Giornata della Scienza e delle scoperte tecnologiche
Darwin Day SF 313 Potrero Ave, San Francisco, United StatesGli studenti della scuola Primaria di Ivrea e Montalto realizzano materiale dedicato alle conoscenze astronomiche e scientifiche
Gli studenti della scuola Primaria di Ivrea e Montalto realizzano materiale dedicato alle conoscenze astronomiche e scientifiche
"Science in the Family: Charles Darwin at Home", a presentation by Richard Thomas, Associate Professor of Zoology, Southern Illinois University.
The Humanist Society of Redding will hold its annual Darwin Day celebration at the Redding Library on Sunday, February 1 at 3:00 p.m. This year's featured entertainment will be a live production of "Charles Darwin, Vampire Slayer," a farce penned by local author W. M. Shockley and performed by the Wycked Fell Radio Theater Players. … Continued
Informal get together of Unitarian Universalist Humanists to celebrate Darwin's Birthday - a little early.
Join the Humanist Forum of Central Kentucky for our celebration of Charles Darwin's 206th birthday, Thursday, February 5th, 7:00-8:30pm in the Great Hall of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Lexington. Dan Phelps, President of the Kentucky Paleontological Society, will present,"The Geology of Antarctica and the Natural History of the Antarctic Peninsula," based upon his January … Continued
Una visita de ciencia y gestronomía, sólo para adultos, centrada en la figura de Charles Darwin.
Guest Lecture from Richard Lenski about the LTEE and its findings Darwin day dinner which hosts the annual Darwin day quiz!
O Clube dos Tipos em parceria com o CIBIO/InBIO-UP e o Museu da Ciência da Universidade de Coimbra na celebração do aniversário de Charles Darwin: 12 de Fevereiro - Dia de Darwin/Darwin Day. Uma atividade integrada no programa “Um dia sobre evolução”. O workshop pretende dar a conhecer aos participantes a técnica de tipografia tradicional, … Continued
Darwin Day Lecture and Exhibition Origin of Species is one of the most influential books ever written. In it, Darwin gave us a scientific understanding of our origins to replace those based on ancient myths. In commemoration of Darwin’s birthday, Professor Katryn Wiese will review the main timeline and evidence for Earth's formation and evolution, … Continued
Celebrate Darwin Day at Charlie's Evolution Emporium! Enjoy FREE interactive science activities for ALL Ages! * Hunt for Fossils * Extract DNA * Learn about Evolution * * Feed Butterflies * Pet Lizards and Snakes & MORE! * This event is Kid Friendly (big kids too!) and open to the public! Bring a friend or … Continued
JOHNSON CITY – Darwin Day will be celebrated with free admission at the East Tennessee State University and General Shale Natural History Museum as a part of its annual Darwin Day observance on Saturday, Feb. 7. Darwin Day includes several talks and a variety of activities for children. Darwin Day is an international celebration of … Continued
An event celebrating the diversity of life.
Come celebrate Darwin Day with us. There will be a potluck with some talks and a kid's corner with activities, such as dinosaur building. The CCOC is right next to the Museum of Nature so you can optionally take in a museum tour before you come over in the afternoon. More to come! $5.00 … Continued
Everyone is invited to attend our 15th annual celebration of Darwin Week!
Celebrate this naturalist’s birthday with our naturalists at Trailside Museum Drop in for movies, exhibits, and activities as we explore Darwin, nature, and evolution. Saturday and Sunday February 7th and 8th Trailside Museum Forest Preserves of Cook County
Speaker: Nancy Howell Theme: Human Evolution—A Kalahari Perspective Our 2015 celebration will take place at Mattison's, 41 South Tamiami Trail (Note the change in venue). Details Many thanks to our Darwin Committee, composed of Susan Shuker, Judy Helgager and Sandie Zellick. Stay tuned! Scenes from the 2014 party
Family event with hands on activities and exhibits for children and adults to explore together. Special Guests: Randall's Island staff with specimens and activities from Randall's Island Park and the Jamaica, NY office of the USDA with information about invasive Asian Longhorned Beetles.
Darwin Day celebrates the discoveries and life of Charles Darwin, the man who first described biological evolution via natural selection. Darwin Day focuses on the benefits that scientific knowledge, acquired through human curiosity and ingenuity, have contributed to the advancement of humanity. Throughout the day, discuss evolutionary biology with museum staff and professors from local … Continued
Join the Dinosaur Discovery Museum in celebrating the life and work of Charles Darwin. Participate in fun family activities throughout the day, focused on evolution and natural selection, and listen to talks by Dr. Greg Mayer and Dr. Chris Noto from UW-Parkside. Doors open at noon and admission is free.
Keynote speaker will be Dr. David Lynn, whose groundbreaking researches into the beginning of life on our planet has propelled him into the front ranks of biological science. Dr. Elaine Hull from FSU will discuss her investigations into the question of whether we are intrinsically wired for religion. Also, we will hear from Herb Silverman, whose notable achievements in South Carolina politics are a … Continued
Kids for Inquiry and Centre for Inquiry Okanagan will be celebrating the 206th birthday of Charles Darwin! Mr Darwin will even be present to talk with the kids about his theory of evolution and to blow out his own candles. As well as Charles Darwin (UBC prof, Dr Ian Walker) and birthday cake, there will … Continued
Darwin Day Lecture and Exhibition Origin of Species is one of the most influential books ever written. In it, Darwin gave us a scientific understanding of our origins to replace those based on ancient myths. In commemoration of Darwin’s birthday, Professor Katryn Wiese will review the main timeline and evidence for Earth's formation and evolution, … Continued
Please join us for our 2nd Annual Darwin themed scavenger hunt at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Our event will begin with an Impromptu meet and greet, then together we will make our very own Charles Darwin beard (simple fun craft) to wear throughout the museum...And then following instructions for our group Scavenger Hunt. … Continued
For the first time, secular groups from the Central Valley will be co-hosting an event that focuses on the life of Charles Darwin and the transition from faith to reason. This free event, held at the gazebo near the Manteca Public Library, is family friendly and will offer the public an opportunity to recognize the … Continued
The best location for a Darwin Day: a volcanic island! Welcome in Lipari for the 4th Darwin Day proudly organized by Nesos - Nature, Culture, Tourism, Research.
