Взгляд из прошлого»

Центральная детская библиотека имени А.С. Пушкина ул. Горького, 42, Тольятти, Russian Federation

День Дарвина читатели Центральной детской библиотеки отметят знакомством с книгой известного норвежского палеонтолога и популяризатора науки Йорна Хюрума «Ида. Взгляд из прошлого». В 2009 году норвежский учёный Йорн Хюрум обнаружил целиком сохранившийся скелет примитивного примата, жившего целых 45 миллионов лет назад! Учёный назвал образец «Ида» в честь своей дочери. Эта находка позволила Хюруму и его … Continued


Darwin Day Film Festival

Morrill Hall 645 N. 14th St., Lincoln, NE, United States

In connection with Darwin Day, Morrill Hall will screen short video projects from the 6th annual Evolution Film Fest, including the winning music video project by UNL’s Matt Wilkins and Tyler Corey “Pygids”. Matt and Tyler will be on hand to discuss the making of their short film and have live Amblypygi-whip spiders-for visitors to … Continued

Darwin and the Dinosaurs

Edmonton Health Clinic Academy, Room 1-490 11405 - 87Ave, Edmonton , Alberta, Canada

Dr. Philip Currie will be joining us to give a presentation on ''Darwin and the Dinosaurs''. Dr. Currie is a Canadian Paleontologist who helped found the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller, as well as the Philip J Currie Museum in Grande Prairie, both in Alberta, Canada.


VerCiência Dia de Darwin 2017

Museu do Amanhã (Museum of Tomorrow) Praça Mauá, 1 - Centro, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Um Olhar Darwiniano sobre o Amanhã Como a descoberta da seleção natural por Darwin e Wallace no século 19 influenciou o avanço das ciências biológicas e afeta nossa cultura e nossas crenças no século 21? Exibição de filmes do acervo da Mostra VerCiência sobre Darwin e Evolução e batepapo com estudiosos de Darwin e Teoria da … Continued


Darwin Day in Astrakhan / День Дарвина в Астрахани

Свод Сфер Фаланстер ул. Советской милиции, 12, Астрахань, Астраханская область, Russian Federation

В 15 часов Свод Сфер Фаланстер превратится для Вас в уголок Галапагосских островов. Традиционно вечер откроет кандидат биологических наук Владимир Евгеньевич Афанасьев с лекцией «Что не так с эволюцией?» и ответит на вопросы «Почему идеи Дарвина так трудно приживаются в массовом сознании? Отчего так живучи мифы и заблуждения, касающиеся эволюции? Что нам дает эволюционная биология?». … Continued


Evolution: Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask

Ashland Community Center 59 Winburn Way, Ashland, OR, United States

Public lecture on evolution followed by Darwin birthday party. Lecture by Len Eisenberg, geologist, founder of Evogeneao.com, and builder of earth history parks and geologic climbing walls. Talk will describe how life on Earth is one big extended family, with all life forms related by common descent, and natural selection as the primary driver of … Continued


Darwin Day Pot-Luck and Speaker. The Evolution of Religion.

Unnamed Venue 2800 Barry Switzer Avenue, Norman, OK, United States

The Norman naturalism Group celebrates Darwin Day 2017 with a pot-luck dinner and speaker. The topic is "The Evolution of Religion". Pull out your best recipe and get ready for some more good eating and good talking. ;) Please bring a potluck dinner item, finger foods, drinks, etc, but hey, please come without if you … Continued

Charles Darwin Day

River Cafe 403, 2413-17st. SW, calgary, Alberta, Canada

A Victorian costumed cocktail party wherein Emma and Charles Darwin will ride through the downtown core to make a grand entrance from a large 4-seater Victorian coach drawn by a pair of clydesdales at the posh River Cafe centred in Prince's Island Park entrance.


Darwin Day Movie & Potluck

First Unitarian Universalists Church 1000 Blanton Ave, Richmond, VA, United States

Please come and enjoy and movie and feel free to share a dish for a potluck dinner Darwin Day celebration. Please bring your own preferred beverage. We will be screening the NOVA documentary Judgement Day: Intelligent Design On Trial. This is a rollercoaster of a film that highlights both how strong the evidence for evolution … Continued


Dauntless Decorous Darwin Day Date and a Dearth of Delish Dishes for Digestion

The Pegasus Arms 14 Oxford Terrace, Christchurch, South Island, New Zealand

Disembark at the delightful dynamic drinkery, the Pegasus Arms. Drain a draft, dispatch dietary delicacies, debunk dogmatism, discuss deities, and defeat the dastardly dump of drivel which drips desolately down from the deprived dictatorial devil detractors of the definitive deductive dialectics which is Darwin’s 1859 Origin of Species. Er... It's Darwin Day, so come and … Continued