Simply the BEST science party this side of the Kuiper Belt! Full course banquet dinner, cocktail hour, a SCIENCE QUIZ (with prizes!), only a few very short yet still somewhat entertaining speeches, and a talk by Yale University’s Prof. Richard O. Prum, Professor of Ornithology, and Curator of Vertebrate Zoology, Peabody Museum of Natural History … Continued
This year's Darwin Day celebration will be held at Brewsters on South Albert. We will be screening an episode or two from Bill Nye's Evolution DVD Series. Come out and join us for a pint, some food, and a good time!
Darwin on the Palouse, a free event to celebrate humanity, science and rational thought, is held annually in Moscow Idaho and Pullman Washington.
ENO RIVER UNITARIAN_UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP Sunday Services: 9:15 & 11:15 am February 8, 2015 Charles Darwin and the Big Questions Lance Haworth/Helen Wolfson, Service Leaders; Music: Pam DiLavore For as long as there were humans, we can imagine that they asked the big questions like "Where do we come from? Where are we going? Why are … Continued
Join the Red Bank Humanists for a special Darwin Day Celebration at their February Forum. Free and Open to the Public. The Red Bank Humanists host a presentation "Teaching Evolution in Secondary Schools - Methods and Challenges" with special guest speaker Rob Richard, President, Biology Teachers Association of NJ and Visiting Professor of Science Education … Continued
In conjunction with International Darwin Day – officially celebrated on the anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birthday (Feb 12) – the Humanist Discussion Group of the UU Fellowship of Lake Norman will lead the morning’s service in an inspirational refection on the principles of intellectual bravery, perpetual curiosity, scientific thinking and hunger for truth as embodied … Continued
It's that time of year! Love is in the air, and that means Darwin Day is right around the corner (we love him, don't you?)! Join us to celebrate the new year! Coffee and baked goods will be provided, and join us at Cazuela's Grill across the street for lunch! Bring a date, or just … Continued
Dr. John Teehan, Professor and Chair of the Department of Religion, holds an M.A. in Psychology (Queens College, 1987) and a Doctorate in Philosophy (Graduate Center, CUNY, 1992). He joined the full time Hofstra Faculty in 1998, while continuing to serve as a behavioral psychological consultant, and chair of the Medical Ethics committee of a mental … Continued
Celebrate this naturalist’s birthday with our naturalists at Trailside Museum Drop in for movies, exhibits, and activities as we explore Darwin, nature, and evolution. Saturday and Sunday February 7th and 8th Trailside Museum of Natural History Forest Preserves of Cook County
Celebrate Charles Darwin's birthday with the Museum of Natural and Cultural History and "set sail" on a voyage of family fun! You'll journey deep into Oregon's natural history- and trivia, crafts, and hands-on activities await you at every step along the way.
During the week of Charles Darwin's birthday, we'll dine together in celebration of our common ancestry with fish and dinosaurs! Note there will not be a regular breakfast meeting on this date. Starting time is Noon: Lunch will be served, followed by a short presentation by Geoff Clark on Evolution. Dr. Clark is Regent's Professor … Continued
Darwin Day, sponsored by CFI-Austin, is a FREE event, with lectures on the cutting edge of biological research and understanding, interactive learning activities for children and teens, and professional development credit for teachers through UTeach.
This years Darwin Day Celebration will be held Feb. 8th at the Westgate Library. We'll have a movie and a panel of amazing peoples, great company and I know we're in for some thought-provoking discussion. Also there will be cookies.
There will be an 18 hole mini disc (frisbee) golf tournament at the West Melbourne, Fl "Flying Crane Mini Disc Golf Course" located at Jan Lieson Crossroads Park (2200 Meadowlane Ave.) on Sunday, Feb. 8 @ 1:00. The course is free. Entry fee is $5 per team (up to 4 players). Winning team gets the … Continued
Join us for our monthly meeting as we celebrate Darwin Day with a special talk by Dr. Austin Hitt! The Origin of Species Then and Now Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species (1859) is one of the most discussed and controversial books of all time. Scientists celebrate the Origin as the start of biology as a … Continued
What better way to celebrate Darwin day than meeting up with people who seem to have been created for each other. Some might say that this event is intelligently designed, but we know Pho soup day has evolved into a good time for everyone. Join Humanist Association of Greater Philadelphia at: Pho soup meetup at … Continued
Our February meeting will be on Sunday, February 8 from 6 to 8 pm in the Sanctuary/Commons. We will start with a potluck dinner to be followed by a talk by J. Anderson Thomson, Jr., M.D., on “Why We Believe In God(s)." Dr. Thomson is a psychiatrist in private practice in Charlottesville, Virginia. He is … Continued
On Darwin day We are inviting all to join us with performances, reading, songs, art, dance and whatever to celebrate our 'animal heritage' and to discard our 'animal baggage'! So let your imagination run wild and your rational engine purring!
36th annual week-long series of videos and lectures involving evolution - - free and open to the public
A week long event sponsored by Jacksonville University's Department of Biology & Marine Science and the College of Arts & Sciences focusing on the work of Charles Darwin and the importance of evolution and reason in modern society. Monday Feb. 9th: 12:00 – 1:00 Reid Auditorium: Dr. Bill Robertson - Darwin the Person Come hear … Continued
Este evento tem como propósito celebrar o dia internacional de Darwin, proposto como data relevante desde o bicentenário do naturalista Charles Darwin, proponente da teoria da evolução por seleção natural e um dos pensadores mais influentes da história. A data procura inspirar pessoas por todo o mundo a refletir e agir segundo princípios da razão … Continued
Charles Darwin was far from the first to suggest that species change with time. And he was not the only one to propose natural selection as the mechanism of species change. Alfred Russel Wallace, Darwin's sometime rival, friend, and colleague, had the same idea during a feverish fit while on an expedition to southeast Asia. … Continued
«Darwin's third book "The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals" (1872) is revolutionary in many ways. He uses a phylogenetic, cross-species approach to elucidate the similarity between animals and humans. Only in recent years, authors like William McGrew and Frans de Waal have, in their work on non-human primates, done the same. For a … Continued
We have several activities to celebrate Darwin Day at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. All events are free and open to the public! Feb. 10 Mini Symposium, French Auditorium Lindegren 133, 7pm Feb. 11 Reception for Photo and Art Contest, SIU Student Center Art Alley, 5:30pm Feb. 12 Public Lectures by guest speaker Brian Switek 'Reaching out … Continued
We have several activities to celebrate Darwin Day at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. All events are free and open to the public! Feb. 10 Mini Symposium, French Auditorium Lindegren 133, 7pm Feb. 11 Reception for Photo and Art Contest, SIU Student Center Art Alley, 5:30pm Feb. 12 Public Lectures by guest speaker Brian Switek ‘Reaching … Continued
Celebrating the Evolution of Life February 10-15, 2015 Included with museum admission or membership Did you know mushrooms are more related to animals than plants? The tree of life is filled with intriguing connections and links, thanks to natural selection. Diversity on the planet is guided by the principles of natural selection and evolution, made … Continued
You are warmly invited to join us for a Darwin Day BBQ (& optional public lecture) to be held at the Unitarian Hall in East Melbourne. BYO food and drink - there will be some plates, cups and cutlery available as well as BBQ's to cook food. There is a public lecture at 8pm for … Continued
Secular NAU Students pizza party with evolution trivia games and Darwin Birthday decorations.
Fourth Annual Darwin Day Dinner sponsored by the Humanist Society of Gainesville and the Humanist Circle of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Gainesville will take place at the Northwest Grill, 39th Avenue and 53rd Street, Gainesville, on Tuesday February 10th at 6:30pm. Join us for good food and conversation as we celebrate Charles Darwin's birthday.
Guest speakers from the Southern Illinois University graduate and undergraduate student community present their research, with a panel discussion to follow
It is the vision of International Darwin Day to "reflect and act on the principles of intellectual bravery, perpetual curiosity, scientific thinking, and hunger for truth as embodied in Charles Darwin." In honor of these principles and in celebration with groups around the world, Taichung Skeptics in the Pub and Taichung Atheists, Freethinkers, and Humanists … Continued
Every year, The Department of Biology at John Carroll University celebrates Charles Darwin's Birthday with a 24-hour reading of "The Origin Of Species" and party. Each participant reads at least 22 pages in 30 minutes.
Darwin Day is an international celebration of human achievement and scientific inquiry. Held on or around Charles Darwin's birthday,February 12, people gather to pay tribute to him, to learn more about evolution, and to marvel at the natural world he so vividly described and explained. At a time when anti-science groups are elevating their attacks … Continued
Get your art submitted for the SIUC Darwin Week 2015 Photo/Art Contest and come to the awards reception for evolution-inspired art and free snacks!
In-class movie and discussion
Why do Birds of Paradise look so extravagant? How did porcupines get their quills? Where did Darwin get his ideas? These questions and more will be investigated as we focus in on the backbone of modern biology: evolution! This event will feature specimens from the Slater Museum collections, special guests from the Point Defiance Zoo … Continued
A social gathering for all who want to celebrate the birth of Charles Darwin!
Nanotechnology, as many of us know, means the study of matter at the scale of the nanometer – a billionth of a meter. But why is a simple length measurement the basis for an entire scientific discipline? After all, we don’t have a discipline called ‘millimetertechnology.’ The reason that unlike the constancy of the properties … Continued
Public debat on epidemics, pandemics and contagies with Fernando González Candelas (professor of Genetics, molecular epidemiologist) and Reis Juan (journalist)
Who: Humanists of West Suburban Chicagoland (HWSC) When: Feb. 11, 2014 at 7:30 (preceded with a 6:30 potluck) Where: DuPage Unitarian Church, 1828 Old Naperville Rd., Naperville IL 60563 Topic: Darwin Day Celebration Speaker: R.J. Lindsey, historical dramatist aka Charles Darwin Our February meeting always entails a celebration of Darwin Day. This year we will … Continued
Let's celebrate the most influential biologist ever on his birthday, the 12 February! The birthday party is for students, staff and all biology-interested people at Universitetet i Nordland. As a proper birthday party, we serve cake. In addition exciting and interesting lectures on Darwin's work. Two lectures will be held to honour Darwin: 1215-1300: "Sexual … Continued
Celebrate Darwins birthday and Science at NDSU with cake, presentations and a life size Darwin
In true Black Forest fashion, come celebrate Darwin Day during Carnival dressed as your favorite pinnacle of evolution, whether that's a unique animal, an ancient ancestor, or a modern character enjoying the festivities. A professional gymnastics show will be a highlight at 19:59 at Kinzigtalhalle Gengenbach. More information may be found at Please call … Continued
Esposizione del materiale realizzato dagli studenti delle Primarie di Ivrea e Montalto Dora
The Inverted Fable of Reality is a blog mainly in Swedish devoted to ethical fitnessism, which is a Darwinian ethic. We're based in Stockholm and we'll be having a private celebration. On the occasion we'll publish a homage to Darwinism.
popular lectures by D.Sherbakov (LIN,ISU), Y.Konstabtinov (IPBP,ISU) & I Knizhin (ISU)
To honour Darwin, The Norwegian Humanist Society will be hosting a seminar on Critical thought. There will be served a free breakfast, and we hope for a rewarding debate on the subject of religion and critical though.
Party and Celebration of Rational Thought and the most Powerful Scientific Idea in Biology
General discussion and good coffee. The Black Drop Coffeehouse is not sponsoring this event.
An exhibition of crafts by primary to university school students from Porto.
Gli studenti di 4^ e 5^ Primaria dell' Istituto Comprensivo di Ivrea 2 realizzano dei lavori dedicati alle scoperte e alla conoscenza del mondo scientifico. I materiali saranno pubblicati sul sito della scuola.
Charles Darwin nasceu a 12 de Fevereiro de 1809, uma data que é assinalada mundialmente através de várias atividades sobre a sua vida e obra maior - a teoria da evolução por seleção natural. Um dos momentos decisivos da sua vida foi a viagem a bordo do navio Beagle e a estadia nas ilhas Galápagos, … Continued
The SSA @ UCI student organization is celebrating Darwin Day with cake and t-shirts and lots of other fun stuff! Come and check out our table on UCI's campus.
Hosted by the J.F. Crow Institute for the Study of Evolution at the University of Wisconsin - Madison.
The University of Texas at Tyler and Tyler Junior College are pleased to announce the 2015 Darwin Day celebration for Tyler, Texas. Events will be held on February 7th, 12, and 13th 2015. Similar events are held worldwide on or near the birthday of evolutionary biologist Charles Darwin, and seek to recognize the benefits of … Continued
Open science and history lectures: World leading experts and researchers will tell you about Gregor Mendel, new thoughts on Mendel vs. Darwin, the secret of life - and more.