Darwin Day: Jeff Mitton “What Darwin Got Wrong, A Look At A Book By Jerry Fodor”

The Secular Hub 3100 Downing Street, Denver, CO, United States

Look forward to a lively discussion on ”What Darwin got Wrong", a book by Fodor and Piattelli-Palmarini from the perspective of Jeff Mitton, professor of biology at the University of Colorado. He will address the current state of modern studies of natural selection, and what has been accomplished with artificial selection. For 17 years, on … Continued

The Charles Darwin Black Tie Dinner

2017, Grand Ballroom, SKYCITY Darwin Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

Australia now has in place a very special annual event to commemorate the renowned naturalist at the only university worldwide to carry his name - Charles Darwin University - in the only city that carries his name - the capital city of the Northern Territory - Darwin.
The Charles Darwin University Foundation, through the presentation of The Charles Darwin Black Tie Dinner, seeks to inspire increased participation and pride in the work of our remarkable university.


Film Screening & Talkback of A Better Life: An Exploration of Joy & Meaning in a World Without God

Frank Banko Alehouse Cinemas 101 Founders Way, Bethlehem, PA, United States

There is no God. Now what? If this is the only life we have, how does that affect how we live our lives, how we treat each other, and cope with death. As a follow-up to one of Kickstarter’s most successful publishing projects, photographer and filmmaker Chris Johnson introduces us to some of the many … Continued

$9.50 – $12

Darwin Day – Symposium at the University of Delaware

ISLL Lab 221 Academy St., Newark, DE, United States

Day-long symposium with presentations by nine faculty members from the University of Delaware and a keynote lecture by Karen Strier, Vilas Research Professor and Irven DeVore Professor of Anthropology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Held at the unviersity's Harker Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Laboratory.The hosts are the University of Delaware’s Chapter of Sigma Xi, the … Continued


Darwin Festival

Salem State University 352 Lafayette Street, Salem, MA, United States

weeklong series of videos and guest lectures commemorating Charles Darwin and evolution in all disciplines


2017 SSM Darwin Week – College of Charleston: “Astrobiology and Evolution”

School of Science and Mathematics Auditorium 202 Calhoun St, Charleston, SC, United States

Astrobiology and Evolution Chris Bennett University of Central Florida Astrobiology is an incredibly interdisciplinary field which focuses on attempting to understand how we think life may have evolved on Earth, how life has adapted to some of the most extreme environments, what are the limits that life as we know it could potentially thrive on … Continued


Darwin’s Birthday Bash

Illusions in the University Center Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC, United States

Western Carolina University will be celebrating Charles Darwin’s birthday with an evening of conversation about evolution research and education! Evolution poster session by high school and college students; area science teachers and WCU faculty are invited, fun and games, free food. CEUs for teachers on request.


2017 SSM Darwin Week – College of Charleston: “Darwin’s Dilemma”

School of Science and Mathematics Auditorium 202 Calhoun St, Charleston, SC, United States

Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecture: Darwin's Dilemma Phil Manning College of Charleston Mace Brown Museum of Natural History http://geology.cofc.edu/about/faculty-and-staff/manning-phillip.php In 2009 the bicentenary of Darwin's birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of Origin of Species was globally celebrated. These milestones reminded us of aspects of Darwin’s work that, despite the passage of time, are … Continued


Human evolution, critical thinking and the concept of self – Dr. Chris diCarlo

Noel Ryan Auditorium, Central Library 301 Burnhamthorpe Rd W, , Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

We welcome back Dr. Chris DiCarlo to elaborate on why, in his opinion, humans evolved along such a different path to the rest of life on the planet. The human brain is the product of millions of years of evolution. Through a process of natural selection, Darwinian forces have acted on the brain to produce … Continued


Fairfield County’s Death Cafe II

Silver Star Diner 210 Connecticut Ave, Norwalk , CT, United States

The Grim Reaper returns to Norwalk for a second cup of java! At our February monthly meeting, we will be holding our first Death Cafe in 2017 and second Death Cafe for our community of humanists, atheists and freethinkers in Fairfield County. For those of you who missed our first Death Cafe in October, HFFC … Continued


Fairfield County’s Death Cafe II

Silver Star Diner 210 Connecticut Ave, Norwalk , CT, United States

The Grim Reaper returns to Norwalk for a second cup of java! At our February monthly meeting, we will be holding our first Death Cafe in 2017 and second Death Cafe for our community of humanists, atheists and freethinkers in Fairfield County. For those of you who missed our first Death Cafe in October, HFFC … Continued


Darwin Day in Science Cafe EUREKA!