A group discussion on the impact and challenges of Darwinism on the social values and ideologies. Graduate students and faculty participate in the discussion.
Here at Pitt we are setting up a table and interactive display at a main thoroughfare on campus. A stand-up display of a cartoon ape with the face cut out will be available for people to take photos with. We're hoping to add some whimsy to the day and get some social media PR for … Continued
In occasione dell'anniversario della morte del grande scienziato Charles Darwin anche la Riserva Naturale Regionale Oasi WWF "Calanchi di Atri" lo celebra attraverso attività scientifiche dedicate a grandi e piccini. Si inizia la mattina del 12 febbraio alle ore 11.00, con l'istallazione dei nidi per cince presso il giardino della Villa Comunale con le scuole … Continued
In occasione dell'anniversario della morte del grande scienziato Charles Darwin anche la Riserva Naturale Regionale Oasi WWF "Calanchi di Atri" lo celebra attraverso attività scientifiche dedicate a grandi e piccini. Si inizia la mattina del 12 febbraio alle ore 11.00, con l'istallazione dei nidi per cince presso il giardino della Villa Comunale con le scuole … Continued
Estudiantes realizaran demostraciones sobre el trabajo y vida de Charles Darwin.
Celebrating the International Darwin Day, Biology students and the Botanical Garden’ s staff of the Central University of Las Villas will present a video about the evolution process and some of the Darwin’ s books simultaneously. Around the midday, actions will occur in the Central Library, in the specialized classroom of the Botanical Garden, in … Continued
Hands-on activity about natural selection and how it impacts species conservation.
Lecture by Iñaki Ruiz-Trillo (ICREA, Institut de Biologia Evolutiva, CSIC-UPF, Barcelona)
Join scientists, students, teachers, and science enthusiasts at the Arizona State Capitol for Darwin's Birthday! We'll gather outside the Arizona House of Representatives between 12:45pm-1:15, then join the gallery of the legislature for the opening of the day's session at 1:30pm. Members of the Arizona House of Representatives will recognize Charles Darwin's birthday, and introduce Darwin Day … Continued
A seminar focused on sexual selection, by CIBIO-INBIO researcher Nuno Monteiro.
A arquitetura é uma atividade humana milenar, construída com base em conceitos que se mantêm inalterados por décadas ou mesmo séculos. No entanto, os investigadores contemporâneos deste campo do saber têm encontrado em Darwin inspirações inéditas. A programação das formas permite a criação de um código mutável com o qual se podem gerar uma infinidade … Continued
One day international symposium
This celebration will include a presentation about Charles Darwin and Galapagos tortoises. The presentation will be followed by a birthday party including cake and party games with Darwin & Galapagos themes
In celebration of Darwin's contributions, our multi-disciplinary group has hosted outside speakers and workshops to increase understand and awareness of the theory of evolution. This year, we are happy to host Dr. Evelyn Fox Keller who will present a seminar on "From Gene Action to Reactive Genomes: Implications for Evolution" on 2/12 at 3:30 in … Continued
Relaxed conservations with CIBIO-InBIO researchers, in which one can get to know more about the work of those who strive to understand evolution.
Members are participating as judges in the local school district science fair followed by celebrating Darwin Day with a potluck. Darwin Day Service Event — February 12, 2015 Humanists of North Central Florida are volunteering to judge student projects in the Big Springs Regional Science Fair National Guard Armory in Ocala. Project areas include natural and social sciences, medicine and … Continued
It's time to give of yourself! Donate blood, and then replenish yourself by going out to dinner with fellow donors and freethinkers. Schedule your appointment at the Carriage Place Donor Center anytime from 4:00pm - 6:00pm. We move from the donor center to our dinner location about 6:45pm. If you cannot donate, come and cheer … Continued
Darwin day celebration at The American college, Maudrai, Tamilnadu
Bake and decorate a cake in an evolution or ecology theme to celebrate Charles Darwin’s birthday, and impress scientists from the past and present. FREE and open to all competitors and spectators. Prizes and bragging rights will be awarded. Bring a plate and fork. See our Flickr page for inspirations from past contests. This year … Continued
The Delaware Atheist Meetup has graciously been presented with a proclamation from the Governor of Delaware, the Honorable Jack Markell, which proclaims February 12th, 2015, to be "Charles Darwin Day" in the State of Delaware for all of his achievements in the field of science. All are invited to join us at the Courtyard Marriott … Continued
Why do we create and appreciate art? What are the ultimate evolutionary roots of aesthetics and creativity in humans? On Darwin's 206th Birthday, come join us at SUNY New Paltz to better understand the nature of the artistic primate. FEATURING a keynote address by: Author of "Feeling Beauty," Gabrielle Starr (Dean of Arts and Sciences … Continued
Green Bay Wisconsin Darwin Day Dinner
Dr. Jim Baichtal, lead geologist for the Tongass National Forest in Alaska, has conducted a variety of biological field research from ancient invertebrate assemblages in karst forests to large-scale landscape shaping by glaciation. An engaging and educational speaker, Dr. Baichtal will be taking us through the evolution of coastlines as we know them and how … Continued
The Museum of Natural and Cultural History presents the first in the 2014 series of Darwin Conversations. Salmon have been in Oregon longer than people have, but today salmon populations are threatened by human activity. Join the conversation. How will climate change affect wild salmon populations, and what can you do to help these iconic … Continued
Teatroinscatola proporrà il 12 febbraio 2015 una "24 h Darwin" che si articolerà tra letture per ragazzi, proiezioni di video e documentari ad ingresso gratuito Per ragazzi, ma non solo, alle ore 17.30 segnaliamo "Sulla rotta di Darwin" di Fulco Pratesi Gallucci Editore letto da Anna Paola Vellaccio con la proiezione dei disegni dai taccuini … Continued
A discussion evening about the opportunities and challenges, associated with modern DNA research.