Art-PUB 12a, Tereshkova str., Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

* First screening of documentary by Dmitry Zavilgelsky 'Dissernet: Evolution of Altruism'. * Expert Discussion (Prof. P. Borodin, Prof. D.Kvon, S.Panteleeva, T.Cherkashina) * Phylum Quest 'What From Your Meal Made? Speсies Names Please!' Tickets (in Roubles): 50 (students), 150 (others).

Rubles50 – Rubles150


University of Bari Campus Universitario Via Orabona, 4 , Bari, Bari - Puglia, Italy

Il Sistema Museale di Ateneo dell'Università di Bari Aldo Moro  ha organizzato una serie di eventi nell'occasione delle celebrazioni del Darwin Day 2017. Nello specifico le iniziative organizzate per il giorno 14 febbraio sono: tre seminari, che affronteranno, sia dal punto di vista storico che scientifico, il ruolo e il significato del lavoro di Darwin anche … Continued


Hour of knowledge and discoveries «Travel to museums»/Час знаний и открытий «Путешествие по музеям»

Детская библиотека №2 ул. Ярославская, 27, Тольятти, Russian Federation

Участники совершат виртуальные туры по крупнейшим естественно-научным музеям мира. Путешествие по музеям естественных наук начнётся с Государственного Дарвиновского музея – одного из крупнейших естественно-научных музеев Европы. Его разнообразные зоологические коллекции, собрания анималистической живописи, скульптуры и старинных книг насчитывают около 400 тысяч предметов. В зале электронных ресурсов ребята смогут увидеть панорамы залов музея, а также фотографии … Continued


“A Collector’s Evolution: My Experience with the Books & Manuscripts of Charles Darwin and His Contemporaries” Lecture at Univesity of Delaware Library

University of Delaware Library 181 S. College Ave., Neaark, DE, United States

Lecture by Jeremy Norman, collector and antiquarian bookseller. Held at University of Delaware Library as part of the university's "Darwin Day" celebration and as the penning event for the exhibition, "Victorian Passions: Stories from the Mark Samuels Lasner Collection," on view Febrary 14 through June 3, 2017.


2017 SSM Darwin Week – College of Charleston: “Darwin’s Dilemma”

Duckett Hall Auditorium The Citadel, Charleston, SC, United States

Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecture: Darwin's Dilemma Phil Manning College of Charleston Mace Brown Museum of Natural History http://geology.cofc.edu/about/faculty-and-staff/manning-phillip.php In 2009 the bicentenary of Darwin's birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of Origin of Species was globally celebrated. These milestones reminded us of aspects of Darwin’s work that, despite the passage of time, are … Continued



Federal University of Para/ Institute of Biological Sciences Rua Augusto Corrêa, 01 - Guamá, Belém, Pará, Brazil

Should evolutionary theory be thought again?

2º Darwin Day UFPA

ICB UFPA Rua Augusto Corrêa, 01 - Guamá. CEP 66075-110. Caixa postal 479. , BELÉM, PARÁ, Brazil

Does evolutionary theory need to be rethought? With this tricky question, we at LAGEN have the honor to announce the 2nd Darwin Day UFPA. This year, the event is being conducted by Prof. Dr. Júlio Pieczarka and his students of the discipline of Evolution of the Graduate Program in Genetics and Molecular Biology of UFPA … Continued

R$ 10,00

Utah Valley University Darwin Day

Utah Valley University Science Building 134 800 W University Parkway, Orem, United States

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Daniel Fairbanks, "Darwin's Influence on Mendel: Evidence from a New Translation of Mendel's Paper" Genetics vol 204, pp 401-405, October 2016. Wed. Feb 15, Science Building 134 (auditorium), 12 noon. Free and open to the public.


2017 SSM Darwin Week – College of Charleston: “The Drunken Monkey: Is Alcoholism in Modern Humans an Evolutionary Hangover?”