We will hold a small celebration of and discussion about the two great men born on the same day. The idea is just to talk about the accomplishments of both. (Also, it would be good to bring together people in this small town who may not know others who are interested in such things. … Continued
För att förstå hur evolutionen fungerar, men också för att kunna argumentera tryggt runt den snabbt framväxande DNA-tekniken, krävs grundläggande kunskaper om hur DNA fungerar. Carina Ulvklo har doktorsexamen i molekylär genetik och brinner för att förklara intressanta saker som kan verka krångliga. Med hjälp av bilder och liknelser skapar hon aha-upplevelser som ger lyssnarna … Continued
Military Atheists & Secular Humanists of Fort Campbell will be hosting a Darwin Day celebration at the Fort Campbell Family Resource Center, 1501 William C. Lee Rd. Our guest speaker will be anthropologist Michael Kohut. If you are not a military member or DoD ID card holder, you will need to request a pass at … Continued
Members of Military Atheists & Secular Humanists (MASH) Ft. Bragg are getting together for a Secular Supper at On the Border Mexican Grill & Cantina, 115 Glensford Dr, Fayetteville, NC at 6 pm Feb 12th. Join us and celebrate Darwin!
You’re invited! Join us for a face-to-face lively discussion about intriguing topics with an actual scientist! Ask questions, share opinions, and express ideas with other science lover’s in this relaxed and friendly social environment. No science background is necessary, just bring an open mind! Have a slice of cake and play games such as “pin … Continued
Reception for Congressional Staffers
Presentation of book “Homo Sapiens. An Unauthorized Biography" By Claudio Tuniz and Patrizia Tiberi Vipraio
Two presentations by WVU Professors Richard Smosna (Geology) and Andy Pintus (Philosophy) as attendees dine on their own food , drink by Atomic Grill at 123 Pleasant St.
Please join us on Darwin Day on February 12th for our 2nd anniversary celebration highlighting our years accomplishments, and, vision for the future.
Potluck Dinner. Bring a dish to share...and any symbol of evolution or creationism (costume, drawing, photo, sculpture, bumper sticker, etc.), the more creative the better! We will have a contest to settle the "controversy." If you will be on the island please join us.
Come join us for a social evening to celebrate Charles Darwin’s birthday. There will be a fun Multiple Choice Quiz on Evolution. Prizes will be announced at 9:00 pm. The event is FREE!
Gli appuntamenti proposti dalla Fondazione MCR in collaborazione con il CIMeC (Center for Mind/Brain Sciences dell'Università di Trento) per festeggiare il giorno della nascita di Charles Darwin: - Giovedì 12 febbraio ore 18.00 Giorgio Vallortigara e Nicla Panciera presentano il loro libro 'Cervelli che contano' (ed. Adelphi), sulla storia evolutiva del senso del numero e … Continued
Celebrate Darwin Day with the Baltimore Coalition of Reason When: Thursday, February 12, 7:30 pm (potluck dinner at 6:30 pm) Where: Baltimore Ethical Society, 306 W. Franklin St. This event is free and open to the public. Join us for a lecture by Prof. Jason Rosenhouse titled “Among the Creationists.” Rosenhouse will speak about some … Continued
Celebra el Dia Internacional de Darwin! Celebra la valentia intel·lectual, la curiositat permanent i el compromís amb la veritat! Quin paper té el procés d’evolució en l’obesitat i en la diabetis tipus 2? I el foc en la nutrició? Convé seguir la Paleodieta? Aquestes i altres qüestions el proper dijous 12 de febrer a les … Continued
Café Scientifique Bologna celebra il Darwin Day 2015 con il professor Donato Grasso (Università di Parma), con il quale scopriremo l'evoluzione attraverso le lenti dell'ecologia e dell'etologia! L’infinita varietà del vivente è il frutto dell’evoluzione della vita sulla Terra, una storia lunga 3.5 miliardi di anni, un tempo sufficientemente lungo per produrre un’enorme biodiversità, la … Continued
Saskatoon’s Darwin Day Celebration is two weeks away. See the details below or for up to date information see the meetup site. Thursday, February 12, 2015 6:30 PM to 8:45 PM Rusty Macdonald Branch Library – Auditorium 225 Primrose Drive, Saskatoon, SK February 12th is the birthday of Charles Darwin, and “Darwin Day” is a … Continued
Please join us on Darwin Day on February 12th for our 2nd anniversary celebration highlighting our years accomplishments, and, vision for the future. Doors open at 6:30pm, talk begins at 7pm, and there will be Q&A during and after the the talk. We will also have an expert led discussion by Lou Taylor, Ph.D., Vertebrate … Continued
Charles Darwin's Birthday and a Book Exchange. We're meeting two weeks earlier than usual in order to celebrate the birthday of the man who changed our perception of life and how we got here. Come and spend the evening eating Mexican and discussing Darwin. We've persuaded our own Jan Floyd to present some material to … Continued
In commemoration of Charles Darwin's birthday and his contributions to science, celebrated by the Central Colorado Humanists (CCH) at this time each year, CCH will present a 50-minute video entitled “Ghost in your Genes” at 6:30 PM on Thursday, February 12 at the Salida Community Center, followed by discussion and light refreshments...including birthday cake and … Continued
Humanists of Utah will host our Eighth Annual Darwin Day on Thursday, February 12. Paul Ricketts from the University of Utah Physics and Astronomy Department will be our featured speaker. His topic will be The Lives of Stars. The event will start an hour earlier than usual at 6:30 with a reception. The lecture will … Continued
Join the Humanists & Freethinkers of New Bern for a social event with finger food at a private home. In honor of Charles Darwin, Paul Bogardus and Ellen Sutliff invite you to enjoy some social time with fellow humanists. We’ll have hors d’oeuvres and finger food enough for a meal and, of course, some cake … Continued
7 pm Thursday 12th February 2015 Thomas Davis Lecture Theatre, Arts Building, Trinity College, Dublin. All are welcome to attend this free public lecture.
Darwin twierdził, że w zmieniającym się środowisku przetrwają najlepiej przystosowani do zmian. Przykłady działania ewolucji wskazują, że zachowania etyczne, w szczególnym przypadku altruistyczne, nie muszą być koniecznym warunkiem zachowania gatunku. Natomiast jednym z fundamentów kultury ludzkiej jest etyka, gdzie za początek namysłu etycznego należałoby przyjąć filozofię sokratejską. Klasyfikacja czynów etycznych zmienia się według niektórych, według … Continued
Thomas Adams will lecture on "Paleontology in Texas: What we can learn about crocodile evolution and biodiversity" on Thursday, February 12 at 7:30pm in the Innovation Cube (Center for the Sciences and Innovation, Room 282). Refreshments, including, of course, birthday cake, will be served. There will also be a display from February 9-13 in Coates … Continued
Steve Jones is a professor of genetics, science writer and broadcaster, and a Distinguished Supporter of the British Humanist Association. He gave the first BHA Holyoake Lecture in Manchester in 2009. The evening will commence with a performance by the Greater Manchester Humanist Choir. Steve will speak for about an hour and this will be … Continued
Come raise a glass and honor one of humankind's greatest insights... or, simply, enjoy a beer with some friendly people and share tales of your favorite "Darwin Award" recipients and their efforts to improve our species.
Join us as we celebrate Charles Darwin's birthday at a restaurant in Hamden! Please visit for details and to RSVP.
A discussion and question/answer session regarding evolution, to celebrate Darwin's great contributions to science.
Join us for a birthday bash for Charles Darwin, the father of the Theory of Evolution. Bring your favorite story/ quote about Darwin to share. The bash is in the Bobcat Room of Eli's On Whitney. There is plenty of free parking across the street in front of the restaurant (driveway entrance on School Street), … Continued
The British Humanist Association presents the Darwin Day Lecture 2015, chaired by Richard Dawkins. This year's speaker will be Dr Eugenie Scott, whose talk is entitled 'What would Darwin say to today's creationists?' any elements of the modern American creationist movement would be familiar to Darwin, especially the argument from design, which of course was … Continued
The LSSU Secular Student Alliance will be hosting a birthday party for Charles Darwin in the Superior room of the Cisler Center, complete with cake, cupcakes, punch, and other treats. While the refreshments are being served, history professor James Moody will give a presentation on Darwin and his contributions to science.
For the third year now, we will be going to Veggie Perrins for our Darwin day meal. I will need numbers to book so please only ‘join’ if you are certain you can come, if you do need to put ‘maybe’ please confirm as soon as you can. On Thursdays, Veggie Perrins put on a … Continued
New perspectives on the Neanderthals by Dr. Bence Viola of the Max-Planck-Institute Published in 1859, Darwin's "Origin of Species" started the largest paradigm change in the history of biology. Darwin understood the importance of his theory for the origin of humanity, closing one of the last paragraphs of his book with the sentence "Light will … Continued
Discover the organisms that co-evolved with the human body that benefit as well as parasitise us!
In honor of Darwin Day, the Critical Thinkers, Humanists, and Unbelievers at Lawrence University (CTHULU) will be presenting Dan Barker, co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, who will be discussing meaning and morality in the context of evolution. "Meaning and morality can only be fully explained in terms of evolution. A purpose-filled life comes … Continued
Join us on Darwin's birthday, Feb. 12, for a screening of "Inherit the Wind," Stanley Kramer's classic film about the notorious 1925 Scope's trial, and discussion following with @Veronica Drantz. Based on a true story, the film dramatized the trial of a Tennessee teacher accused of teaching evolution who was defended by Clarence Darrow, with … Continued
Join us on Darwin's birthday, Feb. 12, for a screening of "Inherit the Wind," Stanley Kramer's classic film about the notorious 1925 Scope's trial, and discussion following with @Veronica Drantz. Based on a true story, the film dramatized the trial of a Tennessee teacher accused of teaching evolution who was defended by Clarence Darrow, with … Continued
Join End of the Line Humanists for our 2nd annual Darwin Day celebration on Darwin’s birthday, Thursday, Feb. 12th, 7 p.m. at Barclay’s American Grill, 1120 Pleasant St. in Oak Park, IL (in the Barclay Room). Loads of wonderful evolution-themed activities: presentation by James Walter: “Humans: The Cooking Species”; games with prizes: Creationist Bingo, Hominid Hijinks … Continued
Join us for the International Darwin Day celebration! We'll be having dinner, followed by drinks and the usual freethinker grab bag of conversations afterwards. Throughout the night we'll also be asking trivia question with some very cool Darwin inspired prizes up for grabs, for those in the know. So come help us bring attention to … Continued
Join fans of science and reason for a fun time of visiting, coffee, beer, and reflections on Charles Darwin. Sing a song or recite a poem!
Humanisterna Umeå uppmärksammar Darwindagen genom att samlas på Pub Rött och där fira vetenskapens stora landvinningar i allmänhet och evolutionsteorin i synnerhet. Dagen till ära blir det ett darwinistiskt ”Evolutions- och kreationist-quiz” med lyxigt bokpris.
Science writer and amateur paleontologist Brian Switek will give the keynote lecture for this year's Darwin Week celebration. Mr. Switek has written for publications such as National Geographic, Wired, The Guardian, and i09. He also has a popular science blog on National Geographic’s blog network and two best selling books. His most recent book, My … Continued
"Darwin 's fossils : Evolutionary Tales from Deep Time" Public lecture presented by Brian Switek Auditorium, Lesar Law Building, 1365 Douglas Dr, Carbondale, Illinois 62901 Science writer and amateur paleontologist Brian Switek will give the keynote lecture for this year's Darwin Week celebration. Mr. Switek has written for publications such as National Geographic, Wired, The … Continued
$20 -- or pay what you can. Seats can be reserved (within reason) at event website (meetup): HGP is proud to host... ROY ZIMMERMAN: THE FAUCET’S ON FIRE! What can one person do about climate change, torture, racism, gun violence, fracking, Congressional ineptitude, ignorance, war and greed? Write funny songs, says Roy Zimmerman. “The Faucet’s … Continued
Darwin's Fossils: Evolutionary Tales from Deep Time, presented by Brian Switek, author of "My Beloved Brontosaurus" and "Written In Stone". Reception and book signing to follow!
Every year we host a special session at the Planetarium of Pamplona devoted to evolution and science on the International Darwin Day. On Feb 12th, we will have a projection of the documentary "Nanocam: a trip to biodiversity" and a speech by biologist Dr. Carlos Chordá: "Life and variety".
Celebrate with beverages, biology, and cake at this appropriately-named pub. Our program in the enclosed patio will include short guest talks separated by Q&A and audience quiz. Brush up on your evolution & Darwin facts! The speaker schedule includes nationally prominent evolutionary biologist Prof. Dan Graur.