School of Science and Mathematics Auditorium 202 Calhoun St, Charleston, SC, United States

The Drunken Monkey: Is Alcoholism in Modern Humans an Evolutionary Hangover? Robert Dudley University of California, Berkeley https://berkeleyflightlab.org/ Ethanol derives from the fermentation of simple sugars, and fermentative yeasts are ubiquitous within terrestrial ecosystems. Animals that routinely consume sugar-rich fruits and nectar thus routinely ingest low-level ethanol, although typical concentrations and consumed volumes are not … Continued


Panel Discussion on Darwin, Gender, and Race

Trinity University, Center for Science and Innovation, Room 437 1 Trinity Place, San Antonio, TX, United States

In celebration of Charles Darwin’s 208th birthday join us for a discussion on Darwin, Gender, and Race. Four Trinity professors will provide a panel discussion of Darwin's views on gender and race, the current scientific views on race, and the contributions of minorities and women to evolutionary theory. Following brief introductory comments, the panel will … Continued


Un tè con Darwin

Slash via Vincenzo Bellini, 45, Napoli, Italy

Charles Robert Darwin è senza alcun dubbio il naturalista che più di qualsiasi altro scienziato ha cambiato per sempre il modo in cui l’uomo percepisce se stesso e il mondo naturale. Il suo libro più famoso, ‘L’origine delle specie’, è considerato tra i libri più influenti che siano mai stati scritti nella storia. In occasione … Continued


L’ésser humà, una història evolutiva de 65 milions d’anys

Centre Cultural Sant Josep Av. Isabel la Catòlica, 32, l'Hospitalet, Barcelona, Spain

Els humans som animals mamífers de l’ordre dels primats, un ordre que es va originar fa uns 65 milions d’anys. L’espècie humana actual (homo sapiens sapiens) que va aparèixer fa uns 150.000 anys, és l’única supervivent de les moltes que van existir des de fa milions d’anys. L’arbre de l’evolució, que fa anys ha descartat … Continued


2017 SSM Darwin Week – College of Charleston: Movie Night!

School of Science and Mathematics Auditorium 202 Calhoun St, Charleston, SC, United States

Movie Night! "What Darwin Never Knew" Hosted by the Biology Club Followed by a Question and Answer session with CofC Biology Faculty!


Darwin Days

North Dakota State University Fargo, ND, United States

Hall of Biodiversity and Herpetology Zoo 11am-4 p.m., Hill Classroom Building Atrium Movie – “Super Croc” 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. Hill Classroom Building, Room XX Celebrate Darwin’s Birthday with Cake 3:30-4 p.m., Butte Lounge in the Memorial Union “From Madagascar to Microscopes: Breathing Life Into Dinosaurs” Kristi Curry-Rogers, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Geology and Biology, … Continued


Somos membros de uma grande, grande família! (We are members of a big, big family!)

Jardim de Infância Coimbra, Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal

One afternoon with children age 3 and 4 playing and discovering Darwin's contribution to our knowledge about the living world. We will be able to explore how species can diversify in a short period of time (rapid radiation, also called adaptive radiation).


2017 SSM Darwin Week – College of Charleston: “Animal Attraction: Bioinspiration and Digital Life”

School of Science and Mathematics Auditorium 202 Calhoun St, Charleston, SC, United States

Animal Attraction: Bioinspiration and Digital Life Duncan Irschick University of Massachusetts, Amherst http://www.bio.umass.edu/biology/irschick/ Duncan Irschick investigates the evolution and ecology of animal performance. On Friday, he will discuss: the evolution of biomaterials, and how this has inspired the innovative, super-adhesive technology GeckskinTM (http://geckskin.umass.edu); and, the Digital Life 3D project (http://www.digitallife3d.com/), a non-profit initiative that creates … Continued


Celebriamo il Darwin Day a Catania

Ortobotanico - Aula Emiciclo via A. Longo 19, Catania, Italy

U.A.A.R (Unione Atei Agnostici Razionalisti) of Catania in collaboration with the University of Catania, Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, and Associazione Nesos ( an independent association whose goal is to combine scientific research, environmental education and sustainable tourism) has organized a conference to celebrate Charles Darwin. The program for the evening is as … Continued


Darwin Conversations: LET’S TALK – New Views on the Fossil Record 

Knight Law Center Room 110 1515 Agate Street, Eugene, OR, United States

In celebration of Charles Darwin’s birthday, the Museum of Natural and Cultural History invites you to its annual conversation series exploring species, ecosystems, and conservation. On February 17, we present Fossil Dogs and the Search for Evolutionary Optimality with Jack Tseng, Assistant Professor at The State University of New York at Buffalo. Investigate the evolution … Continued


Darwin Day 2017: In the footsteps of Wallace

Wallace Education Centre 50 Dairy Farm Rd, Singapore, N.A, Singapore

Alfred Russel Wallace, the British naturalist who independently conceived the theory of evolution through natural selection, visited Singapore many times from 1854 - 1862 as part of his eight-year stay in the Malay archipelago. To get closer to the remaining primary forests, Wallace stayed with a French Roman Catholic missionary at St Joseph's in Bukit … Continued