A new Humanist group will be formed in Westport, Co. Mayo, Ireland to coincide with Darwin Day 2015
Presented by Visible Friends and Skeptics In The Pub Hosted by Steve Gerben • Drink specials from Yards Giveaways • Videos • Raffles • Games • No cover • 21+ For more info: 22 s. 3rd St •
The work of a bunch of astrophysicists from the Sahara desert to an atoll in the Pacific Ocean and the mountains in Slovakia, to test a new telescope that will fly on space probes by ESA to study the Sun’s light. An event for the Darwin Day 2015.
Cake, movies, and television episodes hosted by the Secular Student Alliance of the University of New Mexico
This event will be in portuguese, entitled "Combatendo a anti-Ciência com Educação
This event will be in portuguese, entitled "Combatendo a anti-Ciência com Educação. Lançamento oficial do evosite em português e apresentação de vídeos premiados do Dr Paulo Miranda Nascimento (Pirula) seguido de debate com o autor.
Fighting anti-Science with Education. Launch of the UC at Berkeley Evosite in Portuguese. Presentation of Pirulla's award winning movies followed by debate with the author.
Alexndria Freethinkers' celebration of International Darwin Day. Dr. Charles Stumpf, an associate professor of biology at LSUA, will give a PowerPoint presentation on evolution followed by a short Q&A. We will also watch the PBS documentary 'Your Inner Fish,' have dinosaur building for the kids, as well as free food and drink.
Join us for Happy Heathen Hour for eats, drinks, banter - and a BIRTHDAY PARTY for CHARLES DARWIN! Come celebrate the life of the author of The Origin of Species! Relax, chat, laugh, feel at home with other freethinkers. The more the merrier! Happy Heathen Hour is sponsored by the Triangle Freethought Society, and we … Continued
February 12 is Darwin Day - an international celebration of science, intellectual curiosity, and the courage to speak the truth. These are values that align perfectly with our mission at YogaQuest, a geek yoga studio in Minneapolis. We are observing this day with a special multimedia presentation of yoga, science and music. If you've attended … Continued
Spend Valentine’s Day learning about Charles Darwin and what his theories of natural selection have done for the world of science, research and education. Meet some of the scientists who are continuing his work, and learn how Darwin's theories are being applied in cutting-edge research. In addition to hands-on science-education stations, there will be crafts … Continued
You can't spell FestEVOLVE without love! This year, celebrate evolution at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum on Valentine's day. Meet researchers that study hybrid zones, scientists interested in evolution, participate in hands-on activities like DNA extractions, create biodiversity Valentine's Day cards, and more! Drop in between 11am-3pm to learn about natural selection, mating systems, DNA, the … Continued
We Select You Naturally! Join us on Valentine's Day to celebrate the life and work of Charles Darwin. Come celebrate with us! Join us for • Evolution Raffle • Phylum Feud • Taste of Camp Quest • Joseph Lorenzo keynote talk • A reading of the children's book Grandmother Fish • Snacks and cake (we … Continued
We celebrate Charles Darwin's birthday with lectures by profs. Ketil Eiane and Jarle Tryti Nordeide at "Stormen"
February 12th is International Darwin Day. This year it will also be Charles Darwin’s 206th birthday. On This month we will be joining with the International Darwin Day organization in celebrating Darwin and his history changing accomplishments.
Involving 50 Lewiston Middle Schoolers and 15 Bates College undergraduates, our Darwin Day seeks to celebrate evolution through hands-on activities. Our event will encompass seven activities, ranging from bioillustrations to stories about a recent course held in the Galapagos.
NYU School of Dentistry Professor Timothy Bromage, Ph.D., demonstrates how the evolution of teeth plays an important role in shaping human life. The adaptation shared by all light-sensitive organisms is the to and fro of their biology in phase with daily astronomical rhythms (e..g., oscillations of metabolism, physiology, behavior), manifesting as circadian rhythms. Dental hard … Continued
No Dia dos Namorados, vem aprender porque alguns indivíduos têm uma aparência tão vistosa. Será para conseguir “namorar”? E porque o Carnaval está quase a chegar, no final levas para casa uma pequena surpresa! Esta atividade está inserida na iniciativa 'Um dia sobre a evolução'. 5 aos 7 anos
Watch Inherit The Wind. Starring Oscar winners Spencer Tracy and Fredric March, and Oscar nominated Gene Kelly. A gripping classic based on a real-life case in 1925, two great lawyers argue the case for and against a science teacher accused of the crime of teaching evolution. Q&A at the end of the movie.
Darwin Day 2015 At the MicroMegaMondo of the Esapolis Museum Un evento speciale ed imperdibile per famiglie ed appassionati Domenica 15 Febbraio ad ESAPOLIS In via dei Colli 28 a Padova Museo ESAPOLIS della Provincia di Padova Padova, Via dei Colli 28 Il 15 Febbraio, partecipando al Darwin Day 2015, celebrato in tutto il mondo … Continued
Organised by the Humanist Society (Singapore) We will be spending Darwin Day 2015 at the Singapore Botanical Gardens! The Gardens, currently an applicant for UNESCO World Heritage Site status, is a world of greenery and elegance. ACTIVITIES The Society will be conducting a family-friendly competition, called the "Darwin Photo Challenge", near the Eco-Lake, about 5 … Continued
Humanist Families of Greater Tampa is hosting this family friendly event. Come join us to celebrate Darwin’s Birthday at Dinosaur World. Bring a picnic and come prepared to dance in the Blue Footed Booby Dance competition. This is a fun park and has made many upgrades since our last visit. We will have picnic tables … Continued
As part of the world-wide celebration of Evolution Weekend and the birthday of Charles Darwin, anthropologist Mike Kohut will speak at the Sunday service at Greater Nashville Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 374 Hicks Road (Bellevue) in Nashville on February 15. The service is at 11, discussion at 9:45, lunch at 12:15. Mike Kohut is a doctoral … Continued
The Humanist Community in Silicon Valley invites you to join us for our Sunday Forum. We are thrilled to have International Darwin Day's own Evan Clark join us to talk about the future of Darwin Day. Join us for a lively discussion! Lunch to follow.
Darwin Day lecture by biologist, author and blogger PZ Myers on "Bad Biology: How Adaptationist Thinking Corrupts Science." Followed by a Darwin Day birthday cake celebration.