Darwin Day 2017: Mutation Is The Name, Survival Is The Game

Fargo Public Library - Downtown 102 3rd St North, Fargo, ND, United States

Presentation: Mutation Is The Name, Survival Is The Game -Becky Barnes, State Paleontologist, North Dakota Geological Survey MIni-Museum: Compare features of fossils and skeletons from NDSU collections -NDSU Geosciences and Biological Sciences Game: Survival of the Fittest: Create your own organism and see if it survives the pressures of predation, competition, changing environments, and catastrophes … Continued


Natural Religion: The Good News According to Darwin

First Parish Church Weston, MA, United States

A worship service and sermon celebrating how Darwin's theory has radically changed our understanding of religion, human nature, and our relationship with the natural world. We will also discuss the growing imperative to advocate for free scientific inquiry in our current anti-science political climate.


Bagel Brunch: Rosalind Franklin, Pioneering Scientist

Albany Community Center 1249 Marin Avenue, Albany, CA, United States

In honor of our annual Darwin Day celebration, Jewish Humanist community Kol Hadash will screen a PBS film about the controversial chemist and pioneer molecular biologist Rosalind Franklin, whose research many consider to have been fundamental to the understanding of DNA and deserving of the Nobel Prize awarded to others. Commentary and responses to your … Continued


NJ Humanist Network Program – Denying to the Grave: Why We Ignore the Facts that Will Save Us

Franklin Twp Public Library 485 DeMott Lane, Somerset, NJ, United States

Sara E. Gorman, PhD, MPH, and Jack Gorman, MD, authors of Denying To the Grave: Why We Ignore the Facts That Will Save Us, published in 2016. The authors "argue that the basis for science denial rests in the normal psychology and biology of the human mind. In addition, our reactions to scientific finding can … Continued


Annual Darwin Birthday Party

New Paltz Community Center 3 Veterans Drive, New Paltz , NY, United States

Come join us for discussion, snacks, coffee and cake in honor of Charles Darwin’s 208th birthday! Guest Speaker Glenn Geher, Professor and Chair of Psychology at SUNY New Paltz and Founding Director of the Evolutionary Studies Program, will lead a panel of his students in a discussion of their work in Evolutionary Psychology, followed by … Continued


Darwin’s Ecological Experiment

The Unitarian Society of New Haven 700 Hartford Turnpike, Hamden, CT, United States

When Dr. David Wilkinson visited Ascension Island in the South Atlantic, he was amazed by its ecosystem. “I remember thinking, this is really weird,” he said. “There were all kinds of plants that don’t belong together in nature, growing side by side.” Charles Darwin had visited Ascension on the return leg of the Beagle’s voyage … Continued


Darwin Family Day + Darwin Day Kids

Museo G. G. Gemmellaro Corso Tukory 131, Palermo, Palermo, Italy

In order to celebrate our Darwin Day with all the family, UAAR's Palermo Chapter offers an exceptional free Sunday opening of the Gemmellaro Paleontology and Geology Museum, with two parallel tracks: labs for children, speech and debates for science lovers of any age. Fun for everyone :)


Darwin Day 2017

Sullivan University College of Pharmacy 2100 Gardiner Lane, Louisville, KY, United States

The Kentucky Secular Society presents Darwin Day 2017! Featuring Lee Dugatkin on The Evolution of Goodness, Laurie Tarr’s ‘Kitchen Sink Science’, and Ed Hensley on Evidence of Evolution for Non-Biology Majors. Kids of all ages are welcome. And there will be cupcakes.


10th Parma Darwin Day “From so simple a beginning…”

Aula Magna - Università di Parma Strada dell'Università 32, Parma, Italy

Event organized by the University of Parma (Department of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability) to celebrate the genius of Charles Darwin. This is the 10th Edition and we will celebrate talking about Evolution: from speciation to extinction, from science to literature, from humans to insects, always in the name of Charles Darwin. Location: Aula … Continued

Darwin e Aristóteles: Discutindo a relação

Instituto de Biociências - USP Rua do Matão,277, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Professor Nélio Bizzo, from Faculdade de educação, will talk about the views of Darwin and Aristotle on the biodiversity. Nas últimas edições de "A Origem das Espécies" Charles Darwin escreveu que Aristóteles chegou a enunciar ideias próximas às suas, embora apenas em linhas gerais. De fato, as ideias do filósofo grego perduraram no campo da … Continued

Darwin Day UNESP – Botucatu

Main Amphitheater of Institute of Biosciences of Botucatu city at São Paulo State University R. Prof. Dr. Antônio Celso Wagner Zanin, 250 Bairro: Distrito de Rubião Junior CEP 18618-689, Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Following the international spirit of celebrations in honor of Darwin, faculty members, graduate students and undergraduates from the Institute of Biosciences of Botucatu at São Paulo State University (IBB - UNESP) are preparing the first edition of Darwin Day - UNESP, which will be held on March 30th from 9 am to 17:30 pm presenting … Continued

R$5 – R$20

Darwin Day UNESP

São Paulo State University-UNESP Institute of Biosciences of Botucatu - IBB, Botucatu, Brazil

A day to celebrate the life and work of Charles Darwin, with lectures and discussions focused on biological evolution and its unfolding for science and humanity

University of Delaware, International Darwin Day

Harker Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Laboratory 221 Academy Street , Newark, DE, United States

Charles Darwin was born on 12 February 1809. Numerous events have been organized around the world to celebrate his contributions to humanity, science and rational thought. Please join us in the Harker Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Laboratory at 221 Academy Street in Newark, DE for our annual event.


4^ Edizione della Scienza e Tecnologia a Scuola

IC Ivrea 2 Ivrea, Torino, Italy

Dopo 60 anni dall'IGY (International Geophisical year) la scoperta di centinaia esopianeti porta alla nascita di una nuova scienza: la Planetologia


Cagliari – Darwin day

University of Cagliari University of Cagliari, Monserrato (Cagliari)

A congress entitled Happy birthday Mr Darwin will be organized in February 12th 2018 by the University of Cagliari. Pupils will be invited to participate with oral presentations and posters on topics related to evolution. The congress will introduced by two magistral lectures on the origin of species (Prof. Elisabetta Marini, Department of Life and … Continued


Darwin Day 2018: The Evolution of Happiness

Unitarian Universalists of Clearwater OCTAGON 2470 Nursery Road, Clearwater, FL, United States

As Bill Norsworthy reminds us: "Dear Humanist Friends, "Darwin Day 2018 in the Tampa Bay area is less than a week away! This year’s program will be very enlightening and inspiring. With Professor Phil Zuckerman coming across the country from California to present a keynote address titled, “The Happiest Place on Earth? Social Progress, Contentment, … Continued


Evolve a Valentines’s Card!

Internet MN, Antarctica

Have some Darwin Day fun by evolving a Valentine's card with shapes that really evolve via simulated evolution. I naturally selected you to be my Valentine! Contest runs till midnight on Darwin Day.


Meet Charles Darwin

The Denver Museum of Science and Nature 2001 Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO, United States

Commemorate Darwin’s birthday by spending an evening with the affable Charles Darwin. Enactor Brian “Fox” Ellis is back by popular demand to bring Darwin to life. Hear humorous tales of Darwin’s training as a naturalist, his insights into South American geology, his discovery of strange creatures on the Galápagos archipelago, and most important, the scientific … Continued



KITION PLANETARIUM & OBSERVATORY 9 Ammochostou, Kiti, Larnaca, Larnaca, Cyprus

7 FEBRUARY 2018 KITION PLANETARIUM & OBSERVATORY 2008-2018 10 YEARS 19:00 PLANETARIUM PROGRAM INTERNATIONAL DARWIN DAY (GR) MOVIE “NATURAL SELECTION” (EN) OBSERVATIONS OF ΤΗΕ GREAT ORION NEBULA International Darwin Day is commemorated this month, and we will mark this day with a special program containing the planetarium movie “Natural Selection” on the 7th of February. … Continued

Darwin Day Tyler

University of Texas at Tyler, Discovery Science Place, Tyler Junior College Tyler, TX, United States

Celebration of Darwin Day in Tyler Texas


Hands-On Evolution

G.Pascoli Middle School via Roma 21, Cormons, Italy

Hands-on Evolution is a project aimed at improving the teaching of evolution by means of different kinds of experiences: practical labs, e-learning and educational games to be performed in the classroom with very little – if any - equipment.


Hands-on Evolution

G.Pascoli Middle School viale Roma 21, Cormons, Gorizia, Italy

Hands-on Evolution is a project aimed at improving the teaching of evolution by means of different kinds of experiences: practical labs and non-formal educational activities to be performed in the classroom with very little – if any - equipment.