Reno Darwin Day will feature presentations and exhibits by local educators, researchers, students and science enthusiasts on a wide range of subjects including the life and works of Charles Darwin; biological evolution; the contributions and benefits of scientific discovery to humanity; science education; psychology and current affairs related to science and technology. Come join us … Continued
A potluck dinner, trivia, games, and lots of fun with science and inquiry in celebration of the birth of Charles Darwin 206 years ago.
A discussion on meaning in light of evolution & naturalism, drawing on the thoughts of past and present UU Humanists. All are welcome.
Sunday Assembly Bloomington will be celebrating Darwin's discoveries at our February assembly!
The Ethical Humanist Society of the Triangle will celebrate Darwin Day with a talk by Nichelle Reed, a PhD student at Duke University in evolutionary anthropology. She will talk about what evolutionary anthropology is, and how Darwin’s theories influence that field.
Please join us for this Annual Meeting of the ASF Voting Members. To be a voting member you must have paid your 2015 annual dues of $20. For those who have not yet paid, you can pay at the door. We'll have interesting news on upcoming plans, committee reports, and the election of the 2015 … Continued
OMAHA will be hosting a special showing of the NOVA program "Darwin's Darkest Hour" in celebration of Darwin Day. This the two-hour drama was produced for the 200th anniversary of Darwin's birth and the 150th anniversary of his seminal work On the Origin of the Species. In 1858 Charles Darwin received a letter from naturalist … Continued
Darwin Day is one of our very own secular community holidays. We'll get together to party and celebrate this important recognition of Science and Reason on Sunday afternoon, the 15th! At 3:15 pm, just after the Hub Talk by Dharmesh Shah co-sponsored by GBH and HCH (see, we'll enjoy food, drinks, special party games, … Continued
Darwin Day Lecture by biologist, author and blogger PZ Myers on "Bad Biology: How Adaptationist Thinking Corrupts Science."
The Atlanta Science Tavern is pleased to host their Third Annual Darwin Day Dinner, Sunday, February 15 at Ashiana Indian Restaurant in the Global Mall in Norcross. This year's theme continues the Darwin Day Dinner tradition of "evolutionary biology, then and now," offering a look at evolutionary biology both from a historical perspective and from … Continued
Burundi Humanist Charity is happy to celebrate for the first time "DARWIN DAY" 2015 The location where the event will be hold is in Kanyosha, and the organizer is "Blaise Ntakarutimana" the President and Legal Representative of this secular and humanist association. As an emerging group, it will be an opportunity to talk about the … Continued
Lecture & Birthday Celebration: Topic: “The Evolution of Goodness” February 16th. 6-7:30 pm, Moffet Elementary School Cafeteria 11050 Larch Avenue, Lennox, CA 90304 (Just N of 105, Between Hawthorne & Prairie) Free Parking Traducción al español RSVP: Information & reservations: Science Dep’t: or call 310.216.3277 Professor & Distinguished University Scholar in the Department of … Continued
A Darwin Day talk for Glasgow Skeptics. Many elements of the modern American creationist movement would be familiar to Darwin, especially the argument from design, which of course was very well known (and well-regarded) by educated people of his time. Young-Earth creationism, on the other hand, would be puzzling to him; Bishop Ussher’s 4004 BC … Continued
Planetarium program dedicated to International Darwin Day
The Museum of Natural and Cultural History presents the second in the 2014 series of Darwin Conversations. Mustangs have few natural predators, and they are protected under federal law. Today, thousands of wild horses are kept in holding facilities across the West. Join the conversation. How should Oregon’s wild mustangs be managed? Panelists Rob Sharp … Continued
Biology and Evolution Displays 10 to 3 PM in Science Building atrium. Guest Speaker: Dr. David Carrier, U of Utah, "The Anatomical Basis of Aggression in Homins" at noon in SB 134. Darwin birthday cake at 2PM in SB atrium.
It's the second edition of International Darwin Day at the University of Warsaw. This year we also invite all people interested in natural sciences, evolution or Darwin. The scientists from the Faculty of Biology have prepared six lectures on the origin of species. This year we'll be having evolutionary workshop for kindergarten and primary school … Continued
Quest’anno anche la Stazione di Monitoraggio della Fauna promuove una giornata all’insegna dell’evoluzione e degli adattamenti animali e vegetali della biodiversità che popola i Variconi. Questa spettacolare Zona Umida è l’ultima della Campania, pertanto è protetta da numerosi vincoli Regionali, Statali ed Europei. SIC, ZPS e Ramsar, quest’area è fondamentale per la vita di numerosissime … Continued
"Understanding Warfare: An Evolutionary Approach," Michael L. Wilson, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology and Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of Minnesota. Join us at our February chapter meeting to recognize and honor the legacy of Charles Darwin. Our guest speaker Michael Wilson is an Evolutionary Anthropologist who studies the behavior and ecology of … Continued
Hosted by Tulane Anthropology and NOSHA
You are invited to see a Nobel Prize winner speak, and meet him, on Darwin Day! See Dr. William Moerner, Stanford professor and winner of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics, lecture on: “Fun With Single Molecules - Tiny Nanoscale Points of Light Inside Cells”. You see, he is the first person to see a … Continued
Professor Alan Mann will discuss "The Scars of Evolution” Evolution results in function, not perfection. A good example is the evolution of human upright posture. We have evolved from four legged ancestors with the ability to move using our rear limbs only, leaving our front limbs free to carry and use objects. But our bipedality … Continued
We'll be screening the A&E Biography: Charles Darwin - Evolution's Voice, followed by discussion. Bring a snack to share if you like.
Nature, wisdom and happiness after Darwin. After Darwin the man acquires the awareness of being part of a bio-cosmic evolution without end and has to contend with this its natural condition. Hence the need and the opportunity to lead responsibly its existence. Meeting with prof. Orlando Franceschelli Philosopher whose thought has developed in several publications … Continued
On Sunday, February 22nd CFI Canada - Toronto belatedly (due to freezing weather) celebrated DARWIN DAY ! We honoured Charles Darwin’s 206th birthday and “this view of life” at our National Headquarters. Birthday cake and pizza was served as members and supporters watched the series "The Genius of Charles Darwin" presented by Richard Dawkins. We … Continued
Donald Lovett, Ph.D., Professor of Biology at The College of New Jersey, will give a presentation on The History of Anti-Evolution Movements in the United States. Free and open to the public. A Q&A session will follow the talk. Refreshments provided. Please bring a nonperishable, unexpired food item to donate to the Franklin Twp Food … Continued