Voyage to the Origin of Species: Reminiscences of Charles Darwin

SOU Hannon Library 1250 Siskiyou Blvd, Ashland, OR, United States

Join writer and naturalist Pepper Trail on February 8, 4 p.m., for his talk “Voyage to the Origin of Species: Reminiscences of Charles Darwin” in Hannon Library’s Meese Room, Southern Oregon University. This event celebrates International Darwin Day, commemorating the birthday of Charles Darwin and his contributions to the sciences of biology and evolution. Learn … Continued

Bar de Ciències: Vacunes

Octubre CCC Sant Ferran 12, Valencia, Valencia, Spain

En el centenari de la gran pandèmia de 1918, l’anomenada “grip espanyola” amb quasi 50 milions de víctimes humanes, celebrem que les vacunes són una de les més grans revolucions en salut pública de tota la història, han allargat l’esperança de vida de la població i han evitat la infecció i la mort de milions … Continued

3rd Annual Darwin Day @ BSU

DMF Building at Bridgewater State University 24 Park Ave., Bridgewater, MA, United States

Please join the Center for the Advancement of STEM Education (CASE) and the Department of Biological Sciences at Bridgewater State University for our 3rd Annual Darwin Day @ BSU Event. Throughout the day we will have several natural history and evolution exhibits on display in DMF atrium, as well as undergraduate ecology and evolution-related research … Continued


Darwin Day 2018 – Anteprima di Festa di Scienza e Filosofia

Villa Fabri Trevi (PG), Italy

In occasione del Darwin Day 2018, il Laboratorio di Scienze Sperimentali, il Comune di Trevi e la Fondazione Villa Fabri di Trevi, con il patrocinio della Società Italiana di Biologia Evoluzionistica, presentano la prima anteprima di Festa di Scienza e Filosofia – Virtute e Canoscenza 2018, dedicata alla Biologia evolutiva. Due giorni all’insegna della divulgazione … Continued


NDSU Darwin Day

Glenn Hill Center, NDSU Fargo, ND, United States

A celebration of science and the life and ideas of Charles Darwin. Guest speaker this year is Lee Dugatkin (author of "How to Tame a Fox, and Build a Dog"). Also included: pop-up museum, birthday cake and book-signing!


NDSU Darwin Day 2018

A. Glen Hill Center (STEM) 1306 Centennial Boulevard, Fargo, ND, United States

NDSU Darwin Day 2018: Evolution events throughout the day on February 9 from 10-5. The Hall of Biodiversity is a science and evolution museum featuring specimens from Geosciences, Biosciences, Entomology, and Anthropology. Count the neck bones on a giraffe skeleton, compare the “teeth” of a narwhal, a Tyrannosaurus rex, and an extinct cave bear. Learn … Continued


Darwin Day, Texas A&M University

VENI bldg, College of Veterinary Medicine 660 Raymond Stotzer Pkwy, College Station, TX, United States

An annual celebration of all things biology! Program highlights: Public talk by Prof. Leif Andersson - “The Darwin’s finches - iconic models for the evolution of biodiversity” Voyage of the Beagle - Take a tour of legendary hotspots from Darwin’s voyage The Sandwalk - Meet real-life biologists and learn about their research Pat-a-gonia - Meet … Continued


Exhibition: ‘Darwin and the soil dynamics’

Darwin and the soil dynamics Rua da Mouraria 31, 9004-546 Funchal, Funchal - Madeira Island, Portugal

Exhibition about Darwin's studies of earthworms and their importance to the soil...

Darwin Day 2018

Schlossmuseum Linz Schlossberg 1, Linz, Austria

Lecture: Susanne S. Renner: Wie genau betreiben Blütenpflanzen Sex und wie oft?


Darwin on the Palouse

Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre 508 S Main Street, Moscow, ID, United States

The Humanists of the Palouse, a chapter of the American Humanist Association, along with the Secular Student Alliance at the University of Idaho, will host the 7th annual Darwin on the Palouse on Friday, February 9, 2018. Darwin on the Palouse is the nation's premier International Darwin Day event, celebrated each year to honor humanity, … Continued


Travelling with Darwin – Educational Workshop

Historical National Museum Via Brigata Liguria 9, Genova, Italy

This year we celebrate Darwin Day at the Historical Natural Museum in Genoa with an interesting workshop for children organized by ADM: we'll play like young explorers following Charles Darwin's route to discover the natural beauty which inspired his studies


Love Evolution! Darwin at the Museum

Naturhistoriska riksmuseet Stockholm, Frescativägen 40, Sweden

Over fifty Evolutionary Biology researchers from the University of Uppsala and Stockholm will visit the Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet in Stockholm. Different themed groups will set up Evolution-themed games and activities for the public to enjoy. Visitors collect stamps from visiting a station, and get a Darwin-themed prize at the end!

Darwin Weekend at the Mall

Coresi Shopping Resort Str. Zaharia Stancu, Nr. 1, Brașov, Brașov, Romania

An “Evolutionary Workshop” to understand the scientific, elegant and simple principles of evolution theory. Un „Atelier de evoluție” pentru a înțelege principiile științifice, elegante și simple ale teoriei evoluției.


1st Annual Darwin Day Dinner Northern Connecticut: What is a Species?

Connecticut Science Center 250 Columbus Blvd , Hartford, CT, United States

The Connecticut Science Center and the Connecticut Coalition of Reason join in celebration of the birth, life, and discoveries of Charles Darwin (Feb 12, 1809 - Apr 19, 1882). We'll be remembering Darwin's achievements, namely the Theory of Evolution and it's tremendous impact on modern bioscience and modern medicine. We'll celebrate with family-friendly, hands-on activities: … Continued


Darwin Day

Connecticut Science Center 250 Columbus Blvd , Hartford, CT, United States

Celebrate Charles Darwin’s birthday with family-friendly, hands-on activities at the Connecticut Science Center. Start the day with the Art Truck, who will be on-hand with a Darwin inspired make your own bird craft. Join in on a discussion regarding ‘What is a Species?’ with UCONN Professor Charles Noll in the AXINN Genomics Lab. Don’t miss … Continued


Darwin Day

Science Museum of Minnesota 120 Kellogg Boulevard West, Saint Paul, MN, United States

Visit the Science Museum of Minnesota to enjoy family-friendly presenters and hands-on activities to celebrate Darwin's birthday. Author Jonathan Tweet will be on site to share some activities and read his book, Grandmother Fish. Event is included with exhibit hall admission.

Darwin Day Celebration

North West Regional Library 3151 N University Dr., Coral Springs, FL, United States

An educational series of lectures from local speakers ranging from Charles Darwin's voyage to the teaching of evolution in schools.


Darwin Day Celebration

Center for Science and Wonder 1651 East Sunset Road, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Kid friendly Darwin and evolution based activities, trivia games with prizes


Racism: An Evolutionary Biologist’s View

Noel Ryan Auditorium, Central Library 301 Burnhamthorpe Rd W, , Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

We all hear a lot about racial groups and how people belonging to distinct races differ from each other, for example, in terms of intellectual abilities, criminal or sexual behavior. We also often accept stereotypes, and assume racial differences have genetic origin. Recent events in North America and Europe also brought the question of racism … Continued

Happy B-day, Mr Darwin!

La città dei bambini e dei ragazzi Via magazzini del cotone 15, Genova, Genova, Italy

A 209 anni dalla nascita del padre della “teoria dell’evoluzione” cerchiamo insieme di comprendere i meccanismi che governano la comparsa di nuove specie. Come fanno i naturalisti osserveremo alcuni piccoli animali per capire insieme come funziona la selezione naturale. A cura di - ZEUS


Finding Darwin

Secular Hub 3100 Downing St. #C, Denver, CO, United States

"You care for nothing but shooting, dogs, and rat-catching, and you will be a disgrace to yourself and all your family," Charles Darwin's dad once told him. Darwin failed to become a doctor, but he succeeded in changing how we see life on Earth. Darwin developed the theory central to understanding biology, all the while … Continued


Darwin Day – Lipari ’18

Gattopardo Park Hotel via Isabella Conti, Lipari, Messina, Italy

Programma: - Maria Clara Martinelli: Dal serapeion al museo - Salvo Pasta: Tesori racchiusi nell'ambra siciliana - Antonio Amico: Usi e abusi - Pietro Lo Cascio: Lonesome George Film: Il popolo migratore


10 th Annual Darwin Day Dinner Southern Connecticut: What, if anything, makes humans unique?

The Waters Edge at Giovanni’s 2748 Boston Post Rd, Darien, CT, United States

Join us for cocktail hour, dinner, science quiz (with prizes!), and presentation by Yale Cognitive Science expert Mark Sheskin (on the above topic) ! Banquet tables collaborate and enter a science quiz. No prior training is required to enjoy this social event. Winners will earn fame, prizes, and accolades -- one more reason the Annual … Continued


10 th Annual Darwin Day Dinner Southern Connecticut: What, if anything, makes humans unique?

The Water's Edge at Giovanni's 2748 Boston Post Rd, Darien, Connecticut, CT, United States

Join us for cocktail hour, dinner, science quiz (with prizes!), and presentation by Yale Cognitive Science expert Mark Sheskin (on the above topic) ! Banquet tables collaborate and enter a science quiz. No prior training is required to enjoy this social event. Winners will earn fame, prizes, and accolades — one more reason the Annual … Continued
